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Turn on or off additional Google services

This article is for Google Workspace administrators. Need help with your personal account? Go to Google Account Help.

When you sign up for Google Workspace, you get core services, such as Gmail, Calendar, and Drive. You can also optionally turn on additional Google services, such as YouTube, Blogger, Google Analytics, and more. As an administrator, you can control access to these additional services. Some services have an individual On or Off control in the Admin console and others don't. For services that don't have this control, you must turn them on or off all at once.

If an Early Access App becomes an additional service, you can find out if the service is turned on or off by default. See Turn Early Access Apps on or off for users.

Note: Administrators for Google Workspace Essentials (email-verified) customers do not have access to these controls. To control Additional Google services, first verify your domain. For details, see Verify your domain to unlock features (for email-verified accounts).

Additional Google services

  1. Sign in with an administrator account to the Google Admin console.

    If you aren’t using an administrator account, you can’t access the Admin console.

  2. Click the name of the service you want to turn on or off to open its settings page.
  3. Click Service status.
  4. To turn a service on or off for everyone in your organization, click On for everyone or Off for everyone, and then click Save.

  5. (Optional) To turn a service on or off for an organizational unit:
    1. At the left, select the organizational unit.
    2. To change the Service status, select On or Off.
    3. Choose one:
      • If the Service status is set to Inherited and you want to keep the updated setting, even if the parent setting changes, click Override.
      • If the Service status is set to Overridden, either click Inherit to revert to the same setting as its parent, or click Save to keep the new setting, even if the parent setting changes.
        Note: Learn more about organizational structure.
  6. (Optional) To turn on a service for a set of users across or within organizational units, select an access group. For details, go to Use groups to customize service access.
  7. (Optional) To manage access to a service without an On or Off control on this page, at the upper right, click Change. Then, follow the steps in Manage access to services that aren't controlled individually.

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