
Служба поддержки пользователей не предоставляет услуги по устранению неполадок на языке, выбранном в вашем интерфейсе. Чтобы связаться с сотрудником службы поддержки, переключитесь на английский или другой поддерживаемый язык (испанский, португальский или японский).

Campaign Manager 360 announcements

  1. Скоро: изменения в отчетности в I квартале 2025 г.

    Менеджер кампаний 360 и Дисплей и Видео 360 Изменения параметров достоверности по умолчанию в отчетах об охвате Ориентировочный срок изменения: 4 февраля 2025 г. В ближайшем будущем будет изменено значение параметров достоверности по умолчанию в отчетах об охвате. В интерфейсе Дисплея и Видео 360 и Менеджера кампаний 360, а также в отчетах по API по умолчанию будет установлено значение Все. Чтобы вернуться к прежним параметрам, достаточно будет выбрать вариант Только высокое качество. Напоминание о прекращении поддержки Творческой студии рекламы в первом квартале 2025 г. Ориентировочный срок и…
  2. Coming soon: December 2, 2024

    Streamline your campaign setup by directly syncing your VAST tags with The Trade Desk As an ad server used for your entire media buys - both cross-publisher and cross-channel - Campaign Manager 360 is integrating with The Trade Desk to easily set up campaigns and push VAST tags directly to your The Trade Desk (TTD) account. Learn more
  3. Скоро: изменения отчетности в ноябре 2024 г.

    Менеджер кампаний 360 и Дисплей и Видео 360 Изменения в отчетах об охвате Ориентировочный срок изменения: 18 ноября 2024 г. Благодаря оптимизации инфраструктуры отчеты будут загружаться быстрее. Поэтому данные об охвате в новых отчетах и сохраненных отчетах за аналогичный период времени могут не совпадать. Пользователи смогут указывать, следует ли исключать из отчетов данные об охвате с низким уровнем точности. Прежде подобные результаты исключались автоматически. Теперь данные об охвате с любым уровнем точности будут по умолчанию добавляться в отчеты. Изменения идентификаторов браузеров и опе…
  4. Coming soon: October 7, 2024

    “Is YouTube TV” reporting dimension A new dimension will be added to reporting making it easy to identify and differentiate YouTube TV traffic on MRC-accredited metrics.
  5. Скоро: изменения в принципах размещения рекламы в сентябре 2024 г.

    Дисплей и Видео 360 и Менеджер кампаний 360 Все рекламодатели смогут работать с улучшенной атрибуцией 30 сентября 2024 г. 30 сентября 2024 г. мы предоставим доступ к улучшенной атрибуции всем рекламодателям, которые управляют конфигурациями Floodlight в Менеджере кампаний 360 (гибридный вариант) или Дисплее и Видео 360 (сторонние серверы объявлений). У новых рекламодателей он будет по умолчанию. При улучшенной атрибуции кликам, выполненным не на YouTube, назначается идентификатор DCLID. Это позволяет увеличить не только точность атрибуции конверсий, но и объем конверсий по кликам. Отказаться о…
  6. Скоро: изменения в отчетности в сентябре 2024 г.

    Дисплей и Видео 360 Переименование EMX Digital в Cadent Aperture MX Ориентировочный срок изменения: сентябрь 2024 г. Вспомогательная биржа EMX Digital будет указываться в отчетах под новым названием – Cadent Aperture MX. Показатели "Операционные расходы на соблюдение требований" и "Общая стоимость рекламы" будут несовместимы с показателями и параметрами в отчетах YouTubes Ориентировочный срок изменения: октябрь 2024 г. Показатели "Операционные расходы на соблюдение требований" и "Общая стоимость рекламы" станут несовместимы с отчетами, в которых заданы показатели и параметры, относящиеся к You…
  7. Coming soon: July 1, 2024

    Report files download list coming to Instant reporting Display & Video 360 and Campaign Manager 360 are launching a new page in instant reporting that will allow customers to view the status of downloaded reports and access them once they're ready. User ID redaction in Data Transfer files for Florida, Texas, Oregon, and Montana Later this year, Google will begin redacting user IDs in Display & Video 360 and Campaign Manager 360 Data Transfer files for users who are located in the following US states: Florida, Texas, Oregon, and Montana. This redaction is driven by new privacy legislation that …
  8. Coming soon: Reporting updates in July 2024

    Campaign Manager 360 and Display & Video 360 User ID redaction in Data Transfer files for Florida, Texas, Oregon, and Montana Estimated July 2024 for Florida, Texas, and Oregon. Estimated October 2024 for Montana. Later this year, Google will begin redacting user IDs in Display & Video 360 and Campaign Manager 360 Data Transfer files for users who are located in the following US states: Florida, Texas, Oregon, and Montana. This redaction is driven by new privacy legislation that is due to take effect. This is a similar policy to prior redactions due to legislation enacted in California for CCP…
  9. Coming soon: Trafficking updates in July 2024

    Display & Video 360 Deprecating YouTube Other Content Types exclusion controls for YouTube & partners line Items Estimated September 2024 Display & Video 360 will be simplifying YouTube's brand suitability controls. Embedded YouTube videos and Live streaming videos exclusion controls in Other content types targeting will be removed from YouTube & partner line items and moved to the advertiser level. This change will make it easier for you to manage your brand suitability settings and ensure that your ads are only shown on content that is appropriate for your brand. Deprecating Digital Content …
  10. What's new: April 2024

    Trafficking and workflow updates “Global site tag” renamed to “Google tag” The global site tag (gtag.js) is now the Google tag. All references to “Global site tag” will be named to “Google tag” to be consistent with terminology used in Google Ads. Insights updates Unlink third-party measurement partners Campaign Manager 360 has integrated with third-party verification providers IAS and DoubleVerify for its automatic tag wrapping feature. This allows users to leverage their relationships with IAS or DoubleVerify to provide third-party verification support. You now have the option to unlink prev…
  11. Coming soon: April 1, 2024

    “Global site tag” renamed to “Google tag” The global site tag (gtag.js) is now the Google tag. All references to “Global site tag” will be renamed “Google tag” to be consistent with terminology used in Google Ads.
  12. What's new: March 2024

    Trafficking and workflow updates Conversion domains bulk edit now available via SDF and API Customers can now set conversion domains using SDF and the Campaign Manager 360 API. Learn more about conversion domains.
  13. Coming soon: March 4, 2024

    New price transparency reports for Display & Video 360 and Campaign Manager 360 advertisers in the EEA Advertisers in the EEA can now opt-in to view daily fees at the billable event level for ads displayed on third-party or Google-owned surfaces. Price transparency reports will provide a downloadable price data file that show details for each billable advertisement. Learn more about how to opt-in to access price data. Learn more about the reports, as well as how to opt in to access price data. Conversion domains bulk edit via SDF and API Campaign Manager 360 works with Chrome’s Privacy Sandbox…
  14. Coming soon: Trafficking updates in April 2024

    Campaign Manager 360 and Display & Video 360 Floodlight activity geo non-personalized advertising deprecation Estimated April 2024 Floodlight activity-level control allowing users to disable personalization in selected geographies will be deprecated. These Floodlight activities will automatically switch to disable ads personalization in all geographies. Users will still be able to control ads personalization at the Floodlight configuration-level. Floodlight activity legacy tag deprecation Estimated July 2024 The option to generate new Image and iFrame versions of Floodlight tags will be remove…
  15. Coming soon: Reporting updates in March 2024

    Campaign Manager 360 and Display & Video 360 European Economic Area consent requirements Estimated week of March 4, 2024 To continue using personalization capabilities beyond March 6, 2024, advertisers who reach users in the European Economic Area (EEA) must collect end-user consent and pass consent signals to Google via their Floodlight tags. Learn more about Consent requirements for the European Economic Area (EEA) in Campaign Manager 360 and Display & Video 360. Cross-device conversion metrics will be deprecated Estimated week of February 28, 2024 The following metrics will be deprecated: T…
  16. What's new: January 2024

    Trafficking and workflow updates Streamline your QR code measurement setup in Campaign Manager 360 Advertisers uploading video assets that include QR code images can now streamline campaign setup for their QR code video assets. Enable QR code tracking and a site, click tracker placement, and click tracker ad that represents the QR code will automatically be generated in the same campaign. Associate your QR code asset with the click tracker URL on your third-party creative platform to complete the setup. Learn more about QR code tracking settings
  17. Изменения, связанные с поддержкой средств подачи жалоб на противозаконный контент в рекламе

    В соответствии с новыми нормативными требованиями, изложенными в законе ЕС "О цифровых услугах" (DSA), в объявлениях должен быть механизм, позволяющий пользователям жаловаться на противозаконный контент. Кроме того, в ЕЭЗ могут существовать требования к тому, как в объявлениях должны показываться дополнительные сведения о прозрачности рекламы. Издатель и/или платформа покупки должны уведомлять Google обо всем противозаконном контенте, о котором им сообщают пользователи с помощью специальной формы. Ссылку на эту форму также можно найти в таблицах с рекламными тегами.
  18. What's new: November 2023

    Trafficking and workflow updates Generate tags for transparent click tracking on Google Ads Campaign Manager 360 can now export click tracking tags that are compliant with Google Ads while still using Campaign Manager 360’s advanced click tracking features like click event tags and landing page suffixes. If escaping is enabled for a click event tag, the following macros will not be expanded in the landing page URL: %eiid!, %eltd!, %g , %k, %p, %m. The existing toggle "Append a static landing page URL for tracking ads" was renamed to "Use a static landing page URL". This setting generates a ful…
  19. Coming soon: October 30, 2023

    Connected TV cross-device conversions attribution in Display & Video 360 and Campaign Manager 360 (available soon for the US) You’ll soon be able to get Connected TV (CTV) cross-device conversion attributions in Display & Video 360 and Campaign Manager 360 for digital media in the United States. This upcoming feature helps you get conversion insights attributed to CTV using cookie and mobile device ID events in environments such as desktop web, mobile web, and mobile apps. This includes conversion attributions for CTV third-party and non-YouTube Google Ad Manager inventory.
  20. Скоро: изменения в отчетности в ноябре 2023 г.

    Менеджер кампаний 360 Прекращение поддержки отчетов на вкладке "Атрибуция" Ориентировочный срок: февраль 2024 г. В последнюю неделю февраля 2024 г. будет прекращена поддержка следующих отчетов о многоканальных воронках: "Ассоциированные конверсии"; "Первые взаимодействия"; "Основные пути конверсий" "Время до конверсии"; "Длина пути". Эти отчеты можно найти на вкладке "Атрибуция" в Менеджере кампаний 360. Вы сможете и дальше создавать и изменять модели атрибуции на основе данных с помощью Инструмента моделирования атрибуции. Это изменение повлияет только на некоторые сложные функции аналитики. …
  21. Coming soon: Trafficking updates in November 2023

    Campaign Manager 360 click trackers in transparency mode when measuring on Google Ads Customers who use Campaign Manager 360 click trackers or tracking ads that are applied in Google Ads will need to enable transparency mode, otherwise their ads will be disapproved of by the click tracker transparency policy. Enforcement in Google Ads will apply to all customers who use a click tracker for the first time after September 12, 2023. To enable transparency mode, select Use a Static Landing Page URL in the Tag Default section of Placement level settings. When enabled, the generated tag will include…
  22. Coming soon: October 16, 2023

    Conversion domains Campaign Manager 360 works with Chrome’s Privacy Sandbox Attribution Reporting API for conversion measurement without third-party cookies. The Attribution Reporting API records conversion events if the site where the user converts matches the registered conversion domain. You can register up to three conversion domains (the site where you expect a user to land after clicking your ad) for each placement. Campaign Manager 360 will soon automatically register the top three conversion domains for placements within a Floodlight configuration. The inferred conversion domains are c…
  23. Новости Дисплея и Видео 360 за сентябрь 2023 г.

    Обновления рабочего процесса и управления трафиком Создание тегов для открытого отслеживания кликов в Google Рекламе Теперь из Менеджера кампаний 360 можно экспортировать теги отслеживания кликов, которые соответствуют правилам Google Рекламы и задействуют расширенные функции Менеджера кампаний 360 для отслеживания кликов, такие как события кликов и суффиксы целевых страниц. Если для тега события клика включено экранирование, в URL целевой страницы не будут заменяться следующие макросы: %eiid!, %eltd!, %g , %k, %p, %m. Переключатель "Добавлять статический URL целевой страницы для отслеживающих…
  24. Предстоящие изменения: 2 октября 2023 г.

    Отключение рекламодателей от отчетов со сравнительными данными В начале октября отчеты со сравнительными данными будут отключены для всех рекламодателей, в том числе новых. Ранее такие отчеты были по умолчанию включены для всех рекламодателей. Чтобы создавать отчеты со сравнительными данными, вам необходимо активировать эту возможность, изменив свойства рекламодателя. Подробнее об отчетах со сравнительными данными… Уменьшение максимального размера файла медийного креатива В Менеджере кампаний 360 будут поддерживаться медийные креативы с размером файла не больше 9,5 МБ. Подробнее о вариантах об…
  25. Предстоящие изменения: 5 сентября 2023 г.

    Тег открытого отслеживания кликов из Менеджера кампаний 360 в Google Рекламе Теперь из Менеджера кампаний 360 можно экспортировать теги отслеживания кликов, которые соответствуют правилам Google Рекламы и задействуют расширенные функции Менеджера кампаний 360 для отслеживания кликов, такие как события кликов и суффиксы целевых страниц. Переключатель "Добавлять статический URL целевой страницы для отслеживающих объявлений" будет называться по-другому – "Использовать статический URL целевой страницы". При использовании этого параметра будет создан полный URL для открытого отслеживания кликов, пр…
  26. Coming soon: August 21, 2023

    Conversion modeling improvements in Campaign Manager 360 Some conversion modeling capabilities will be updated for users who do not have a Display & Video 360 account linked to their Campaign Manager 360 advertiser. Affected Campaign Manager 360 users should expect a small lift in the number of modeled conversions. 
  27. Coming soon: Trafficking updates in September 2023

    Campaign Manager 360 Provided list uploads will be deprecated Provided list uploads in Campaign Manager 360 will be deprecated in September 2023. 
  28. Примечания к выпуску за июль 2023 г.

    Изменения в показе статистики Новые показатели, предназначенные для учета конверсий без атрибуции, в мгновенных отчетах Теперь пользователям доступны следующие показатели: Сумма общего количества конверсий и конверсий без атрибуции. Сумма общего дохода и дохода без атрибуции. Сумма зарегистрированных транзакций и конверсий без атрибуции. Интеграция Google Аналитики 4 с Менеджером кампаний 360 с помощью Floodlight Связать ресурс Google Аналитики 4 с аккаунтом Менеджера кампаний 360 или Дисплея и Видео 360 (если вы не используете непосредственно Менеджер кампаний 360) можно с помощью Floodlight.…
  29. Предстоящие изменения: 17 июля 2023 г.

    Интеграция Google Аналитики 4 с Менеджером кампаний 360 с помощью Floodlight Связать ресурс Google Аналитики 4 с аккаунтом Менеджера кампаний 360 или Дисплея и Видео 360 (если вы не используете непосредственно Менеджер кампаний 360) можно будет с помощью Floodlight. Благодаря этому можно будет не только видеть трафик из Менеджера кампаний 360 в отчетах Google Аналитики 4, в которых представлены данные о нескольких каналах, но и проводить в Дисплее и Видео 360 кампании с автоматическим назначением ставок, оптимизированные для конверсий Google Аналитики 4 с атрибуцией.
  30. Coming soon: June 13, 2023 edition

    Clear sensitive data in Campaign Manager 360 ahead of an external account transfer When undergoing a network transfer, you can now specify, using the existing sales process, to delete sensitive data in your network transfer agreement form (For example: media costs, tech fees, and change logs). A Google account representative will enable an option for you to confirm the deletion of sensitive data from your Campaign Manager 360 account Confirm opt-in for Campaign Manager 360 benchmarking metrics In Aug 2023, Campaign Manager 360 will be aggregating campaign data to share industry benchmark metri…
  31. Coming soon: Reporting updates in July 2023

    Campaign Manager 360 Offline reports migration to instant reporting Some offline reports will be deprecated to transition Campaign Manager 360 offline report users to instant reporting. Users will not be able to create Standard, Reach, Floodlight, and URA reports in offline reporting, or see them in the offline reporting saved reports section. Instead these reports will be available in instant reporting, where users can open and modify these templates. Before, during, and after this migration, customers will be able to edit their API reports. This migration will occur in waves starting on Augu…
  32. Поддержка Attribution Reporting API на Google Платформе для маркетинга

    Мы планируем, что благодаря технологии Privacy Sandbox, доступной в браузере Chrome, Google Платформа для маркетинга будет поддерживать рекламу на основе интересов, ремаркетинг, отслеживание конверсий и иные рекламные возможности. В частности, отслеживать конверсии без использования сторонних файлов cookie платформа будет при помощи Attribution Reporting API и собственных данных рекламодателей. Результаты эксперимента с медийной рекламой для Attribution Reporting API Специалисты Google Платформы для маркетинга провели глубокое тестирование API Privacy Sandbox в сочетании с другими сигналами, ч…
  33. What's new: March 2023

    Trafficking and workflow updates Manage placements, ads, and creatives with custom spreadsheets The new Campaign Import/Export allsows you to specify the format of the spreadsheet so that you can easily manage entities and assignments in bulk. This update adds column selection and saved templates, row filtering, custom timezone for dates, and the ability to unassign. The following new columns are available: Placement Ad Testing start date Cap costs Lookback windows (Impressions + Clicks) Additional key-values Site-served Ad Serving platform Geo targeting: Postal code Comments Tag changes Track…
  34. What's new: February 2023

    Trafficking and workflow updates Refreshed Verification UI rebranded as Brand Controls Campaign Manager 360 Verification has been rebranded to Brand Controls. There will not be any changes to ad serving capabilities with this launch. Insights updates Instant reporting dimensions for Paid Search and Rich Media Users are now able to find new dimensions available for Instant reporting under Rich Media and Paid Search. This benefits users by enabling Instant Reporting for more reporting use cases. Position in content added as a video reporting dimension A new video dimension of “Position in conten…
  35. Coming soon: March 6, 2023 edition

    Manage placements, ads, and creatives with custom spreadsheets The new Campaign Import/Export will allow you to specify the format of the spreadsheet so that you can easily manage entities and assignments in bulk. This update adds column selection and saved templates, row filtering, custom timezone for dates, and the ability to unassign. The following new columns will be available version: Placement Ad Testing start date Cap costs Lookback windows (Impressions + Clicks) Additional key-values Site-served Ad Serving platform Geo targeting: Postal code Comments Tag changes starting in April 2023 …
  36. Coming soon: Trafficking & creative updates in April 2023

    Campaign Manager 360 Verification deprecation Campaign Manager 360's Verification is being rebranded to Brand Controls. This rebrand will improve existing workflows, allowing users to easily get a holistic view of brand safety coverage across their account and to choose brand safety settings for media running through Campaign Manager 360. There is a parallel period when users will default into Brand Controls and opt-in to Verification if required. Verification will be deprecated in February 2023. Going forward, clients will still be able to receive verification reporting through Instant Report…
  37. Coming soon: Reporting updates in April 2023

    Campaign Manager 360 Verification deprecation and rebrand Campaign Manager 360's Verification is being rebranded to Brand Controls. This rebrand will improve existing workflows for viewing brand safety coverage and setting brand safety controls for ads running through Campaign Manager 360. Verification will be deprecated in February 2023. Until the deprecation, Brand Controls will be the default UI, but users can return to the Verification UI. Users can use Instant Reporting to monitor brand safety controls and tag issues. There will not be any changes to ad serving capabilities with this laun…
  38. Coming soon: February 6, 2023 edition

    Instant reporting dimensions for Paid Search and Rich Media Users will soon be able to find new dimensions available for Instant reporting under Rich Media and Paid Search. This benefits users by enabling Instant Reporting for more reporting use cases. Position in content will be added as a video reporting dimension A new video dimension “Position in content” will be added to Campaign Manager 360 reporting, allowing users to see how video ads served (such as pre, mid, or post roll).
  39. Coming soon: January 17, 2023 edition

    Refreshed Verification rebranded as Brand Controls Campaign Manager 360 Verification is being rebranded to Brand Controls. We are in a parallel period where users will default to the refreshed Brand Controls and (if required) can opt-out to use Verification. Provide feedback for refreshed Brand Controls using the dialog box in the bottom left corner. Verification, custom sensitive categories, and email alerts will be deprecated after February 2023. There will not be any changes to ad serving capabilities with this launch.
  40. What's new: October 2022

    Creative updates Optimized creative rotation goals aligned across Display & Video 360 and Campaign Manager 360 When using both Display & Video 360 and Campaign Manager 360 optimized creative rotation in the same line item, optimized creative rotation settings can vary and affect performance. The Display & Video 360 optimized rotation goal is used automatically for Display & Video 360 traffic when possible.
  41. Coming soon: October 31, 2022 edition

    Refreshed Verification rebranded as Brand Controls Campaign Manager 360 Verification is being rebranded to Brand Controls. We are in a parallel period where users will default to Verification and can opt-in to the refreshed Brand Controls. Brand Controls will be made the default in January 2023, and Verification will be deprecated in February 2023. There will not be any changes to ad serving capabilities with this launch. Instant reports will support Unique Reach Audience reporting metrics and template We will be introducing Instant Reporting support for Unique Reach Audience reporting through…
  42. Coming soon: October 17, 2022 edition

    Optimized creative rotation goals aligned across Display & Video 360 and Campaign Manager 360 When using both Display & Video 360 and Campaign Manager 360 optimized creative rotation in the same line item, optimized creative rotation settings can vary and affect performance. The Display & Video 360 optimized rotation goal will soon be used automatically for Display & Video 360 traffic when possible. 
  43. Coming soon: Trafficking updates in November 2022

    Incompatible creative types will no longer be supported As part of our efforts to streamline ad serving, we're removing support for creatives that are not working or no longer valid. This change will impact creatives with the following issues: Creatives that can't sync to Display & Video 360 (typically because they're missing assets or have no assets assigned) Image creatives with invalid image assets (typically a corrupt image file) Image and HTML5 creatives with file sizes over 10 MB Rich media creatives that are missing Studio's Enabler Display creatives that have dimensions that don't matc…
  44. Coming soon: Reporting updates in November 2022

    Campaign Manager 360 Path type will be removed from some reports The Path type dimension will be removed from Floodlight reports and Path to Conversion reports. Display & Video 360 Exchange will be renamed in reporting In reporting, the following dimension will be renamed: Old name New name Exchange Exchange code
  45. What's new: September 2022

    Insights updates Blocked Impression metric includes blocked video ads The blocked impressions metric in report builder allows users to see the number of display impressions blocked based on first-party brand safety settings. Video ads are now included and a new blocked percentage metric shows users the ratio of blocked impressions. Additional metrics available in instant reporting Additional metrics are available in instant reporting, including all MRC-related filters, dimensions, and metrics. This provides the ability to run more reports through instant reporting and helps align instant repor…
  46. Coming soon: September 19 edition

    Campaign Manager 360 planning tool set to read-only As part of its planned deprecation, the Campaign Manager 360 planning tool will be set to read-only during Q4 2022. The tool will be fully deprecated in 2023. Blocked Impressions metric will include blocked video ads Currently the blocked impressions metric in report builder allows users to see the number of display impressions blocked based on first-party brand safety settings. Video ads will soon be included and a new blocked percentage metric will show users the ratio of blocked impressions.
  47. Новости Дисплея и Видео 360 за август 2022 г.

    Изменения в показе статистики Переключатель исключения в мгновенных отчетах Теперь при настройке фильтра для параметра "Рекламодатель" доступен переключатель как для включения, так и для исключения вариантов. Стандартные часовые пояса в запланированных отчетах Теперь при настройке создания отчета можно выбрать один или несколько часовых поясов для того или иного региона. Новые шаблоны в мгновенных отчетах В мгновенных отчетах теперь доступно больше шаблонов, чтобы вам было удобнее создавать быстрые отчеты. Чтобы ознакомиться со всеми шаблонами, разверните их список. Новый показатель недействит…
  48. Coming soon: August 29 edition

    Measuring and normalizing video loudness in Campaign Manager 360 Campaign Manager 360 will normalize all video transcodes to -24 LKFS to comply with FCC / CALM act loudness requirements. Campaign Manager 360 will display the video loudness as a column in the same creative transcode table and notify the user of any assets that were not able to be normalized to -24 LKFS . Additional metrics available in Instant Reporting You'll soon see additional metrics available in instant reporting, including all MRC related filters, dimensions, and metrics. This provides the ability to run more reports thro…
  49. Coming soon: Trafficking updates in September 2022

    Google play Floodlight integration will be removed The Google Play integrations for bringing app conversions into Campaign Manager 360 via Floodlight will be removed. There are other mechanisms for tracking app campaigns, including Firebase and third party app attribution partners. Enforcement of creative asset validation Incompatible static creatives will no longer work Campaign Manager 360, validation will be updated to prevent these creatives from being added in the future. Creatives with assets over 10 MB not supported Campaign Manager 360 supports creative assets within the size limit of …
  50. Coming soon: August 15 edition

    Exclusion filter in Instant reporting When setting up an Advertiser dimension filter, you'll see an exclusion radio button in addition to an inclusion button.
  51. Coming soon: August 1 edition

    Cookie Reach reports and metrics will be deprecated September 14, 2022 (previously communicated as August 31) The Unique Reach model provides a more accurate and durable reach measurement solution than Cookie Reach. Customized time zones for scheduled reports You'll be able to select a time zone to schedule a report. Currently, you can only schedule a report in your region (only three time zones). Landing page improvements for display HTML5 creatives Editing display landing pages will soon have a consistent workflow across image and HTML5 creatives: You can now find the landing page of display…
  52. Что нового: июль 2022 г.

    Обновления рабочего процесса и управления трафиком Улучшения таблицы кампаний Стало удобнее редактировать кампании с помощью таблиц: Теперь доступны отслеживающие креативы, с которыми можно создавать кампании с отслеживанием прямо в таблицах. Добавлена поддержка файлов XLSX. Лимит строк в таблице увеличен до 10 000 строк. Следующие поля перестали быть обязательными: дата начала и окончания показа объявления; дата начала и окончания показа в месте размещения. Изменения в показе статистики Быстрый просмотр показов и кликов в модуле "Управление трафиком" Быстро оценить статистику можно с помощью …
  53. Примечания к выпускам: июнь 2022 г.

    Изменения, связанные с креативами Подключите аккаунт Творческой студии рекламы и получайте креативы от своих партнеров Теперь партнеры по созданию рекламы могут запросить установить для них связь с рекламодателем Менеджера кампаний 360. После того как аккаунты будут связаны, эти партнеры смогут отправлять креативы в ваш аккаунт. В качестве инструмента, использованного для создания таких креативов, будет указываться Творческая студия рекламы.
  54. Coming soon: June 27 edition

    New reporting dimension: “Refreshed Ad” Add the Refreshed Ad dimension in offline or instant reports to see whether a particular ad load was a refresh – meaning a new ad loaded into a slot previously held by a different ad. The dimension has two values: "Refreshed" or "Unknown". Refreshed: The ad loaded on a browser refresh Unknown: No refresh detected or the publisher did not report through the tag that the ad was refreshed
  55. Coming soon: June 13 edition

    Quick views of impression and click delivery in Trafficking Get a quick preview of delivery metrics with new sparklines. Sparklines are tiny charts that show impressions or clicks. You'll soon find them in the campaign table for the following campaign entities: Placement Ad Creative You can check the sparklines to confirm whether your campaigns are delivering or not without having to change windows and pull a separate report.
  56. Coming soon: Reporting updates in July 2022

    Campaign Manager 360 & Display & Video 360 Cookie Reach reports removed A more specific timeline about report and metric removal will be provided in Q3 following the release of Unique Reach Overlap. The following reports and metrics will be removed: CM360 Report type Cookie Reach Overlap Report templates under the “Reach” report type: Cookie Reach Active View Metrics: Cookie Reach Metrics: Cookie Reach: Average Impression Frequency Cookie Reach: Click Reach Cookie Reach: Impression Reach Cookie Reach: Incremental Click Reach Cookie Reach: Incremental Impression Reach Cookie Reach: Incremental …
  57. Coming soon: Trafficking updates in July 2022

    CM360 entity limits that were announced in Q3 2021 Estimated launch the week of Jul 11, 2022 New entity limits that were announced in Q3’21 are being enforced. Entity Limit Placements per Advertiser 200,000 Ads per Placement 600 Creatives per Ad 600 Assets per Creative 20 Most advertisers are under these limits. Also, advertisers will receive a notification in the user interface when they are near the limits so they can archive or unassign entities accordingly. Learn more about quantity and character limits Google Ads shared user lists will be removed User list sharing from Google Ads to Campa…
  58. What's new: May 2022

    Trafficking and workflow updates Digital content labels for brand safety control Digital content labels can now be used for ad blocking.
  59. Coming soon: May 16 edition

    Deprecating backup image requirement for HTML5 creatives in Campaign Manager 360 Campaign Manager 360 will no longer require a backup image to be provided for HTML5 creatives. These backup images will be made optional in the UI and users won't be required to provide them for HTML5 creatives. 
  60. Coming soon: April 18 edition

    Custom Floodlight variables (u values) available in standard reports Select custom Flloodlight variables (u values) as dimensions within standard reports (limited to the last 7 days). If a custom Floodlight variable value doesn't appear to meet privacy requirements, the report row may be summed as a merge row in the report output.
  61. Coming soon: April 4 edition

    Improvements to invalid impressions and clicks counting Some users may see a decline in invalid click and impression counts. This is due to improvements to what is counted as invalid clicks and impressions and will not affect the count of actual invalid clicks or impressions.
  62. Coming soon: Trafficking updates in April 2022

    API read permission enforcement (API users only) Estimated week of April 4, 2022 Read API permissions will now be enforced for Campaign Manager 360. This means that users who have permissions to the Campaign Manager 360 network will now need explicit read API permissions as a part of their user role in order to use the read API. For most existing customers read API permissions have already been added for you and there's nothing you need to do. If you experience permissions problems when using the read API, contact support for help. New Placement Status field in traffic sheet Estimated week of …
  63. Coming soon: Reporting updates in April 2022

    Campaign Manager 360 Nielsen auto tagging will be removed Estimated week of April 4, 2022 Nielsen auto tagging functionality will be removed. You can continue to use Nielsen tags and apply them as event tags when trafficking campaigns. Nielsen reports in Campaign Manager 360 offline report builder will also be removed, including any scheduled reports and any related metrics/dimensions. Display and Video 360 Some YouTube Ad Type dimension values will be renamed Estimated week of April 4, 2022 The following YouTube Ad type dimension values will be renamed: Old value name New value name Video dis…
  64. Coming soon: February 14 edition

    Flash creatives will be deleted on March 12, 2022 Support for Flash creatives was removed in 2016 and these creative types have not been servable since January 2, 2017. Since they can no longer be used, we are permanently deleting all Flash creatives.
  65. What's new: January 2022

    Trafficking and workflow updates Deprecating WEBM transcodes for in-stream video in Campaign Manager 360 We have deprecated redundant WEBM video transcodes that were often not supported by publishers. Edit your Floodlight activities in bulk A Bulk Sheet button has been added to the Floodlight > Activities page so you can download Floodlight activities as a spreadsheet, edit offline, and upload activities in bulk.
  66. Coming soon: January 18 edition

    Deprecating WEBM transcodes for in-stream video in Campaign Manager 360 We will be deprecating redundant WEBM video transcodes that are often not supported by publishers. 
  67. Coming soon: December 6 edition

    Bulk editing your Floodlight activities A Bulk Sheet button will be added to the Floodlight > Activities page so you can download Floodlight activities as a spreadsheet, edit offline, and upload activities in bulk.
  68. Coming soon: Reporting updates in November 2021

    Changes previously communicated as happening the week of November 15, will now happen the week of November 29th. Campaign Manager 360 Start/End Date in Account Timezone Estimated week of November 29 2021 To provide a more unified user experience with Trafficking, dimensions and filters will use the account timezone instead of UTC. Reports generated after this change will show different creative start/end dates compared to before and will filter out different creatives if the filters are not adjusted to the account timezone. Content classifier dimension will be renamed Estimated week of Novembe…
  69. What's new: November 2021

    Trafficking and workflow updates Improved event tag management You can now see your event tags in campaign explorer view and can manage them in bulk. To enable the Event Tag view, click Views > Customize Views, then check the Event Tags view. Event tag assignment in the campaign spreadsheet You can now use “0” as a value in the Applied Impression Event Tag IDs column of the campaign spreadsheet to inherit applied-automatically impression event tags. For example, if you enter the IDs “0, 2, 4”, that placement will have event tags 2, 4 and all event tags inherited by the campaign or advertiser s…
  70. Coming soon: October 25 edition

    Improved event tag management You'll see your event tags within campaign explorer view and be able to manage them in bulk. To enable the Event Tag View, click Views > Customize Views and then check the Event Tags view.
  71. Coming soon: October 11 edition

    New validation for backup sizes matching valid dimensions of responsive creative Soon there will be an error message when trying to save a creative with a backup image which does not match one of the creative sizes.
  72. What's new: September 2021

    Trafficking and workflow updates Connect with your third-party app attribution partners in a faster, seamless manner See Campaign Manager 360 information directly in your third-party reporting with the updated integration for third-party app attribution partners.
  73. Coming soon: September 27 edition

    Two new video dimensions will be added for more detailed reporting We're adding two new dimensions for better video reporting: media type and video content position. Media type can be: audio, video, display, tracking, or unknown. Video content position can be: pre-roll, mid-roll, post-roll, or unknown. Enhancing click and conversion tracking for YouTube campaigns If your Display & Video 360 account is linked to Campaign Manager 360, you can choose a tracking placement when creating a YouTube ad. This tracking placement captures impressions, viewability, and other metrics tied to Display & Vide…
  74. Coming soon: September 13 edition

    Removing WEBM and 3GPP video transcodes The current list of video transcodes is comprehensive for the sake of thoroughness, however we’ve learned that the majority of publisher requirements can be met with a smaller list of transcodes. To make it easier to review transcodes, we’re removing rarely used WEBM and 3GPP transcodes from the list. Improving view-through-conversion modeling for Firefox Browsers and operating systems are constantly making changes to the way third-party cookies are used and accessible to advertising platforms like Campaign Manager 360 and Display & Video 360. The goal o…
  75. What's new: August 2021

    Trafficking and workflow updates New page for users without billing access Users without billing access who visit the Billing section will see a notification that they need additional permissions to view billing information. Improvements to automated third-party verification Automated third-party verification now includes the following improvements: Video tag type selection in the placement settings Columns for automated third-party verification settings in the Trafficking Sheet Warning displayed when downloading pending wrapped tracking tags "Blocking" measurement mode disabled when disallowe…
  76. Coming soon: August 30 edition

    A better way to view reports We’re adding pivot tables to Report Builder so you can better visualize your report data directly within our Instant Reporting. Once you add your desired dimensions and metrics, a pivot table will be ready for your viewing.
  77. Coming soon: Reporting updates in September 2021

    Campaign Manager 360 Creative Start/End Date in Account Timezone Estimated week of September 6, 2021 To provide a more unified user experience with Trafficking, dimensions and filters will use the account timezone instead of UTC. Reports generated after this change will show different creative start/end dates. Creative filters must be updated to the account timezone to function correctly. Removal of leading spaces for Rich Media Events Estimated week of September 6, 2021 Leading spaces for Rich Media events will be removed. If you automatically ingest Rich Media Events you may have to adjust s…
  78. Coming soon: Trafficking updates in Sept / Oct 2021

    New entity limits Estimated week of October 25, 2021 Maximum of 200,000 Placements per Advertiser Note: only Active and Inactive placements will count towards this limit; Archived placements will not Maximum of 600 Ads per Placement (excluding tracking ads) Maximum of 600 Creatives per Ad (excluding tracking creatives) Maximum of 20 assets per creative. Most advertisers are under these limits. There will be a one-time cleanup to help advertisers meet the limits. In the future, advertisers will receive a notification in Campaign Manager 360 when they are approaching the entity limits. Then enti…
  79. Coming soon: August 4 edition

    Placement type in txt and html formats of the tag download sheet The tag download sheet will now include placement type details when downloaded in the txt and html formats to more clearly differentiate display, audio, and video placements. This information is already present in the xls version of the sheet. 
  80. What's new: July 2021

    Insights updates Simplified attribution model selection available for offline reports Offline reporting previously showed the system model in attribution model selection under each Floodlight configuration. To reduce duplication, the system model was moved to its own section of the attribution model dropdown. For Display & Video 360, a biddable conversion model was added to the dropdown that respects the assignment of Floodlight activities and attribution model selections (at the line item level).
  81. Coming soon: July 21 edition

    Improvements to YouTube Measurement The pipeline for Active View metrics in Campaign Manager 360 and Display & Video 360 will be upgraded to align with other ads products. As a benefit, there will be improvement in Measurable Impressions and Viewable Impressions for some Display & Video 360 YouTube inventory. Because these metrics are MRC accredited, there will be a notice for all impacted customers with an estimate of the change. The notice will display in product until around Aug 15th, and the changes will be complete the week of Aug 16th. New look for Campaign Manager 360 creative edits Pus…
  82. Coming soon: July 7 edition

    Automate video campaign workflows and QA processes for top publishers We'll be automating workflows for video transcodes and video assets QA. This ensures that a video campaign is aligned with the end publisher's requirements and minimizes the manual work required by Campaign Manager 360 video traffickers, as well as providing faster insights into creatives that might otherwise fail the publisher requirements. Track your ad serving costs anytime A number of new metrics and dimensions will be added to Reporting, allowing advertisers to track their ad serving costs at any time. Previously this r…
  83. What's new: June 2021

    Trafficking and workflow updates Creative names can soon be up to 512 characters long Creative names were previously limited to 256 characters in Display & Video 360. We’ve increased this to 512 characters, which will match the limit in Campaign Manager 360. If you sync your creatives from a linked Campaign Manager 360 advertiser, placements with longer names in Campaign Manager 360 will no longer be trimmed when they’re synced over as creatives in Display & Video 360. OGG format support for audio creatives You can now upload OGG assets for audio creatives in both Display & Video 360 and Campa…
  84. Coming soon: June 21 edition

    Share custom attribution models from Campaign Manager 360 to Ads Data Hub You can now share your custom attribution models to Ads Data Hub through a new option called “Send to Ads Data Hub” within the Attribution Model UI. Sharing the attribution model to Ads Data Hub will allow you to view your conversions in Ads Data Hub through the lens of different attribution models and get event-level insights on your custom models.
  85. Обновление интерфейса Менеджера кампаний 360

    Общие сведения Мы внесли в интерфейс Менеджера кампаний 360 некоторые изменения, чтобы сделать этот сервис более привлекательным и удобным. Управление трафиком. Мы добавили новую функцию навигации, призванную упростить управление кампаниями. Посмотреть, как выглядит функция, можно ниже. Отчеты. Мы обновили раздел, чтобы работать с ним стало удобнее. Посмотреть, как он выглядит, можно ниже. В интерфейсе Менеджера кампаний 360 произошли некоторые изменения. Благодаря этому вам будет проще управлять своими кампаниями, так как у вас появятся более широкие возможности настройки интерфейса нашего се…
  86. Coming soon: June 7 edition

    Refreshed look-and-feel with new push panels We’re continuing to update the look and feel of Campaign Manager 360. Up next, we’re introducing push panels to make it easier to navigate between advertiser and admin pages, and manage bulk edits and uploads. Customize the system Floodlight model to your needs Floodlight attribution models will include an option for the system Floodlight model as a baseline for newly-created models. This model tries to attribute conversions to the last click but will attribute to the last view if no clicks are found. You’ll be able to customize this model to includ…
  87. What's new: May 2021

    Trafficking and workflow updates Manage billing directly in Campaign Manager 360 A new Billing section will be gradually added to Campaign Manager 360 accounts over the coming weeks. The new section includes options to view your billing profile, edit invoice options, view and download invoices and transactions, and edit invoice delivery options. This section will be available to users with “Billing: Full access” permissions who have full access to Campaign Manager 360 and are already invoice recipients. Refreshed look-and-feel for Reporting, updated navigation in Trafficking We’ve made some ch…
  88. Coming soon: May 24 edition

    OGG format support for audio creatives Starting this week you’ll be able to upload OGG assets for audio creatives in both Campaign Manager 360 and Display & Video 360. Tracking ad support for audio placements You’ll soon be able to assign tracking ads to audio placements, just like you can for video and display placements. With this change, you’ll be able to create tracking ads in Campaign Manager 360 and assign them to YouTube audio creatives in Display & Video 360, as well as third-party ad served audio creatives. Support for using these tracking ads with non-YouTube audio creatives hosted b…
  89. Coming soon: May 10 edition

    Manage billing directly in Campaign Manager 360 A new Billing section will be added in Campaign Manager 360 to view and edit billing details and settings directly. The new section includes options to view your billing profile, edit invoice options, view and download invoices and transactions, and edit invoice delivery options. This section will be available to users with Billing: Full access permissions who have full access to Campaign Manager 360 and are already invoice recipients. Display creatives with multiple .html files no longer supported in Campaign Manager 360 and Display & Video 360 …
  90. Coming soon: Reporting updates in June 2021

    The metric name changes in offline reports and Data Transfer referenced in the March 2021 reporting updates will now go into effect the week of June 7, 2021. Display & Video 360 Changes to reporting dimensions Time of Day Values returned by the Time of Day dimension will change from single digit to double digit. For example 0 will be 00, 2 will be 02, and 10 will be 10. The change is being made to make values easier to sort. Scheduled reports will continue to run with the new values. Creative Attributes The Creative Attributes dimension in DV360 reporting will no longer return the following va…
  91. What's new: April 2021

    Trafficking and workflow updates Changes to supported Studio creative types We’ve made some updates to creatives and removed support for rarely used Studio creative types that are also no longer supported in Studio: Creatives that use the deprecated layout property Creatives that were built more than 5 years ago using a flat path structure for loading assets (rather than relative paths, which Studio has moved to since). These creatives will no longer serve and are automatically archived and read-only. Insights updates Export offline reports directly to BigQuery BigQuery exporter allows you to …
  92. Data outage for some reporting metrics between March 31 and April 7, 2021

    Between March 31 and April 7, 2021 there was data missing (from display ads served to web environments) which resulted in undercounting the following metrics: Begin-to-render Impressions Provisional Impressions Viewable Impressions This was caused by problems with a Display & Video 360 and Campaign Manager 360 counting method and how that method interacted with the IMA SDK. The problem was fully resolved as of April 8, but the data is unrecoverable. No other metrics were affected, including any used for billing. Last updated May 6, 2021
  93. Coming soon: April 12 edition

    Media Asset IDs will now be available in all VAST tags from Campaign Manager 360 and Display & Video 360 Media Asset ID <mediafile> will be available in Campaign Manager 360 and Display & Video 360 video VAST tags. This unique identifier provides a workaround for how advertisers and publishers identify unique videos in their own platforms. Addition of Universal Ad ID to VAST 2.0 Tags VAST 2.0 tags exported from Campaign Manager 360 will now have an <Extensions> node to provide Universal Ad ID functionality that is offered for VAST 4.0. The <Extension type="AD ID"> node will hold a <UniversalAd…
  94. What's new: March 2021

    Trafficking and workflow updates Default ad changes and new optional duration setting streamline in-stream video workflows You’ll see a few changes that help streamline your workflows for setting up campaigns with in-stream video creatives: Optional placement-level duration setting: In-stream video placements have a new optional duration setting to control which creatives are eligible to serve depending on their length. Learn more Duration setting in the campaign spreadsheet: A new column called Placement Duration is available in the campaign spreadsheet for the optional duration setting. Lear…
  95. Coming soon: March 29 edition

    New setting coming soon to Display & Video 360 auto-tagging for YouTube & partners inventory Display & Video 360 will soon include a partner-level setting to enable advertisers to use YouTube auto-tagging. Enabling auto-tagging helps track conversions for YouTube & partners inventory and is a best practice for the upcoming parallel tracking changes. Auto-tagging will be turned off by default and can be selectively turned on by going to Partner settings > Advertiser configurations in your Display & Video 360 partner. If you measure YouTube inventory in Campaign Manager 360, we recommend reachin…
  96. Coming soon: March 15 edition

    The ltd= parameter will allow publishers to restrict the use of identifiers in click trackers The ltd= parameter, which is currently available in placement tags, will soon be available for use in click trackers. Publishers can set this parameter to ltd=1 to ensure that click trackers don’t use any identifiers (user ID, event IDs like GCLID or DCLID) in environments where policies or user consent define their use. Parallel tracking for YouTube enabled after April 30, 2021 The deadline to adopt parallel tracking for YouTube inventory is April 30, 2021. Parallel tracking helps load your landing p…
  97. What's new: February 2021

    Insights updates Learn more about metric and dimension definitions with new tooltips in reporting The report builders in offline reporting now include tooltips with the definitions for metrics and dimensions. Use these tooltips to help understand the meaning and calculation of metrics and dimensions as you build your reports.
  98. Coming soon: February 15 edition

    N+ frequency coming soon for Unique Reach reports N+ frequency, a dimension that determines how many people observed a given ad N+ times, is coming soon to reporting. You’ll see a new “Reach by frequency” metric selection section in Unique Reach reports, allowing up to four metric selections: Unique Reach: Impression Reach Unique Reach: Click Reach Unique Reach: Total Reach Unique Reach: Viewable Impression Reach Tooltips for metric and dimension definitions coming soon to reporting The report builders in offline reporting will soon include tooltips with the definitions for metrics and dimensi…
  99. Coming soon: February 1 edition

    Active View to start using Open Measurement SDK on mobile app display inventory During the week of March 1, Active View measurement will start using signals from the Open Measurement (OM) SDK when measuring viewability for mobile app display inventory in Display & Video 360 and Campaign Manager 360. This change brings Active View in line with the industry standard. There may be a small change in mobile app display measurability and viewability. This change only impacts Active View measurement on inventory where the OM SDK is available. New optional duration setting and default ad changes comin…
  100. Event tag assignment coming soon to the campaign spreadsheet

    Summary To make it easier for you to apply and edit event tags in bulk, we’re adding support for event tag assignment to the campaign spreadsheet. Starting on March 2, you’ll see three new columns in the spreadsheet to update event tag assignments for ads and creatives: Applied Impression Event Tag IDs Applied Click Event Tag ID Creative Assignment Event Tags Enabled You’ll be able to import campaign spreadsheets without these new columns, but we recommend updating any tools you use that generate or process these sheets to include the new columns. To make it easier for you to apply and edit ev…
  101. Coming soon: Reporting updates in March 2021

    Display & Video 360 YouTube watch time metrics incompatible with geo dimensions Estimated week of Mar 1, 2021 The Watch Time metric in YouTube reports will no longer be compatible with the following dimensions: Country City Zip Code API requests that combine Watch Time with these dimensions will return an error. Any existing scheduled reports that use Watch Time with these dimensions will no longer run. The change is being made because of no/low usage. Entity names for filter selections included in report footers Estimated week of Mar 29, 2021 To align with Campaign Manager 360 offline reports…
  102. What's new: January 2021

    Trafficking and workflow updates Creative type support updates We've made some changes to simplify creative uploads by removing support for outdated or rarely used creative types. The ability to create new creatives or edit creatives of these types was removed on November 2, 2020, and all creatives of the following types were archived on January 11, 2021: Image and HTML5 banner: These were replaced with the combined “Display” creative type in 2016. Low-usage Studio creative types: Flash in-page, rich media display banner with floating, rich media display multi-floating interstitial, rich media…
  103. Important changes to Data Transfer

    As part of our ongoing commitment to user privacy we are in the process of making important changes to our Data Transfer feature in Display & Video 360 and Campaign Manager 360. YouTube: We no longer populate the encrypted UserID and PartnerID fields in Data Transfer for impressions served on YouTube inventory globally and recorded in Campaign Manager 360 and Display & Video 360. Google Marketing Platform: We no longer populate encrypted UserID and PartnerID fields in Data Transfer for certain events recorded in Campaign Manager 360 and Display & Video 360. Authorized Buyers (formerly DoubleCl…
  104. Изменения в поддерживаемых типах креативов

    Чтобы упростить загрузку креативов, мы внесли некоторые изменения, исключив поддержку креативов устаревших или редко используемых типов. Дает ли это какие-либо преимущества? Начиная с 2 ноября 2020 г.: Вы больше не сможете создавать новые креативы в медийной галерее изображений, а существующие креативы станут доступны только для чтения. Доступными только для чтения станут креативы следующих типов: Баннер HTML5* Графический* Медийный и мультимедийный с Flash-объектами (.swf) Медийный баннер Rich Media с плавающим креативом *Примечание. Это изменение относится только к креативам старых типов "Ба…
  105. Coming soon: Reporting updates in November 2020

    Campaign Manager Updates to app reporting We’re making improvements to how Campaign Manager reports impressions served on mobile app inventory. As a result, you may see see a change in mobile app impressions (using the platform dimension) beginning the week of November 30. If you're impacted you'll see a notification directly in the Campaign Manager interface and no additional action is required. Removal of insights tab Because of low usage, the Insights tab in Campaign Manager reporting will be removed the week of November 2. You should instead use Instant Reporting, which provides most of th…
  106. Coming soon: Reporting updates in March 2020

    Metrics and dimensions renaming The following will be renamed in Display & Video 360 and Campaign Manager Reporting, including scheduled reports. Display & Video 360 reporting Companion metrics and dimensions Old metric name New metric name Companion Impressions (Audio) Companion Views (Audio) Companion Impressions (Video) Companion Views (Video) Old dimension name New dimension name Video Companion creative Companion creative Video Companion ID Companion ID Video Companion size Companion size TrueView metrics, dimensions, values, and templates Old metric name New metric name TrueView: Views Y…
  107. Changes to Active View measurement during the week of July 22, 2019

    During the week of July 22, 2019, improvements to Campaign Manager Active View measurement will remove discrepancies between Campaign Manager and Google Ads for YouTube placements. Because of this change, more impressions will be eligible for Active View measurement. On average, you can expect to see the following changes for placements served on YouTube: Total Active View Eligible Impressions will increase by an estimated 6% Total Active View Measurable Impressions will increase by an estimated 7% Total Active View Viewable Impressions will increase by an estimated 6% To learn how to implemen…
  108. Coming soon: Reporting updates in August and September 2019

    Campaign Manager Audience performance report dimensions deprecation The following dimensions will be removed from Campaign Manager reporting, including scheduled reports and the Reporting and Trafficking API. The Display & Video 360 Audience Performance Report will not be affected. User List User List ID User List Description User List Current Size User List Membership Life Span Twitter and social metrics renaming The following Twitter specific metrics will be renamed in Campaign Manager Reporting, including scheduled reports and the Reporting and Trafficking API. This is being done so the met…
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