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About the Hotel Center platform

The Hotel Center platform helps you manage rates, availability, and other data used in ads and free booking links. Some of the new features include:

  • View your recently added properties and fix data issues with manual match.
  • Share rates to ensure that your potential guests will be able to search for your property’s availability by any date, room type, or occupancy.
  • Work with a connectivity partner to send your real-time rates and availability to Google.
  • View price accuracy samples per hotel and account.
  • Improve your property rate status and coverage.
  • Link and share with Google Ads accounts at the hotel level (optional).
  • Understand possible opportunities that you might be missing based on your landing pages, pricing, hotel list, or other settings with Hotel Center Reports.
  • Enable properties to show ads and free booking links across Google with Live on Google.
  • View performance of free booking links for your properties.

Note: You can create and manage multiple Hotel Ads campaigns at the same time and customize each one based on your preferences around bidding, budget, location, and more with Google Ads.

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