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Coming soon: August 29 edition

See what's coming to Campaign Manager 360 over the next few weeks

Measuring and normalizing video loudness in Campaign Manager 360

Campaign Manager 360 will normalize all video transcodes to -24 LKFS to comply with FCC / CALM act loudness requirements. Campaign Manager 360 will display the video loudness as a column in the same creative transcode table and notify the user of any assets that were not able to be normalized to -24 LKFS .  

Additional metrics available in Instant Reporting

You'll soon see additional metrics available in instant reporting, including all MRC related filters, dimensions, and metrics. This provides the ability to run more reports through instant reporting and helps align instant reporting with offline reports.

Changes to the default settings for newly created Floodlight activities

When you create new floodlight activity tags, you will be required to select whether a Floodlight activity should be enabled for attribution. This will replace the current default that each Floodlight activity has attribution modeling turned on automatically. This is a step to ensure clients get consistent and reliable attribution insight as Campaign Manager 360 integrates with the privacy safe measurement APIs. 

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