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Agencies: Starter guide

A depiction of an advertising agency employee working with a hotel employee.

Note: This guide will help you determine whether your client is connected to Google and eligible for hotel booking links. It's intended for agencies helping to manage a hotel’s online presence with Google, but who don't provide technical connectivity for rates and availability.

If your business doesn’t fit this description, don’t worry. There are alternative ways to get started on Google.

With free booking links and hotel ads, there are now more options to reach the millions of travelers searching for hotels on Google every day. Help your clients achieve their business goals and provide them with measurable results to make insight-led decisions.

First, you’ll need to ensure the properties you represent are providing their business information, rates, and availability to Google.

There are currently 2 ways your clients can connect their rates with Google:

  • Direct integration: Using the Google Connectivity API
  • Third-party integration: Using a third-party integration partner (fees for services may be charged)

Note: If you plan on providing the technical connection for prices and availability to Google for your client, review the connectivity partner guide.

Start here

Is the property already providing Google with rates and availability?


Great! You can start showing your client’s rates on Google with the following products:


Your client will need to send their prices to Google before they can take advantage of booking links.
Choose the best integration guide for your client:

Not sure

  1. Try searching for the name of your property on Google Search.
  2. Select a date range with available rooms in the booking module under the property name and description.
  3. If you can view prices and booking links, then the property is providing their rates to Google either directly or through a third party.

If you’d like to learn more about opportunities for agencies in the future, fill out our interest form.

Hotel booking links interest form for Agencies

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