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Get started with audio ads

Video publishers can also traffic in-stream audio ads in Ad Manager. The line item creation and creative assignment workflow generally aligns with video trafficking. #audioads

Jump to: Inventory and tagging | Audio in video | Trafficking | Reporting | Troubleshooting

Inventory and tagging

Set up your audio inventory just like you would any other inventory. When creating an ad unit, select Audio as the VAST master size to target in your line items, and add audio creatives.

A VAST ad tag is used by audio players to retrieve audio ads. See a detailed list of VAST ad tag URL parameters.

Ad tag URLs for audio ads must contain the ad_type parameter set to either audio or audio_video for audio ads to serve. Also, the env parameter should be set to instream, and vpmute must be set to 0 (unmuted).

Control eligibility for specific audio types using creative profiles and setting the pp parameter.

Learn how to generate video and audio ad tags.

Audio in video content

Publishers with "listenable" video content might benefit from delivering audio demand into their "listenable" video inventory. Listenable content includes longform unmuted video content like news, sports, vodcasts, music, concerts, and more.

To add audio demand to listenable unmuted video content, you must send vpmute=0 (unmuted) and make implementations eligible for audio demand by either:

It is also highly recommended for video players eligible for audio demand to implement companion banners, which allow a corresponding display ad to serve, to limit experiences where a blank video player serves an audio ad. Publishers should render the companion banner on top of the video player in cases where an audio creative serves.

Line item and creative trafficking

Set up your line items just like you would other line items, specify the "Video and audio" ad type and the "Audio" expected creative size setting. Like display and video, audio creatives must be added to a line item in order for them to serve.

Learn how to traffic a video or audio creative from a line item, or how to find or add new creatives to the creative library, including audio, and audio redirect creative types.

Learn how to set up AdSense and Ad Exchange video and audio in Ad Manager.*

The Ad review center offers several features to help you find specific Ad Exchange ads, including audio ads, to review and potentially block.

* Requires you to link an account to Ad Manager.

Programmatic Direct

Programmatic Direct features are available to all Ad Manager publishers with a mapped Ad Exchanged account.

See the list of supported features for Programmatic Direct, which includes "Video and audio" line items, and "Video" and "Video redirect" creative types. Creatives for Programmatic Direct have specific requirements and options, including those for in-stream video and audio.

Learn more about programmatic proposal line items, and how to add programmatic proposal line items in Ad Manager, including details about the specific settings available for video and audio ads.


Some video inventory might serve creatives classified as Audio under the "Creative size (delivered)" reporting dimension. This represents YouTube Audio demand that shows a static image and an audio creative. These creatives are classified as Audio based on their measurement methodology.

Historical reports

When you use the Creative type report dimension, many types, such as "Video creative sets", "Programmatic" (Programmatic Guaranteed and Programmatic Direct), "Third-party", "Custom template", and others, include audio ads. To see a breakdown of audio ads, you can also include a size dimension. The Requested ad sizes dimension will show "1x1v" for audio ads, and the Creative size (delivered) will show "Audio".

Impressions for any audio ad are counted once the IMA SDK integrated player begins playback.


Troubleshoot Ad Manager line item delivery or inspect in-stream audio ad delivery to either see which ads are eligible to serve to your audio content or for issues related to ad delivery.

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