Inventory bundles (Beta)

Learn how to create and use inventory bundles

You can use inventory bundles to segment and target inventory. Bundles are pairings of line items. You can target inventory bundles and report on complex inventory segments that you define using standard targeting criteria in line items.

You can have up to 100 active inventory bundles per network, and replace the remainder of your Ad Exchange UI tags with Ad Manager targeting (ad units, key-values, and placements). 

There are two ways of creating an inventory bundle:

  1. Using a CSV file
  2. Through the Ad Manager UI

Create inventory bundles using a CSV file

To generate inventory bundles, download a CSV file containing a list of suggested bundles, based on line item/Ad Exchange UI tag pairs that are targeted by an active rule or deal:

  1. Sign in to Google Ad Manager.
  2. Click Inventory and then Inventory bundles.
  3. Click Download CSV to export a file with the following columns:
    • Inventory bundle name: Named after the associated line item. Edit the name if necessary (255-character limit).
    • Ad slot parameter: Value of the google_ad_slot parameter in the "Code snippet" field of an Ad Exchange creative.
    • Line item ID
    • Ad Exchange tag name: Name of the Ad Exchange tag in the Ad Exchange Inventory UI.
    • Line item name
    • Number of rules targeting ad slot: Number of active rules targeting the suggested inventory bundle (line item/Ad Exchange tag pair).
    • Number of impressions in the past 7 days
    • Suggested inventory bundle: We recommend whether to create an inventory bundle for each of the top 100 line-item/Ad Exchange UI-tag pairings in your network that have at least one active rule or deal targeting them.
  4. Use the information in the CSV to determine which inventory bundles to create. When you upload the edited CSV, each row is converted to an inventory bundle, up to 100 bundles per network.
    You can edit the "inventory bundle name", "ad slot parameter", and "line item ID" columns; other columns are ignored when you upload.
    1. To remove a proposed inventory bundle, delete its row from the CSV.
    2. Save your edits to the CSV. 
  5. Click Browse and select the CSV file you edited.
    1. Review the upload dialog box for errors like missing data, or fields that exceed the character limit.
      Inventory bundles must be unique, and can't contain the same line item or Ad Exchange UI tag. 
    2. Fix errors directly in the CSV and re-upload the file with the saved changes.
    3. Click Confirm upload.
To upload additional inventory bundles, repeat the procedure, but edit the file manually to remove rows that contain inventory bundles you've already created. To edit an existing inventory bundle, deactivate it, then upload it again through the CSV file.

The "Inventory bundles" page shows a list of your previously uploaded bundles and their associated line item/Ad Exchange UI tag information. 

When you've finished creating your inventory bundles, notify your technical account manager, who will deactivate the google_ad_slot parameter for any inventory bundle not listed on the "Inventory bundles" page in Ad Manager.

  • The targeting picker in Inventory rules/deals displays the new inventory bundles under "Inventory bundles" rather than "Tags".
  • There are no changes to Ad Exchange reporting at this time. Use the "Tags" dimension to view the inventory bundles you've declared.

Create inventory bundles through the UI

There are two steps to creating inventory bundles through the Ad Manager UI:

1. Find the ad slot code for the desired ad unit

  1. Sign in to Google Ad Manager.
  2. Go to Inventory and then Ad Units.
    1. Ad Exchange tags have been converted into ad units as part of the AdX and Google Ad Manager unification. Each Ad Exchange syndication type (web, mobile in-app, video, or games) has been converted to a top-level Ad Manager ad unit. The naming format of these top-level ad units are: "Ad Exchange [syndication type]" for example:
      1. Ad Exchange Display
      2. Ad Exchange Video
      3. Ad Exchange Mobile
      4. Ad Exchange Games
    2. If you create new ad units under these "AdX designated" ad units, you will be able to generate Ad Exchange tags.
  3. Choose the ad unit you wish to include in the inventory bundle.
  4. Copy the value from the Code field of the ad unit, this code will be used to create the inventory bundle.

2. Create inventory bundle

  1. Sign in to Google Ad Manager.
  2. Go to Inventory and then Inventory bundles.
  3. Click New inventory bundle.
  4. Enter the inventory bundle Name, Line item ID and Code value.
  5. Click Save.

Deactivate an inventory bundle

To edit or remove an inventory bundle, deactivate it. 

Select the inventory bundles you want to remove from the "Uploaded inventory bundles" list, then click Deactivate.

If you deactivate a bundle, Google no longer sends the related google_ad_slot parameter to Ad Exchange, and rules and deals can no longer target that inventory bundle.

Target inventory bundles

Ad Exchange UI tags that you convert to inventory bundles are still targeted by their existing rules and/or deals. You can select these bundles as targeting criteria for new rules or deals, instead of targeting Ad Exchange UI tags. Bundles appear in the targeting picker under "Inventory bundles" rather than "Tags". You can target them in an AND relationship with ad units.

The targeting pickers in rules and deals only display inventory bundles with google_ad_slot parameters for Ad Exchange accounts that are linked to your Ad Manager network.

Ad Exchange UI tags that you haven't converted to inventory bundles have been converted to Ad Manager ad units, and appear in the targeting picker under "Ad Manager: Ad units".

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