Features and guidelines for Programmatic Direct

Learn about supported creative formats and features

Programmatic Direct features are available to all Ad Manager publishers with a mapped Ad Exchange account. The following restrictions apply to programmatic campaigns:

Programmatic ads can show multiple times on the same page, which allows maximum programmatic revenue.

To avoid showing programmatic ads multiple time on a page, you can specify different categories for a placement so the ad would be eligible on only one placement. This would impact overall revenue as auction pressure would be decreased.

The following tables list the supported features for Programmatic Direct campaigns:

Line item level

Feature Advertiser provided Publisher managed
CPM Standard Supported Supported

CPD Sponsorship

Note: CPD Sponsorships are only supported for Display & Video 360 partners and advertisers who have billing addresses outside the European Economic Area (EEA).

Programmatic Guaranteed only
CPM Sponsorship


Programmatic Guaranteed only


CPC, vCPM, CPA Not supported Not supported

Programmatic Guaranteed only

Creative rotation Not supported Not supported
Video master/companion Supported Supported
Display master/companion Not supported Supported
Multiple, different size creatives per line item Supported Supported
Creative size overrides Supported Supported
Optimized video pods Supported Supported
YouTube cross-sell Supported Not supported
Dynamic Ad Insertion Supported Supported
Buyer audience lists Supported Supported
Alcohol ads Supported

If opted in on network and inventory. Note alcohol ads can only be served in certain countries.


If opted in on network. Note alcohol ads can only be served in certain countries.



Feature Advertiser provided Publisher managed
Active View
Supported Supported


Creative types

Feature Advertiser provided

Publisher managed

Image creatives Supported Supported
Third-party creatives Supported Supported
Standard native formats Supported Supported
Custom native formats Not supported Supported
Standard creative templates Not supported Supported
Custom creative templates Not supported Supported
HTML5 creatives Supported Supported
Interactive (playable) creatives Supported Supported
Studio creatives Not supported Not supported
Campaign Manager 360 tag (internal redirect) Not supported Not supported
Video creatives Supported Supported
YouTube-hosted video creatives Supported Supported
VAST redirect creatives Supported Supported
Standard native video creatives Supported Supported
Custom native video creatives Not supported Supported
Video overlay creatives Not supported Supported
Set-top box creatives Not supported Supported
Audio creatives Supported Supported
Audio redirect creatives Supported Supported



Feature Advertiser provided Publisher managed
Out-of-page, wallpaper, and expandable creatives
Not supported Supported
Ad Manager creative wrappers and templates and creative macros Not supported Supported
Non-in-stream (Standalone and Interstitials) Supported Supported
Rewarded non-video


Rewarded video (app and mobile web) Supported Supported
TrueView video Not supported Not supported
MRAID Supported Supported
Interstitial app Supported Supported
Mobile web interstitials Supported Supported
Skins Not supported Supported
Takeovers Supported Supported


Rules and Programmatic Direct

EU user consent settings
EU user consent settings apply to Programmatic Direct.

Protections are rules that help you protect your brand by restricting how, where, or which ads can serve on your websites or apps. Protections are usually overridden for Programmatic Direct campaigns, with the exception of:

Unified pricing rules
Unified pricing rules allows you to set pricing for advertisers, brands, or sizes across programmatic demand in the Open Auction. Unified pricing rules do not apply to Programmatic Direct campaigns. Programmatic Direct campaigns are direct sold campaigns with a specific buyer and, therefore, do not fall under rules meant to apply to competing buyers in the Open Auction.

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