Ad Manager report dimensions

Below are all of the dimensions available in Ad Manager reports, along with information about applicable report types and categorization. Filter the table with one or more keywords to search for dimensions.

How do I add dimensions to my report?
Learn how to create a report and use report metrics to see how your inventory is performing.

Impression counting method

Impressions and viewability related metrics are only accredited for specific impression counting methods.

You can filter your report by: 

  • Impression counting method and then Begin to render.

Methods other than "Begin to render" aren't MRC accredited for impressions and viewability based metrics.


DimensionReport type and metric category
Audience segment (billable)
Name of billable Audience segment. This includes both first-party and third-party segments used for billing purposes. Helps understand how impressions are allocated on your Ad Manager invoice. Learn more about how audience segment billing works.
Reports Historical
Label Audience, Looker Studio Connector
Data partner
Name of Audience segment data partner. If the segment is first-party, your Ad Manager network name is displayed.
Reports Historical
Label Audience, Looker Studio Connector
Audience segment (targeted)
Name of targeted audience segment, including all first-party and third-party segments that matched the user on the winning line item.
Label Audience 
User age. Possible values (in years):
  • 18-24
  • 25-34
  • 35-44
  • 45-54
  • 55-64
  • 65+
Reports Analytics
Label Analytics
App version
The version string of the app. This dimension in Historical report type only applies to backfill traffic that is newer than November 18, 2023.
Reports  Historical, Analytics
Label  Platform, Analytics
Shows performance by top domain, such as "". Excludes subdomains.
Reports Historical, Analytics
Label Platform, Analytics, Looker Studio Connector
User gender based on inferred behavior and interests. Possible values:
  • Male
  • Female
Reports  Analytics
Label  Analytics

Operating system & version
The operating system and version. Examples: Android 10 and iOS 12.

Note: Non-mobile app impressions are always classified as "Unknown."

Reports  Analytics
Label  Analytics
Screen class
The code class of the screen.
Reports  Analytics
Label  Analytics
Screen name
The name of the screen.
Reports  Analytics
Label  Analytics

Event name
Event name measures data collected from impressions or clicks. Possible values include:

  • ad_impression
  • ad_click
  • in_app_purchase
  • ecommerce_app_purchase
  • session_start
Reports  Analytics
Label  Analytics

Name and version number of the user's browser (for example, Microsoft Internet Explorer 11). For browsers that auto-update, such as Google Chrome, no version number is displayed. 

In-app browser” is a browser embedded within an app.

Reports  Historical, Analytics
Label  Platform, Analytics, Looker Studio Connector
Shows categories of user interests, such as sports. 
Reports  Analytics
Label  Analytics
Page path
The navigation users followed to the page.
Reports  Analytics
Label  Analytics
Page title and screen class
The title of the viewed page and the class of the device's screen the page was viewed on.
Reports  Analytics
Label  Analytics
Page title and screen name
The title of the viewed page and the name of the device’s screen the page was viewed on.
Reports  Analytics
Label  Analytics
The type of platform used, such as Android, iOS, or web.
Reports  Analytics
Label  Analytics
Stream name
The name of the stream.
Reports  Analytics
Label  Analytics
Bid range
The range within which the bid falls, divided into $0.10 buckets.
Reports  Historical
Label  Bids (Beta) 
Bid rejection reason
Reason the bid lost or did not participate in the auction. Possible values include:
  • Winner: The bid won because it wasn’t rejected for any reason.
  • Outbid: The bid lost to another candidate in the auction.
  • Floor: The bid lost because its CPM was below the seller's reserve.
  • Optimized pricing: The bid was below the floor price set by optimized pricing.
  • No consent: The bid lost because the associated GDPR ad technology provider didn’t have user consent. 
  • Unidentified vendor: The bid lost because the GDPR ad technology provider was unidentified.
  • Publisher blocked: The bid lost because it was blocked by the publisher’s settings.
  • Other: The bid lost for another reason, such as URL filtering.
Reports  Historical
Label  Bids (Beta) 
Protected Audience seller (non-Google)
The origin of a non-Google seller you partner with to get impressions through Protected Audience. 
Reports Historical
Label Delivery

TCF vendor (Deprecated)  
The name of the ad technology provider as it appears on the Global Vendor List (GVL).

Any ad technology provider name value returned here is representative of bid rejections specific to that ad technology provider, while a value of "(Not applicable)" indicates no bid rejections due to one or more ad technology providers.

Combine this dimension with the "Bid rejection reason" dimension for more insights.

Reports  Historical
Label  Delivery
TCF vendor ID (Deprecated)  
The ID of the ad technology provider as it appears on the Global Vendor List (GVL). Only appears in the exported version of a report.
Reports  Historical
Label  Delivery
The name of the advertiser company assigned to an order. Select dimension attributes to display labels, advertiser type, and more.
Reports  Historical, Future sell-through, Reach, Technical ad delivery (Beta) 
Label  Delivery, Looker Studio Connector
Activity (Deprecated)  
Name of individual Activity.

Reports only historical data after its deprecation on February 22, 2024.

Reports  Historical
Label  Delivery, Looker Studio Connector

Activity group (Deprecated)  
Name of Activity Group.

Reports only historical data after its deprecation on February 22, 2024.

Reports  Historical
Label  Delivery, Looker Studio Connector
Creative that served to the ad slot request. Select dimension attributes to display click-through URL, SSL scan results, or custom fields.

When the Creative dimension is used to generate and download a report, the Creative ID column may contain either or creative set id (master's if the creative is part of a creative set. Learn more
Reports  Historical
Label  Delivery, Looker Studio Connector

Creative size (Deprecated)  
Size of creative that served to the ad slot request. Creative size doesn't represent the actual size of a creative being served. This dimension represents the "Targeted Ad Unit Size" of the creative which is served. Since a Creative size can only be associated with filled impressions, this dimension is not compatible with the Unfilled impressions metric.

When the Creative size dimension is included in a report, companion delivery that is otherwise rolled up under master delivery is surfaced, so you may see higher totals than expected.

This dimension is deprecated. Use "Creative size (delivered)" instead.

Reports  Historical
Label  Delivery

Creative size (delivered)
The size of the ad slot where creatives are served from Ad Manager or Ad Exchange. This value may differ from the creative size reported in Ad Exchange. Possible values include:

  • Audio: Audio ads 
  • Fluid: Google rendered Native & Fluid ads
  • Interstitial: Interstitial ads
  • Native: Custom rendered native ads
  • Video/Overlay: Video ads
  • <width>x<height>: Fixed-size ads

Any other values show as "Unknown".

Note: This dimension can't appear in the same report as the "Unfilled impressions" metric. They are incompatible.

Ad Exchange impression numbers reported using this dimension may differ from the legacy "Creative Size" dimension due to how "Creative Size (delivered)" counts some Google Ads text ads.

How this dimension differs from "Creative size":

  • Reports on the size of the ad slot where creatives are served from Ad Manager or Ad Exchange, rather than the creative size configured on a line item.
  • Creatives sit within an ad slot and depending on response size, may be smaller than the ad slot reported.
  • May not match the creative size reported in Ad Exchange.
Reports  Historical
Label  Delivery
Creative type
Type of creative that served to the ad slot request. Values include:
  • Custom
  • Custom template
  • Studio
  • Campaign Manager 360 tag
  • HTML5
  • Image
  • Programmatic
  • Third-party
  • Video creative sets
  • Other

Audio ads: Many creative types include audio ads. To see a breakdown of audio ads, you can also include a size dimension.

Reports  Historical
Label  Delivery, Looker Studio Connector

Secure signal delivery (Beta) 
Reports if secure signals were sent to the bidder who won the impression. Values include:

  • Sent to winner
  • Not sent to winner

Secure signal sharing is a processor feature that lets publishers pass obfuscated signals (such as user IDs) to third-party bidders on RTB bid requests. 

Shows how including secure signals and sending them to bidders can impact metrics, such as Total impressions and Total CTR. 

Likely, the Bidder hasn't chosen to receive the signal(s) if you see a combination of:

  • "Secure signal delivery = Not sent to winner" with
  • "Secure signal presence = Present", and
  • You've successfully completed your secure signals implementation.
Reports  Historical
Label  Delivery
Impression counting method

The method used for counting impressions. Possible values include:

Sometimes, there may be discrepancies or negative numbers when the impression counting method dimension is used. This can occur when a begin-to-render ping is received, but a downloaded ping is not received.

Reports Historical
Label Delivery, Looker Studio Connector
Line item
The name of the line item associated to the Creative that served to the ad slot request. Select dimension attributes to display quantity, cost type, delivery indicator, and other information.

Reservation traffic for this dimension may return a dash (-) in reporting. The dash can indicate delivery via inventory sharing.

Reports  Historical, Future sell-through, Reach, Technical ad delivery (Beta) 
Label  Delivery, Looker Studio Connector
Line item type
Type of line item associated to the Creative that served to the ad slot request.

Reservation traffic for this dimension may return a dash (-) in reporting. The dash can indicate delivery via inventory sharing.

Reports  Historical, Future sell-through, Reach
Label  Delivery, Looker Studio Connector

Master and Companion creative
Type of creative that served, when trafficked as a creative set.

For video master and companion creatives, master ads play within the video player; companion ads, usually display, serve to non-video ad slots in conjunction with the master.

Reports  Historical
Label  Delivery, Looker Studio Connector

Active View measurement source
The measurement source of a given metric. Possible values include:

  • Measured: The data for the metric was directly measured by client code that either Google controls or with which Google has intimate familiarity, or it uses OMID data from client code that was certified by Google or IAB Tech Lab.
  • Provided: The data for the metric uses OMID data or other publisher-provided signals that were not certified by Google or IAB Tech Lab.
  • Inferred: The data for the metric was inferred using sound judgment; however, it was not directly measured on the client. The inferred metric may originate from Google or a third party.
Reports  Historical
Label  Delivery
The name of the Order associated to the line item linked to the Creative that served to the ad slot request. Select dimension attributes to display labels, salesperson, traffickers, and more.

Reservation traffic for this dimension may return a dash (-) in reporting. The dash can indicate delivery via inventory sharing.

Reports  Historical, Future sell-through, Reach, Technical ad delivery (Beta) 
Label  Delivery, Looker Studio Connector
Programmatic buyer
The name of the buyer on a programmatic proposal.

This dimension is only available if Ad Manager Programmatic Direct is enabled in your network.

Reports  Historical, Reach, Sales
Label  Delivery, Looker Studio Connector
Programmatic channel
Channel of transaction. Includes Preferred Deals, Programmatic Guaranteed, Private Auctions, and the Open Auction. Transactions via First Look are included in Open Auction transactions. 
Reports  Historical, Reach, Sales
Label  Delivery, Looker Studio Connector
Verified advertiser (Deprecated)  
Name of the verified advertiser you want to add to your list of companies. Verified advertisers are mapped between Ad Exchange and Ad Manager. Learn more
Reports  Historical
Label  Delivery
Verified brand (Deprecated)  
Name of the verified brand you want to add to your list of companies. Brands are children that are mapped to parent advertisers, providing you with more granular blocking and pricing options and reporting data.
Reports  Historical
Label  Delivery
Verified categories
Names of the verified categories you want to add to your list of companies. Categories allow you to organize and filter your audience segments by common themes, such as Demographics, Geographic, or Interest.
Reports  Historical
Label  Delivery

Optimization type (Beta) 
View a breakdown of data by the following optimization types:

Reports  Historical
Label Looker Studio Connector
Advertiser (classified)
Name of the advertiser, as classified by Google, associated with a creative transacted through Ad Exchange and Exchange Bidding, including Programmatic Guaranteed and Preferred Deals.

Classification is non-exhaustive. Some values may appear as "(Not applicable)" and this is expected behavior.

When an advertiser uses creatives associated with different landing pages, Ad Manager won't be able to determine the specific creative that will serve in advance. Instead, Ad Manager will check the advertiser mappings for each landing page and randomly report the affiliated advertiser.

Reports  Historical
Label  Delivery, Looker Studio Connector
Brand (classified)
Name of the brand, as classified by Google, associated with a creative transacted through Ad Exchange and Exchange Bidding, including Programmatic Guaranteed and Preferred Deals.

Classification is non-exhaustive. Some values may appear as "(Not applicable)" and this is expected behavior.

Reports  Historical
Label  Delivery, Looker Studio Connector
Serving restriction

Shows performance distributed by serving restriction. If an ad call can be subject to multiple restrictions, only the first match from the order below will be reported. Reporting figures won't overlap.

  • Limited ads: Traffic where only limited ads can serve. This matches ad calls that include either the parameter ltd=1, gad_has_consent_for_cookies=0, or a TC string which does not signal the purpose 1 consented while signalling legal bases for the purposes 2, 7, 9, and 10.
  • Restricted data processing (RDP): Includes traffic where the publisher requested restricted data processing using the tagging parameter or the network control.
  • Non-personalized ads (NPA): Includes traffic where the publisher requested non-personalized ads using the tagging parameter or the network control.
  • Basic ads: Traffic where only IAB TCF v2.0 basic ads are eligible to serve. This matches users whose provided TC string includes consent for purpose 1 and legal bases for purposes 2, 7, 9, and 10, but no consent for purposes 3 or 4.
  • Personalization disabled: Traffic where personalization was disabled by the mobile device’s user controls, other user personalization opt-out controls, or other cases where personalization wasn't feasible.
  • No restriction: Traffic without any of the restrictions listed above.

Some ad requests may fall into multiple categories in this list. In these cases, the ad request is sorted into the first applicable category according to the order shown here.

Policy restrictions are not included in the Serving restrictions dimension and should be reviewed in the Policy center.

Available for date ranges starting on or after January 14, 2021.
Reports  Historical
Label  Delivery, Looker Studio Connector
Creative technology
Type of technology used to serve the creative. Possible values are "AMPHTML", "Standard HTML", "Custom HTML", "Video", or "Other". Data for this dimension is only available for campaigns that served after March 3, 2018.
Reports  Historical

Unified pricing rule

The unified pricing rule used to set the price applied to programmatic demand.

"No pricing rule applied" may mean that the impression was unfilled, there was no matching unified pricing rule, or the auction candidate was ineligible for unified pricing rule filtering. (For example,  Standard or Sponsorship line items).
Any price set applies to Open Auction and Private Auction traffic across Open Bidding and Ad Exchange that matches the targeting criteria, including First Look. Traffic from Ad Exchange and AdSense backfill is subject to the unified pricing floor.
When the floor is set using target CPM, Ad Manager attempts to achieve a target CPM across all inventory sources that are covered by the unified pricing rule. Therefore, if a unified pricing rule report is broken out granularly but doesn’t include rows for all covered inventory sources, you may see “Average eCPM” values that are below the rule’s target CPM. Learn more about activating CPM on unified pricing rules.
Note: In the above description, "price" or "pricing" refers to either target CPM or floor prices.
Reports  Historical
Label  Delivery, Looker Studio Connector
Yield partner (classified)
Name of the yield partner, as classified by Google.

Classification is non-exhaustive. Some values may appear as "(Not applicable)" and this is expected behavior.

Reports  Historical
Label  Delivery, Looker Studio Connector

Yield partner tag
Name of a yield partner in a yield group, including the yield group name and "Ad source ID" value. Example: "MyYieldGroup-MyYieldPartner ID: 123456789".

For Ad Exchange, the value "Ad Exchange" is displayed. Note that metrics for the "Ad Exchange" yield partner tag are counted once for each applicable yield group Ad Exchange is part of.

Only applies to Mediation; not Open Bidding.

Reports  Historical
Label  Delivery, Looker Studio Connector

Predicted viewability bucket (Beta) 
The estimated percentage of viewability based on an ad slot's historical and environment data, grouped into buckets. Possible values include:

  • ≥50%
  • 20% to 49%
  • ≤19%
  • Unknown
Reports  Historical
Label  Delivery, Looker Studio Connector

User identifier status (Deprecated)  
Indicates whether a valid user advertising identifier (a third-party cookie or device ID) was present on a given ad request. 

Possible values include:

  • Active: A user identifier was present and active.
  • Restricted: A user identifier was present, but its usage was restricted by how cookies may be used. For example, personalization is not allowed.
  • Missing: A user identifier wasn't present.
Note: This dimension only reports values based on third-party IDs.

In comparison to "Third-party ID status," "User identifier status" first checks permissions, then ID presence. Because it checks permissions first it may have the value "restricted," even if no ID is present.

This dimension was previously called "User cookie status."

Reports  Historical
Label  Delivery, Looker Studio Connector

Ad experiences (Beta) 
Type of Ad experiences used to serve the creative. Possible values are "Expanded ad (full screen)" or "(Not applicable)."

Reports  Historical
Label  Delivery

Ad technology provider (Beta) 
The ad technology provider (ATP) associated with the bid. ATP reports only if a bid is rejected due to lack of vendor consent. Otherwise, this dimension shows "Not applicable."

Compatible only with "Bids" and "Average bid CPM" metrics.

Reports  Historical
Label  Delivery
Ad technology provider ID (Beta) 
The ID of the ad technology provider (ATP) associated with the bid. Only appears in the exported version of a report.
Reports  Historical
Label  Delivery

Ad technology provider domain (Beta) 
The domain of the ad technology provider (ATP) associated with the bid.

Compatible only with "Bids" and "Average bid CPM" metrics.

Reports  Historical
Label  Delivery
Buyer network (Beta) 
Identifies to publishers which buyers, including buyer networks that represent accounts (or "seats" on the exchange) owned by DSPs and ad networks, transacted on their inventory.
Reports  Historical
Label  Delivery

Advertiser domain (Beta) 
Shows performance by advertiser URL. For example, Big Soda Pop Co. might map to a domain name of

Provides more transparency into advertisers whose identities are not otherwise available. This dimension sometimes makes large-volume reports run more slowly.

  • Web caches and others: Domains that are associated with ad servers are grouped here, including Ad Manager and third-party, because we only report on the top-level domain. So if an ad server domain includes redirect parameters, we truncate the full URL, even though the request is valid and may be associated with revenue and impressions.

    You may want to combine this dimension with the "Advertiser (classified)" dimension, as we can often identify the advertiser associated with such domains.

  • Unknown: This dimension shows the top 10,000 advertiser domains across Ad Exchange and Open Bidding, ranked by revenue. Any advertiser beyond this limit is placed into the "unknown" category.

Reports that use the “Advertiser domain” dimension will show 100% Ad Exchange Coverage for all rows except "(unknown)". For this reason, Ad Exchange Ad Requests and Ad Exchange Coverage should be disregarded for those rows.

In some scenarios, such as RTB ads, the advertiser domain may be one of multiple submitted domains and we don't know the specific creative chosen to be served. In this case, the advertiser domain reported is one randomly chosen from the list of possible domains.

"Not Applicable" indicates incompatibility with Ad server, AdSense, and Mediation demand channels.

Reports  Historical
Label  Delivery

Advertiser vertical (Beta) 
Shows performance by specific advertiser categories, such as Arts & Entertainment and Travel & Tourism. Helps understand performance across different advertiser segments.

The categories displayed are identical to the ones that publishers can block.

When combined with dimensions such as "Buyer networks" and "Advertisers (classified)," this dimension can provide information to effectively allocate inventory and adjust pricing strategies to include high-value advertiser segments.

Why do I see "Unknown" values?
A very small number of impressions can't be categorized. And in some instances, specific advertisers can't be mapped to an Advertiser vertical.

This dimension is best used when combined with other data such as "Advertisers (classified)" and "Buyer network." Reports that use the "Advertiser vertical" dimension will show 100% Ad Exchange Coverage for all rows except "(unknown)". For this reason, Ad Exchange Ad Requests and Ad Exchange Coverage should be disregarded for those rows.

"Not Applicable" indicates incompatibility with Ad server, AdSense, and Mediation demand channels.

Reports  Historical
Label  Delivery

Buying agency (Deprecated)  
Shows performance by buying agency. Not all buyers pass the agency name. As a result, if we don’t show a name, we may display "(unknown)" or "(No agency)."

Reports that use the "Buying agency" dimension will show 100% Ad Exchange Coverage for all rows except "(Unmatched ad requests)." For this reason, Ad Exchange Ad Requests and Ad Exchange Coverage should be disregarded for those rows.

"Not Applicable" indicates incompatibility with Ad server, AdSense, and Mediation demand channels.

Reports  Historical
Label  Delivery

Is First Look (Beta) 
Returns TRUE when First Look transacted. Available only for bids in Open Auction. Not supported for Preferred Deals or Private Auctions. 

Reports  Historical
Label  Delivery, Looker Studio Connector
Bidder (Beta) 
Shows publishers the performance of bidders, including Open Bidders and Authorized Buyers, who bid on their inventory. Available for Open Auction and Private Auction.
Reports  Historical
Label  Delivery

First Look pricing rule (Beta) 
Reports the First Look pricing rule. Where an item is eligible for both the First Look pricing rule and Unified pricing rule, the two rules are reported separately (in First Look pricing rule and Unified pricing rule dimensions) to help you determine which rule has the higher floor.

Applies to Ad Exchange and Open Bidding. Shows "(Not applicable)" for other demand channels.

Reports  Historical
Label  Delivery
Programmatic deal name (Beta) 

Shows publishers the performance of Preferred Deals, Private Auction, and Programmatic Guaranteed (Standard and Sponsorship) broken out by a Programmatic deal name. 

Shows "(Not applicable)" if no Preferred Deal, Private Auction, or Programmatic Guaranteed was involved. 

Previously called “Deal name.”

Reports  Historical
Label  Delivery
Programmatic deal ID (Beta) 

Shows performance of Preferred Deals, Private Auction, and Programmatic Guaranteed (Standard and Sponsorship). 

The Programmatic deal ID is a system-generated number used to identify a deal between a buyer and a publisher. Shows "0" if no Preferred Deal, Private Auction, or Programmatic Guaranteed was involved.

Note: Some buyers may submit multiple bids at the same price for a single auction through different auction package deals, which aren't reported in Google Ad Manager. For these types of bidding, the Programmatic deal ID value is the auction package deals IDfor Open Auction demand channel.

Previously called “Deal ID.”

Reports  Historical
Label  Delivery

Secure signal name (delivered) (Beta) 
Reports the names of the secure signals that were sent to the bidder who won the impression.

Reports  Historical
Label  Delivery

Protected Audience API delivery (Beta) 
Reports the Protected Audience API delivery.

Values include:

  • Delivered by Protected Audience API
  • Not delivered by Protected Audience API
Reports  Historical
Label  Delivery
Multiplex style name
Break down your reports by Multiplex style. Multiplex styles (retired) determine how grids of ads look for a segment of inventory.
Reports  Historical
Label  Delivery, Looker Studio Connector

Publisher provided signals (delivered) (Beta) 
Reports on publisher provided signals delivered to the winning programmatic bidder.

Reports "(None)" if publisher provided signals aren’t available.

Reports  Historical
Label  Delivery

Video ad formats rule
The video ad formats rule used to control the ad formats eligible for your inventory.

Multiple video ad format rules can apply to an individual request. For overlap behavior of multiple rules, visit Programmatic inventory rules for video.
Reports  Historical
Label  Delivery, Looker Studio Connector

Agency (Beta) 
The agency name when a bidder bids on behalf of an agency.

The Agency value is present only when the agency is set up. Additional values include:

  • "Unknown" is shown when an agency isn't set up.
  • "(Not applicable)" is shown for demand channels other than Ad Exchange.

Supported agencies include: Omnicom, Dentsu, Publicis, Havas, and GoodWay Group.

The spend per agency only displays when it comes from a DSP that is making proper bid response declarations about the buyer for whom they're bidding.

DSPs that support such declarations are DV360, Yahoo, and Amazon.

Reports  Historical
Label  Delivery

Ad Exchange product (Beta) 
Shows the performance of specific Ad Exchange products, such as Display, Video, Mobile-In app, and Ad Exchange for Games. This dimension is only visible if you use another Ad Exchange product, such as Video or Mobile.

Reports  Historical
Label  Inventory
Ad unit (all levels)
The name of the ad unit. Select dimension attributes to display the ad unit code.
Reports  Historical, Future sell-through, Reach, Technical ad delivery (Beta) 
Label  Inventory, Looker Studio Connector
Ad request size (Deprecated)  
Only selectable with limited set of metrics, including "unfilled impressions" and "codeserves." Only shows a single size per request, even if the request contained multiple sizes. The Creative sizes dimension generally matches the ad request size when the ad request contains a single size.

This dimension is deprecated. Use "Requested ad sizes" instead.

Reports  Historical
Key-values associated to an ad slot request.

Use the "Ad Server Targeted Impressions" and "Ad server impressions" metrics to differentiate between targeted and untargeted impressions.

Reports  Historical
Label  Inventory
Name of the placement that currently includes an ad unit associated with an impression, click, or other event. Learn more
Reports  Historical, Future sell-through
Label  Inventory, Looker Studio Connector
Requested ad sizes

Includes all ad sizes in each ad request, accurately reflecting ad requests with multiple inventory sizes.

The size is displayed in the format "wxh" with multiple sizes separated by comma (for example, 300x250, 600x300v). You can apply filters to this dimension to only include certain sizes. Video ad request sizes are appended with "v", such as "640x480, 300x250v".

How this dimension differs from "Ad request size":

  • Reports on all ad sizes in each request to reflect multi-size inventory more accurately.
  • Broader compatibility with other dimensions and metrics.
  • Compatible with filters to limit the sizes included.
  • Format: WxH (no spaces, comma-separated).
Reports  Historical
Label  Inventory
Channel (Beta) 
Shows publisher performance by inventory segment. Sometimes, there may be multiple channels with the same name.

When the Channel dimension is included in a report or you choose it as a filter, the report aggregates the data from all the like-named channels and displays the combined data in the report results. This may lead the calculated total ad requests to exceed the actual total number of ad requests. Inventory that isn't associated with any channel will be excluded from the report.

Applies to Ad Exchange and Open Bidding. Shows "(Not applicable)" for other demand channels.

Learn more about channels

Reports  Historical
Label  Inventory

Ad request sizes
All ad unit sizes included in an ad request display in the report on the same line. This reflects how many impressions are available for a given tag. For example, if your ad request (or, tag) contains 2 sizes, such as 300x250, 300x600, there will be one row in the report with both sizes, and they are separated by a comma. Video ad request sizes are appended with "v", such as "300x250v".

Reports  Future sell-through
Label  Inventory

Video placement (Deprecated)  
The type of video placement.

In keeping with IAB guidelines, the "Video placement" field will be deprecated in 2024.

Reports  Historical
Label  Inventory
Custom dimensions
View dimensions created from key-values defined in your network. Learn more
Reports  Historical
Label  Inventory
Inventory bundle
The name of the inventory bundle associated to the line item linked to the Creative that served to the ad slot request. Learn more
Reports  Historical
Label  Inventory, Looker Studio Connector

Inventory format
The format of the ad unit where the ad was requested.

Possible values:
Reports  Historical
Label  Inventory, Looker Studio Connector

Child network code
Child networks have given channel partners (or "parent networks") the ability to represent and manage inventory on their behalf through "Manage inventory" in Multiple Customer Management. This dimension allows channel partners to see how their individual child publishers are performing.

Reports Historical
Label Inventory
Ad unit (top level)
The name of the ad unit. Displays only top-level ad units, with impression data for each child ad unit aggregated toward the total for its parent ad unit. Select dimension attributes to display the ad unit code.
Reports  Historical, Future sell-through, Reach, Technical ad delivery (Beta) 
Label  Inventory, Looker Studio Connector

PPID presence (Deprecated)  
Indicates whether a valid PPID (Publisher-provided identifier) was present on a given ad request. Covers both reservation and programmatic traffic. Possible values include:

  • Present: A valid PPID was present
  • Missing: A PPID was not present or had an invalid form

Learn more

Reports  Historical
Label  Inventory

ATT consent status
Understand user consent status in relation to Apple’s App Tracking Transparency setting and its impact on monetization. ATT consent status applies only to the device ID.

Values include:
  • Authorized
  • Denied
  • Restricted
  • Not determined
  • (Not applicable)
Reports  Historical
Label  Inventory

Secure signal presence (Beta) 
Reports the presence of secure signals in the ad request. Values include: 

  • Present
  • Missing

Secure signal sharing is a processor feature that lets publishers pass obfuscated signals (such as user IDs) to third-party bidders on RTB bid requests. 

Shows how including secure signals and sending them to bidders can impact metrics, such as Total impressions and Total CTR.

Likely, the Bidder hasn't chosen to receive the signal(s) if you see a combination of:

  • "Secure signal delivery = Not sent to winner" with
  • "Secure signal presence = Present", and
  • You've successfully completed your secure signals implementation.
Reports  Historical
Label  Inventory

Traffic source (Beta) 
Understand if a requested query is designated as purchased. Values include:

  • Purchased: Traffic redirected from properties other than owned (acquired or otherwise incentivized activity)
  • Organic: Direct URL entry, site search, or app download
  • Undefined: Value not set in the GPT or mobile SDK

Note: Publishers must set the traffic source to "Purchased" or "Organic" on the ad request to see those values in reporting. If no value is set, we'll report "Undefined."

Core compatibility

Reports  Historical
Label  Inventory, Looker Studio Connector

URL (Beta) 
Shows publishers the performance of their domains, subdomains or pages for URLs defined under "Inventory." Ad requests are only counted for URLs that have been defined under "Inventory."

Applies to Ad Exchange and Open Bidding. Shows "(Not applicable)" for other demand channels. 

If you use subdomains and include the “URL” dimension in reports, your impression and revenue numbers may be inflated. Say that you have a site with a base domain of and the subdomains and If you include the URL in your report, data for the subdomains gets counted twice (as part of both the base domain and the subdomain), thus overstating impressions and revenue. Including the “Site” dimension can provide more accurate numbers, but this data also may include impressions to sites that you don’t control or that don’t have your ad tag directly on them. Learn more.

Reports  Historical
Label  Inventory

Ad type (Beta) 
Shows the performance of different ad types. Possible ad types in reporting include:

Not all of these ad types will appear on your inventory. 

Applies to Ad Exchange, Open Bidding, and AdSense. Shows "(Not applicable)" for other demand channels.

Reports  Historical
Label  General inventory

Dynamic allocation (Beta) 
Shows performance by different inventory sources.

  • No Dynamic Allocation: (direct requests, or an unknown ad server) Ads served by Ad Exchange outside of dynamic allocation. This includes impressions that are served directly on a page or via another ad server that does not support dynamic allocation.
  • Dynamic Allocation with no Ad Manager competition: (regular backfill) Backfill by Ad Exchange where it did not receive a reserve price by the publisher’s ad-server via dynamic allocation.
  • Dynamic Allocation with Ad Manager competition: Backfill by Ad Exchange where it was able to beat the reserve price sent by the publisher’s ad-server via dynamic allocation.

Applies to Ad Exchange and Open Bidding. Shows "(Not applicable)" for other demand channels.

Reports  Historical
Label  General inventory

Auto-refreshed traffic
Indicates if the traffic is from auto-refreshed ad requests. Values include:

  • Refreshed: Traffic that is auto-refreshed, which refers to the action of serving or changing advertising or content in an automatic manner when a publisher calls auto refresh Google Publisher Tag (GPT) API on the ad request.
  • Not refreshed: All other traffic.
Reports  Historical
Label  Inventory

Secure signal name (presented) (Beta) 
Reports the names of the secure signals sent in the ad request.

Reports  Historical
Label  Inventory

PPID status
Indicates the valid PPID (Publisher provided identifier) status on a given ad request. Covers both reservation and programmatic traffic. This dimension only reports on PPID. Possible values include:

  • Active: A user identifier was present and active.
  • Restricted: A user identifier was present in the ad request, but personalization was not allowed.
  • Missing: A user identifier wasn't present.
Reports  Historical
Label  Inventory

Third-party ID status
Indicates whether a third-party cookie or device ID was present on a given ad request. This dimension only reports values based on third-party IDs.

Possible values include:

  • Active: A user identifier was present and active.
  • Restricted: A user identifier was present in the ad request but personalization was not allowed.
  • Missing: A user identifier wasn't present.

In comparison to “User identifier status,” “Third-party ID status” first checks presence, then permissions. Because it checks presence first it may have the value "missing," regardless of whether the user has opted out of personalization. 

Reports  Historical
Label  Inventory

First-party ID status (Beta) 
Indicates whether a first-party user identifier was present on a given ad-request. This dimension only reports values based on first-party IDs and does not include PPID.

Possible values include:

  • Active: A user identifier was present and active.
  • Restricted: A user identifier was present in the ad request but personalization was not allowed.
  • Missing: A user identifier wasn't present.
Reports  Historical
Label  Inventory

Primary personalization ID type
Shows impressions coverage by the ID type selected for personalization. Each impression will only be attributed to a single ID type. For reservations this is the ID type that may have been used for line-item audience-list targeting. For auction it is the ID type forwarded to the bidder. Note that this dimension is a proxy for the ID type that is most likely attributed to the impression (that is, an ID might not be sent to the bidder or used in bidding).

Possible values include:

  • Third-party IDs: Third-party cookie or device ID
  • PPID: Publisher provided identifier
  • First-party IDs: First-party identifiers
  • No personalization: No personalization was possible, but an ID was chosen for other purposes, such as frequency caps. Note that this classification will be phased out in favor of “non-personalizable IDs” and “personalization restricted.” Shows only for data occurring before April 16, 2024. 
  • Non-personalizable IDs: An ID that can’t be used for personalization was present. Other uses, such as frequency caps, were possible. 
  • Personalization restricted: An ID was present, but personalization was not possible due to a serving restriction. Other uses, such as frequency caps, were possible. 
  • No ID: No ID was available.
Reports  Historical
Label  Inventory

Topics status
Reports the status of Topics in the ad request. Values include:

  • Topics not available: The client doesn’t have topics support (for example, it’s an app or a non-Chrome browser), or topics are unavailable for another reason.
  • Topics empty: The client can provide topics, but the list is empty.
  • Topics provided: The ad request included a list of one or more topics.
Reports  Historical
Label  Inventory

Publisher provided signals (all levels) (Beta) 
Publisher provided signals allow Ad Manager publishers to annotate key-values and audience lists with IAB taxonomy categories. “All levels” reporting is on the leaf node displaying the hierarchy in reporting in a flat manner.

Reports "(None)" if publisher provided signals aren’t available.

Reports  Historical
Label  Inventory

Publisher provided signals (top level) (Beta) 
Publisher provided signals allow Ad Manager publishers to annotate key-values and audience lists with IAB taxonomy categories. “Top level” reports only on the root parent level with leaf nodes deduped per ad request. It is still possible for multiple top levels to exist in the same ad request.

Reports "(None)" if publisher provided signals aren’t available.

Reports  Historical
Label  Inventory

Creative vendor
Vendors present on a given creative or impression. 

Values include:

  • Company name (vendor ID), for instance, Numberly (2664)
  • "-" for no certified vendors detected
  • N/A for non-Ad Exchange traffic

Review Ad technology providers.

Reports  Historical
Label  Inventory

Publisher provided signals (data provider) (Beta) 
Reports the entity that provided the signal definition for the publisher. This can be the publisher itself or a third-party, such as BlueKia.

Reports  Historical
Label  Inventory

Video placement (new) (Beta) 
The type of video placement as defined by the updated IAB definition. The values of "in-stream" and "accompanying content" are declared via publisher inputted URL parameters. The values of "interstitial" and "no content" are populated automatically based on the declared inventory type. The video placement dimension only applies to backfill traffic. 

Reports  Historical
Label  Inventory
City associated to IP address from ad slot request
Reports  Historical
Label  Geography, Looker Studio Connector
Country associated to IP address from ad slot request
Reports  Historical, Future sell-through
Label  Geography, Looker Studio Connector
DMA region associated with the IP address included in the ad slot request.
Reports  Historical
Label  Geography, Looker Studio Connector
Postal code
Postal code associated with IP address from the ad slot request. Available for the following countries: Canada, France, Germany, India, the UK, and the USA.
Reports  Historical
Label  Geography, Looker Studio Connector
Region associated with the IP address included in the ad slot request.
Reports  Historical
Label  Geography, Looker Studio Connector

Continent (Beta) 
Continent associated with the IP address from the ad slot request.  

Possible values include Unknown, Africa, Americas, Asia, Europe, and Oceania.

Reports  Historical, Future sell-through
Label  Geography, Looker Studio Connector
Ad network name
Name of the ad network.
Reports Historical
Label Mediation, Looker Studio Connector
Mediation type
Type of mediation request, as defined for each network in a mediation group. For example, "Mobile app".
Reports  Historical
Label  Mediation, Looker Studio Connector
Native ad format name
Break down your reports by native ad formats. Native ad formats define the variables that determine the content of your ads. Note that non-native values display as “(Non-native ad)” and are included in the totals.
Reports  Historical
Label  Native, Looker Studio Connector
Native style name
Break down your reports by native style. Native styles determine how your native creatives look for a segment of inventory. Note that non-native values display as “(No native style)” and are included in the totals.
Reports  Historical
Label  Native, Looker Studio Connector
Creative billing type
Creative type as associated on your Google Ad Manager invoice.
Reports  Historical
Label Looker Studio Connector

Assignments help you define revenue sharing or ad serving relationships with partner publishers. Depending on your permissions, you can select from some or all of the following types of assignments, below.

  • Track: Define a revenue share agreement with a publishing partner for display or video ads. Revenue share is expressed in terms of a percentage value on the assignment.
  • Redirect: Send either a percentage or an absolute number of video ad requests to a partner publisher. The redirect is handled through a third-party VAST tag.
  • Share: Share specified video inventory with a partner Ad Manager publisher. Your partner can then book line items directly against that inventory in their own Ad Manager network.
Reports  Historical, Partner finance, Technical ad delivery (Beta) 
Label  Partner, Looker Studio Connector
Inventory ownership (Deprecated)  
Shows publishers the ownership of Scaled Partner Management (sub-syndicated) domains.
  • Owned and operated
  • Represented
  • Blocked
  • Uncategorized

If inventory ownership for video ad requests displays as "uncategorized," this is likely because the description_url parameter in the ad tag was either not set, invalid, or set to an unclassified domain value. Learn more about the description URL.

Applies to Ad Exchange and Open Bidding. Other demand channels will show "(Not applicable)."

This is an account-level setting and not available to all publishers.

Reports  Historical
Label  Partner

A publisher with whom you have an agreement to share ads and revenue.

Reports  Historical, Partner finance, Technical ad delivery (Beta) 
Label  Partner
Network partner name (Beta) 
Displays the name of the network partner.

If the network partner name for video ad requests displays "non-represented," this is likely because the description_url parameter in the ad tag was either not set, invalid, or set to an unclassified domain value. Learn more about the description URL.

Supported for Ad Exchange and Open Bidding demand channels. Other channels will show (Not applicable).

This is an account-level setting and not available to all publishers.

Reports  Historical
Label  Partner
Partner label (Deprecated)  

Organize your partners by label. Labels allow you to later report by label and leverage other ad serving features.

Reports  Historical, Partner finance
Label  Partner, Looker Studio Connector

Daily breakdown of data. In Ad Manager, the data is shown in an extended format, such as Monday, January 18, 2016. The exported format is more compact, for example M/D/YY.

Note: The exported date format is based on the language and/or location associated with the Google account of the person creating the report. In reports created by other users, such as scheduled reports, the exported date format may differ from the format in reports created by you.

Reports  Historical, Future sell-through, Technical ad delivery (Beta) 
Label  Time unit, Looker Studio Connector
Day of week
Calendar day of the week (e.g., Monday, Tuesday)
Reports  Historical, Future sell-through, Reach, Technical ad delivery (Beta) 
Label  Time unit

Numeric hour of the day (0-23) according to the chosen time zone (either network time zone, or PST).

Reports  Historical
Label  Time unit, Looker Studio Connector
Month and year
The related month and year. Example: "October 2019"
Reports  Historical, Future sell-through, Reach, Partner finance, Technical ad delivery (Beta) 
Label  Time unit, Looker Studio Connector
Weekly date range, formatted as "M/D/YY - M/D/YY".
Reports  Historical, Future sell-through, Reach, Technical ad delivery (Beta) 
Label  Time unit, Looker Studio Connector
Ad server redirect position

The position of a redirect in the VAST chain.

For example, for a chain of A > B > C, A is in position 0, B is in position 1, etc.

Reports  Video creative quality (Beta) 
Label  Video
Ad server VAST version

The VAST version of each ad server in the VAST chain.

Reports  Video creative quality (Beta) 
Label  Video
Ad serving system

Each ad server in the VAST chain.

Reports  Video creative quality (Beta) 
Label  Video

CMS metadata
This dimension replaces the legacy "Content metadata" dimension, which has been deprecated.

Contains a dimension for each key in your CMS metadata.

Reporting data reflects the current state, not the historical state, of CMS metadata associations.

Learn how to report on video content metadata.

Reports  Historical
Label  Video

CMS metadata key
This dimension replaces the legacy "Metadata key" dimension, which has been deprecated.

Reporting data reflects the current state, not the historical state, of CMS metadata associations.

Learn how to report on video content metadata.

Reports  Historical
Label  Video, Looker Studio Connector
The video content ingested in Ad Manager. The content source status must be active to serve ads.

Video ads not targeted to specific content using the cmsid and vid parameters appear as "Not applicable" with this dimension. To limit your report to only content-specific traffic, apply the Request type filter, set to is any of > Video tag when reporting on this dimension.

This will show "Not applicable" when a request comes for content that hasn't been ingested or requests don't match ingested content.

Reports  Historical, Future sell-through
Label  Video, Looker Studio Connector

Content bundle
Video groups assembled and targeted based on filters or by selecting individual videos, or both. The content bundles are automatically updated when new content is ingested with matching metadata.

Reports with this dimension show all bundles where content appeared, not only the targeted bundles.

Video ads not targeted to specific content using the cmsid and vid parameters appear as "Not applicable" with this dimension. To limit your report to only content-specific traffic, apply the Request type filter, set to is any of > Video tag when reporting on this dimension.

Reports  Historical
Label  Video, Looker Studio Connector

Content metadata
This dimension will soon be deprecated and replaced with the "CMS metadata" dimension.

Displays metrics for content metadata values whose keys are enabled and mapped. Each dimension under "content metadata" is a metadata key. When you choose a dimension, the report displays the metrics for all the values assigned to that key.

Learn how to report on video content metadata.

Reports  Historical
Label  Video
Creative media bitrate

The bitrate of the selected media file.

Reports  Video creative quality (Beta) 
Label  Video
Creative media duration

The duration of the actual media played.

Reports  Video creative quality (Beta) 
Label  Video
Creative media loading latency

The time it took for the media to load.

Reports  Video creative quality (Beta) 
Label  Video
Creative media type

The MIME type of the selected media file.

Reports  Video creative quality (Beta) 
Label  Video
Creative media VPAID version

Indicates whether an ad used VPAID 1, 2, 3, or did not use VPAID.

Reports  Video creative quality (Beta) 
Label  Video
Custom event
Applicable to Ad Manager Video and Rich Media.
Reports  Historical
Label  Video, Looker Studio Connector
Custom event type
Type of Ad Manager Video and Studio custom event triggered.
Reports  Historical
Label  Video, Looker Studio Connector

Custom spot (Beta) 
A reusable ad spot that can be added to an ad break template, as well as directly targeted by a video line item.

Reports  Historical
Label  Video
Fallback position
The position of an ad returned as a result of video fallback with a VAST redirect. This dimension is compatible with impressions, clicks, conversions, and other metrics that result from fallback and non-fallback ads being served.
Reports  Historical
Label  Video, Looker Studio Connector
Inventory share assignment
Shows the name for the inventory share assignment
Reports  Historical
Label  Video
Inventory share outcome
Shows who received a share. Either a host or a partner receives shares.
Reports  Historical
Label  Video
Live stream
The name given to a live stream in Ad Manager.
Reports  Historical
Label  Video, Looker Studio Connector
Live stream ad break
The name given to the ad break of a live stream in Ad Manager.
Reports  Historical
Label  Video, Looker Studio Connector

Metadata key
This dimension will soon be deprecated and replaced with the "CMS metadata key" dimension.

Displays metrics for the keys you mapped to video content metadata. Metrics shown per key are an aggregate of all values assigned to that key. There is no limit to the number of keys displayed in a report.

Video ads not targeted to specific content using the cmsid and vid parameters appear as "Not applicable" with this dimension. To limit your report to only content-specific traffic, apply the Request type filter, set to is any of > Video tag when reporting on this dimension.

Learn how to report on video content metadata.

Reports  Historical
Label  Video, Looker Studio Connector

Position in pod
The location of the video ads within a pod (groups of ads shown in sequence). Some examples are: "Position 1 in pod", "Position 2 in pod", and "Unknown position in pod", which represents truly unknown, non-podded video or non-video traffic.

To limit results to video-only traffic, filter your results using the Request type filter, set to is any of and then Video tag.

Reports  Historical
Label  Video, Looker Studio Connector
Position of pod
The location of the pod (groups of ads shown in sequence) within the video content. Some example positions are: "Pre-roll", "Mid-roll", "Post-roll", and "Unknown position", which represents truly unknown, non-podded video or non-video traffic.

To limit results to video-only traffic, filter your results using the Request type filter, set to is any of and then Video tag.

Reports  Historical
Label  Video, Looker Studio Connector

VAST version (Beta) 
The numerical version of a VAST creative that is returned, which may be useful in determining which version of VAST is requested on your ad tags, or if you distribute different ad tags to different players or partner inventory. Possible versions are: VAST 2, VAST 3, VAST 4, and Not applicable (for non-video requests).

For redirects, this is not the VAST version from the third-party ad server.

This dimension can be combined with all video dimensions, including content metadata, date and time, request type, ad unit and placement, and all delivery dimensions. It is compatible with total impressions metrics; sell-through metrics; viewership, error, and interaction metrics.

Reports  Historical
Label  Video, Looker Studio Connector
Video ad duration (Beta) 
Shows publishers the performance of their video ad inventory broken out by duration set on their requests in ranges of seconds and minutes. Examples: 6-10 seconds or 2-5 minutes.

A dash ("-") value may indicate the following:

  • Overlay ad was served
  • Impression was not filled
  • Ad duration was not determined ahead of render time for redirect ads
Reports  Historical
Label  Video

Video ad request duration
The requested ad duration for a video opportunity. For a single ad request, this is the maximum ad duration provided on the request. For an optimized pod:

  • If an opportunity is filled, this will be the duration of the ad served.
  • If an opportunity is unfilled, this will be the network opportunity duration.
Reports  Historical
Label  Video
Video ad type (Beta) 
Shows publishers the performance of their video ad inventory broken out by type. Includes the following formats:
  • TrueView + skippable in-stream
  • Standard in-stream
  • Bumper
  • Video click-to-download
  • VPAID skippable
  • DBM Video
  • Native content
  • Native app install
  • Other

Applies to Ad Exchange, Open Bidding, and AdSense. Shows "(Not applicable)" for Ad Server.

Reports  Historical
Label  Video

Video continuous play type (Beta) 
Whether or not the video impression came from a continuous play environment. Possible values include "Continuous", "Not continuous", and "Not set" (when continuous play information couldn't be determined).

Reports  Historical
Label  Video, Looker Studio Connector

Video measurement source
Shows publishers the performance of their video ad inventory broken out by source, which include the following formats:

  • Measured: Measured by the Video SDK
  • Inferred: A DAI SSB or ActiveView presumed viewability event
  • Provided: All other Video SDK-less cases
Reports  Historical
Label  Video
Video redirect third party (Beta) 
The third party where Google Ad Manager was redirected for the creative, based on the domain. This may be useful in determining fill rate of different creative vendors or for troubleshooting errors by server. Commonly used vendors are displayed by name; others are shown by domain.

This dimension is based on the "Creative" dimension, and is compatible with the same dimensions and metrics.

Reports  Historical
Label  Video

Video SDK version
Shows whether any version of the video SDK was present in the ad request. Possible values include: 

  • Android IMA SDK
  • tvOS IMA SDK
  • Roku GAM Utils
  • Roku IMA SDK
  • Roku PAL
  • iOS PAL
  • Android PAL
  • tvOS PAL
  • Android GMA SDK
  • Unknown
  • SDK-less
  • Other

See more information on each SDK.

This dimension can be combined with all video dimensions, request type, date and time, ad unit, and all creative dimensions. It is compatible with impression metrics; video viewership, interaction, and error metrics.

Reports  Historical
Label  Video, Looker Studio Connector
Ad request source
The description indicating where the ad came from, which may be useful in determining feature support or for troubleshooting. Possible sources are:
  • Dynamic Ad Insertion
  • Dynamic Ad Insertion API (pod serving)
  • Dynamic Ad Insertion server-side beaconing
  • Server-side
  • Client-side
  • Unknown

This dimension can be combined with all video dimensions, request type, date and time, ad unit, and all creative dimensions. It is compatible with impression metrics; video viewership, interaction, and error metrics.

Provide dimension feedback

Reports  Historical
Label  Platform, Looker Studio Connector
Device category
Shows delivery by device category: Connected TV (CTV) device(Beta), Desktop, Feature phone, Set-top box (STB), Smart display, Smartphone, Smart speaker, and Tablet.
Reports  Historical
Label  Platform, Looker Studio Connector
Devices (Beta) 
Shows performance by specific user mobile device. Possible values include:
  • Apple tablet
  • Apple phone/touch
  • Android tablet
  • Android phone
  • WebOS
  • Blackberry
  • Unknown: The query is from a mobile device, but we can't detect more specific details (e.g., whether it's from iOS, Android, a tablet, a phone, etc.).
Reports  Historical
Label  Platform

Inventory types (expanded)
Values match the Inventory type dimension available in the Overview Home dashboard. If comparing, be sure the date range in your report matches the date range on the Overview dashboard. 

Note: Video takes precedence over any other value, for example, if there is an in-stream video impression on a desktop device, it will be attributed to in-stream video and not desktop web.

Values include:

  • AMP: User is viewing the ad on an Accelerated Mobile Page, which has been designed to load mobile web content faster.
  • App: User is viewing the content through a mobile app on their smartphone or tablet. Note that Ad Manager identifies mobile apps via use of the SDK. Publishers using simplified URL tags to make requests for an app may see inconsistent results.
  • Desktop web: User is viewing the content through a PC or laptop computer.
  • In-stream video and audio: Ads played within the context of a video or audio stream in the same video or audio player that a user is viewing video or listening to audio content.
  • Mobile web: User is viewing the content from their mobile or tablet browser.
  • Other: Ad Manager can't detect where the user is viewing the content.

    Learn more about inventory types (expanded).
Reports  Historical
Label  Platform

Request type (Beta) 
Shows performance broken out by the technology used to request the ad. This allows for advanced troubleshooting, such as investigating discrepancies between served and downloaded impressions. Possible values are:

  • AMP Ad tag
    An impression is attributed to a request from an <amp-ad> tag. This tag allows AMP Ads to load faster than standard ads or ads from other tag types. If this value is something other than "AMP Ad tag" (such as "Google Publisher Tag" or "Other"), you're likely running ads from a custom domain. You may want to replace them with <amp-ad> tags, so AMP Ads can load faster. Learn more.
  • Google Publisher Tag
    An impression is attributed to the Google Publisher Tag.
  • GPT Light
    An impression is attributed to the GPT Light tag.
  • GPT Simple URL
    An impression is attributed to a Tagless request, which allows ads in environments where JavaScript isn’t supported.
  • Video Tag
    An impression is attributed to a request from a video player.
  • Mobile Ads SDK
    An impression is attributed to a request that was built through the Google Mobile Ads SDK, so the ad is on an app.
  • Show Ads 
    An impression attributed to the "Show ads" synchronous tag for Ad Exchange Direct traffic.
  • Ads by Google 
    An impression attributed to the "Ads by Google" asynchronous tag for Ad Exchange Direct traffic.
  • Other
    Indicates less common requests, such as Video Companion ad tag.

Note that the value "Google Ad Manager Tag" is no longer in use, but shows for compatibility reasons. 

Reports  Historical
Label  Platform, Looker Studio Connector
Information about the browser, device, and other environments into which a line item or creative served. The data included in this dimension is delineated by the prefixes below:
  • Bandwidth= » Speed and/or type of device connection (for example, cable).
  • Browser= » (Does not apply to mobile web and mobile apps) Name and version number of the user’s browser (for example, Microsoft Internet Explorer 11). For browsers that auto-update, like Google Chrome, no version number is displayed.
  • BrowserLanguage= » (Does not apply to mobile apps) Abbreviated name of language configured for user’s browser (for example, “en” for English).
  • DeviceCapability= » Special functionality of user's device (for example, supports calls, supports mraid version 1).
  • Manufacturer= » Name of the company who manufactured the user's device (for example, Google).
  • MobileCarrier= » Name of user's carrier network, or “Wifi” if a device was using a wireless network.
  • MobileDevice= » Name and version number of device (for example, Nexus 4_from_Google).
  • MobileDeviceSubmodel= » Additional granularity, particularly for where the MobileDevice= value is generic (for example, iPhone6,1).
  • OperatingSystem= » Name of device operating system (for example, Microsoft Windows 7).
  • OperatingSystemVersion= » Version information about the device operating system (for example, EqualTo_Android_5_0).
  • Platform= » Possible values are Desktop, Smartphone, Feature Phone, Tablet, Connected TV, Set Top Box, and Other/Unknown.
Reports  Historical
Label  Platform

Name and version number of the user's browser (for example, Microsoft Internet Explorer 11). For browsers that auto-update, such as Google Chrome, no version number is displayed. 

In-app browser” is a browser embedded within an app.

Reports  Historical, Analytics
Label  Platform, Analytics, Looker Studio Connector

Operating system (Beta) 
The mobile device operating system and version number. Not available for desktop inventory and may exclude some less common OS versions.

Note: Desktop operating systems and non-mobile app impressions are always classified as "Unknown."

Reports  Historical
Label  Platform, Looker Studio Connector

App SDK version (Beta) 

The Google Mobile Ads SDK version integrated into the app. Google Mobile Ads SDK for iOS and for Android traffic are both supported.

The Google Mobile Ads SDK version for Android traffic is only supported from June 23, 2023; prior to that date, this dimension will return a dash (-) in reporting for Android.

Reports  Historical
Label  Platform, Looker Studio Connector
Site (Beta) 
Shows publishers data for their domains and subdomains. 

The use of this dimension isn't the same as reporting on URLs. Unlike URLs, the Site dimension doesn't have to be manually defined in the user interface to generate results. Returns "(unknown)" for data from sites with invalid URLs.

Applies to Ad Exchange and Open Bidding. Shows "(Not applicable)" for other demand channels. 

Reports  Historical
Label  Platform

Operating system category
The mobile device operating system. Not available for desktop inventory and may exclude some less common operating systems.

Note: Desktop operating systems and non-mobile app impressions are always classified as "Unknown."

Reports  Reach
Label  Platform
Ad location (Beta) 
Shows whether a given piece of publisher inventory was above (ATF) or below the fold (BTF) of a page. Here are reasons why you may see "Unknown" as an Ad location value:
  • Use of GPT Single Request Mode
  • Nesting tags inside iframes
  • Use of the same ad slot multiple times on the same page
  • Custom code where <div> tags have been moved around
Reports  Historical
Label  Platform

Branding type (Beta) 
Shows either "Branded," "Semi-Transparent," or “(Unmatched ad requests)”, depending on the amount of information about the Publisher’s page sent to the buyer who purchased the impressions.

This dimension applies to Ad Exchange and Open Bidding. Shows “(Not applicable)” for other demand channels.

Reports that use the "Branding type" dimension will show 100% Coverage for all rows except "(Unmatched ad requests)". For this reason, Ad Requests and Coverage should be disregarded for those rows.

Reports  Historical
Label  Platform

Targeting type (Beta) 
Shows the manner in which advertisers targeted ads to a publisher. Learn about Contextual, Personalized, and Placement targeting.

Applies to Ad Exchange and Open Bidding. Shows “(Not applicable)” for other demand channels.

“Personalized” (formerly known as "Interest-based") may include contextual targeting when user data, such as cookie ID, isn’t available. If you selected “Non-personalized ads” in the EU user control settings, you might still see ads under “Personalized” even though user data isn’t being used.

The remaining possible values for this dimension are:

  • Unknown: Reflects run of network targeting, direct deals, or other targeting styles that aren't yet classified.
  • (Unmatched ad requests): Reports that use the "Targeting type" dimension show 100% Coverage for all rows except "(Unmatched ad requests)", so Ad Requests and Coverage metrics should be disregarded for those rows.
Reports  Historical
Label  Platform
Bandwidth (Beta) 
Allows publishers to see performance by different mobile user connection types, such as cable, DSL, and OC12.

Available for Ad Exchange and Open Bidding.

Reports  Historical
Label  Platform
Carrier (Beta) 
Allows publishers to see performance by mobile user connectivity, such as “Verizon (US).”

Available for Ad Exchange and Open Bidding.

Reports  Historical
Label  Platform
Interaction type
Whether the impression was a rewarded request or not, in which case "Unknown" is displayed. Learn more about rewarded ads.
Reports  Historical
Label  Platform
Inventory types

Shows performance by general groups of inventory. Possible values are:

  • Web: User is viewing the content through a PC or laptop computer, or from their mobile or tablet browser.
  • App: User is viewing the content through a mobile app on their smartphone or tablet. Note that Ad Manager identifies mobile apps via use of the SDK. Publishers using simplified URL tags to make requests for an app may see inconsistent results.
  • AMP: User is viewing the ad on an Accelerated Mobile Page, which has been designed to load mobile web content faster.
  • Other: Ad Manager can't detect where the user is viewing the content.
Reports  Historical
Label  Platform, Mobile
App names
Shows performance by mobile app. "(Not applicable)" may appear if the app name could not be resolved. For a complete view, add the "App ID" dimension.
Reports  Historical
Label  Platform

Rendering SDK
Displays which SDK renders the ad on mobile apps. 

Values include:

  • 3P SDK: Ad rendered by third-party SDK. Recommended to report together with “Buyer network” and “bidder” dimensions. 3P SDK does not report Total clicks.
  • GMA SDK: Ad rendered by Google Mobile Ads (GMA) SDK.
  • Not applicable: Non-mobile traffic and unfilled request.
Reports  Historical
Label  Delivery
Is AdX direct (Beta) 
Returns "TRUE" for AdX Direct traffic (new) and "FALSE" otherwise (all existing Historical report traffic).
Reports  Historical
Label  Platform

Browser category (Beta) 
Category of the user's browser.

Possible values include Google Chrome, Safari, Microsoft Edge, Firefox, In-app browser, and Not applicable (App).

Reports  Historical, Reach
Label  Platform

Operating system category (Beta) 
The device operating system.

Possible values include Unknown, Other, Android, and Apple iOS.

Note: Desktop operating systems and non-mobile app impressions are always classified as "Unknown."

Reports  Historical
Label  Platform

App ID
The App ID used in the Google Play Store or Apple App Store.

Learn more about finding app names and IDs.

Reports  Historical
Label  Platform
Shows performance by top domain, such as "". Excludes subdomains.
Reports Historical, Analytics
Label Platform, Analytics, Looker Studio Connector

App ownership status
Easily filter reports by my claimed apps with App ownership status. Values include the following:

  • Owned means you've successfully claimed the app as yours.
  • Not owned means you haven't claimed the app as yours.
  • Not applicable means the App ID is not available.

The app must be confirmed through app readiness before you claim the app as owned. The app then goes through an approval process where the app receives a status.

App status is at the time of analysis, not at the time of the ad event.

Reports  Historical
Label  Platform

Demand Channel
Displays the method buyers used to access your inventory. This dimension helps you report across your entire network. Values include:

  • Ad Exchange (includes First look)
  • AdSense
  • Ad server (direct-sold line items)
  • Mediation
  • Open Bidding
  • Header Bidding
  • SDK Bidding
  • Protected Audience seller (non-Google)
Reports  Historical, Reach
Label  Delivery, Looker Studio Connector

Yield group 
Name of the group of ad networks or exchanges, called a yield group, used for Mediation and Open Bidding.

Note: This dimension can return a "Not applicable" value when requests are eligible for Open Bidding, but no Open Bidding partners actually bid.

Impressions, clicks, revenue, and other metrics can appear in multiple report rows.

Reports  Historical, Technical ad delivery (Beta) 
Label  Delivery, Looker Studio Connector
Yield partner 
Name of the "Ad network" company within a yield group. Learn more about yield partners.
The value "(Not applicable)" may be returned for Yield Partner. This occurs when a request that is eligible for Open Bidding receives no bids from Open Bidding partners.
Reports  Historical, Technical ad delivery (Beta) 
Label  Delivery
Yield partner type (Deprecated)  
Mediation attributes for a yield partner. Possible values include: Mediation, Open Bidding, or Ad Exchange.

This dimension is deprecated. Use Demand Channel, instead.

Reports  Historical
Label  Yield group, Looker Studio Connector

Demand subchannel
Displays the method buyers used to access your inventory. Combined with Demand channel, it provides a more granular view of your network traffic. Values include:

  • Bulk
  • Header Bidding (detected)
  • House
  • Network
  • Open Auction - Auction Package
  • Open Auction - First Look
  • Open Auction - General
  • Other (represents some reservation ads, such as Bumpers and uncategorized Ad server ads)
  • Preferred Deals
  • Price Priority
  • Programmatic Guaranteed
  • Private Auction
  • Sponsorship
  • Standard
Reports  Historical, Reach
Label  Delivery, Looker Studio Connector
All salespeople
Breakdown of data by both primary Salesperson and all Secondary salespeople assigned to an Order.
Reports  Historical, Reach, Sales
Label  Users
Aggregated data rolled up under the primary Salesperson assigned to an Order.

Note: For Historical reports, you can also include the "Line item" dimension.

Reports  Historical, Future sell-through, Reach
Label  Users, Looker Studio Connector
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