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Assign specific admin roles

If you don't want to give a user full access to the Google Admin console, you can let them perform only a subset of administrative tasks. Do this by assigning an admin role. You can assign more than one admin role to a user.

You can also assign an admin role to a group or service account, rather than a user. For example, you can use a service account admin to create and update groups and group memberships with applications outside of the Admin console using the Cloud Identity Groups API. 

How administrator roles work

In the Admin console, admins can only view information and perform tasks that their role's privileges allow. For example, if you assign the prebuilt User Management Admin role to someone, they can only view and modify specific user settings for people who aren’t admins.

How role assignment limits work

You can set any role to apply across all of your organizational units. For these roles, you can make up to 1000 total assignments, regardless of the number of roles. For example, you could assign one role to 300 users and another role to 700 users.

You can apply some roles to organizational units instead. For these roles, you can make up to 1000 total assignments for each organizational unit, regardless of the number of roles. To see if you can apply a role to organizational units, go to the user's role assignment page and next to All organizational units, look for Edit . Examples include the User Management Admin prebuilt role or a custom role that has at least one User privilege. 

If you still need to assign more than 1000 roles, you can add multiple members to a group and assign a role to the group. A role assignment to a group counts as one assignment, regardless of the number of members.

Before you begin

Step 1: Review any prebuilt or custom roles already used

You must be signed in as a super administrator for this task.
  1. Sign in with a super administrator account to the Google Admin console.

    If you aren’t using a super administrator account, you can’t complete these steps.

  2. Go to Menu and then Account > Admin roles.
  3. Point to the role and then View privileges or View admins to see the admins assigned to the role.

Step 2: Decide on the type of role

Decide whether you want to:

Assign roles

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You must be signed in as a super administrator for this task.

You can assign a role to users and groups at the same time by following either procedure for assigning a role to several users or to a group.

After you assign a role, when the user next signs in, they arrive at the Admin console Home page. Changes can take up to 24 hours but typically happen more quickly. Learn more

Unassign roles

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You can’t unassign a role from yourself.

Next steps 

Administrators can add recovery options to their account.

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