Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) is a way to build web pages for static content that render fast. Faster mobile landing pages typically reduce website abandonment and bounce rates, which can increase conversions and improve your overall ad performance.
Tags for reporting Floodlight activities are usually given as snippets of HTML and JavaScript, but AMP doesn't allow for the inclusion of "raw" JS. Instead, you use the <amp-analytics type="gtag">
tag to report Floodlight conversions. This AMP-enabled version of Google tag can also be used to send conversion data to Google Ads and tracking data to Google Analytics.
<amp-analytics type="googleadwords"
> and <amp-analytics type="googleanalytics">
.<amp-analytics type="gtag">
— to send data to Floodlight, Google Ads, and Analytics.This article explains how to configure the amp-analytics tag to report Floodlight activities. But before going into the details, here's an example of using an amp-analytics tag to report a conversion for a Floodlight action activity (details about the tag, including information on how to generate the tag for a Floodlight activity, are provided later):
<script async custom-element="amp-analytics"
<!-- Google tag (gtag) - Google Marketing Platform: 3770326 -->
<amp-analytics type="gtag" data-credentials="include">
<script type="application/json">
"vars": {
"gtag_id": "DC-3770326",
"config": {
"DC-3770326": {
"groups": "default"
"triggers": {
"FC_i_KAdR-c7_4": {
"vars": {
"event_name": "conversion",
"send_to": "DC-3770326/actions/locat304+standard"
More information about AMP
For more information about AMP, see the following articles:
What Is AMP? on the Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) Project site.
Using AMP for your Google Ads Landing Pages, which provides suggestions for adding dynamic functionality to your AMP pages
Supported features
Conversions reported from the <amp-analytics type="gtag">
tag can be used with the following Search Ads 360 features:
The Actions, Trans, and Revenue columns include data from AMP conversions.
You can create custom Floodlight columns to report on Floodlight activities on an AMP site.
AMP conversions are included when you segment reports by Floodlight activity or view Floodlight activities on the Dimensions tab.
Formula columns can include Floodlight activities on AMP pages.
Bid strategies: Floodlight activities on an AMP site can be used as targets in Smart Bidding strategies.
Cross-environment conversions: credit for AMP conversions can be spread across desktop and mobile environments, depending on the devices used in the conversion path.
Predefined attribution models and data-driven attribution (DDA) models can be applied to Floodlight activities on an AMP site. DDA models can also include these activities when generating and updating the model.
Natural Search: Natural search works with accelerated mobile pages, but with limited attribution modeling options.
Unsupported features
Conversions reported from AMP cannot be used with the following Search Ads 360 and Campaign Manager features:
Dynamic tags from Campaign Manager cannot be included on an AMP site.
If you use default dynamic tags to insert tags from a third-party tracking service, contact the third-party service to see if they can provide AMP-compatible tags. You'll need to add the AMP-compatible tags directly to your AMP site instead of using dynamic tags to insert them.
If you use publisher tags, reach out to your webmaster or analytics team to see if an alternative is available.
Global snippet and event snippets
When using the amp-analytics tag to report data to Google, the tag should appear on all pages of your AMP site and specify the gtag_id
configuration variable. On pages that you want to report conversions, you also include an event snippet in the tag's triggers object. This is similar to the global snippet and event snippet in the Google tag. See an example.
Using the amp-analytics tag for multiple Google products
The amp-analytics tag can be configured to send data to multiple Google products. For example, if you use Analytics, Google Ads conversion tracking, and Search Ads 360, you only need one <amp-analytics>
tag on every page of your site. For each product, you add your product's ID field to the config
array in the vars
object so Google knows how to route your data. Each conversion or event you want to track will have its own trigger. Learn how to create an amp-analytics tag that tracks conversions for both Search Ads 360 and Google Ads.