Privacy Help Centre

You have a range of controls to manage your privacy across Google’s services. To find answers to many common questions about privacy and your data in Google’s products and services, select an option below or visit our Privacy Policy.

There are also specialised resources and tools if you are looking for help with account recovery, suspected hacked accounts, removal of information from a Google product or service or technical problems.

Get help with a Google product

Visit our Help Centre and support forums.

Google Account recovery and suspected compromised accounts

Report content or information that you would like removed from a Google product or service

Your account controls

Your privacy and security controls

Enterprise customer requests and resources 

Avoid and report scams

People sometimes use the Google brand to scam and defraud people. Learn more on how to avoid scams and where to report them.

If you find suspicious activity on your account, learn how to help secure your account. Use Google's Security Check-Up to check your account security settings.

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