将 Gmail 与 Google Workspace 搭配使用时,您可能会看到以下错误消息和代码。这些消息和代码非常有助于诊断和排查电子邮件问题。
为了向您说明错误来源,Gmail 会在所有错误消息中附加下列任一标识符,或同时附加下列两个标识符:
- gsmtp (Google SMTP) 会添加到所有错误中。
- gcdp(Google 自定义网域政策)会添加到因违反管理员创建的自定义规则而产生的错误中。
举例来说,如果您收到“550 5.7.1 此邮件违反了 example.com 的电子邮件政策。- gcdp <sessionid> - gsmtp”错误消息,则说明此错误是由于违反管理员创建的自定义规则造成的。
有关详情,请参阅关于 SMTP 错误消息。
SMTP 错误消息
错误代码 |
状态代码 |
错误文本 |
450 |
4.2.1 |
The user you are trying to contact is receiving email too quickly. Please resend your message at a later time. If the user is able to receive email at that time, your message will be delivered. For more information, go to Limits for sending & getting email.(您尝试联系的用户接收电子邮件的速度过快。请稍后重发您的邮件。如果届时用户可以接收电子邮件,则系统将递送您的邮件。有关详情,请参阅收发电子邮件的限制。) |
450 |
4.2.1 |
The user you are trying to contact is receiving email at a rate that prevents additional messages from being delivered. Please resend your message at a later time. If the user is able to receive email at that time, your message will be delivered. For more information, go to Limits for sending & getting email.(此邮件已受到速率限制。有关详情,请参阅收发电子邮件的限制。) |
450 |
4.2.1 |
Peak SMTP relay limit exceeded for this customer. This is a temporary error. For more information on SMTP relay limits, contact your administrator or go to SMTP relay service error messages.(此客户的最高 SMTP 中继量超出限制。此错误是暂时性的。如需详细了解 SMTP 中继限制,请与您的管理员联系或参阅 SMTP 中继服务错误消息。) |
452 |
4.2.2 |
The recipient's inbox is out of storage space. Please direct the recipient to Manage files in your Google Drive storage.(收件人的收件箱存储空间不足。请让收件人参阅管理 Google 云端硬盘存储空间中的文件。) |
451 |
4.3.0 |
Email server has temporarily rejected this message. Go to About SMTP error messages for more information.(电子邮件服务器暂时拒收了此邮件。请参阅 SMTP 错误消息简介了解详情。) |
451 |
4.3.0 |
Multiple destination domains per transaction is unsupported. 请重试。 For more information, go to About SMTP error messages and review RFC 5321 specifications.(单次事务不可包含多个目标网域。有关详情,请参阅 SMTP 错误消息简介并查看 RFC 5321 规范。) |
421 |
4.3.0 |
Temporary System Problem. 请稍后再试。For more information, go to About SMTP error messages.(临时系统问题。有关详情,请参阅 SMTP 错误消息简介。) |
451 |
4.4.2 |
Timeout - closing connection. For more information, go to About SMTP error messages.(超时 - 正在断开连接。有关详情,请参阅 SMTP 错误消息简介。) |
421 |
4.4.5 |
Server busy, try again later. For more information, go to About SMTP error messages.(服务器正忙,请稍后重试。有关详情,请参阅 SMTP 错误消息简介。) |
451 |
4.5.0 |
SMTP protocol violation. For more information, go to About SMTP error messages and review RFC 5321 specifications.(违反 SMTP 协议。有关详情,请参阅 SMTP 错误消息简介并查看 RFC 5321 规范。) |
452 |
4.5.3 |
Domain policy size per transaction exceeded, please try this recipient in a separate transaction. For more information, go to Message bounced due to a policy rule.(已超过每次事务所允许的网域政策大小,请单独向此收件人发送邮件。有关详情,请参阅邮件因政策规则而被退回。) |
452 |
4.5.3 |
Your message has too many recipients. For more information regarding Google's sending limits, go to Limits for sending & getting email.(邮件的收件人过多。如需详细了解 Google 的发送限制,请参阅收发电子邮件的限制。) |
421 |
4.7.0 |
Connection expired, try reconnecting. For more information, go to About SMTP error messages.(连接已过期,请尝试重新连接。有关详情,请参阅 SMTP 错误消息简介。) |
421 |
4.7.0 |
IP not in whitelist for RCPT domain, closing connection. For more information, go to Allowlists, denylists, and approved senders.(IP 不在 RCPT 网域的白名单中,正在断开连接。有关详情,请参阅许可名单、拒绝名单和批准的发件人。) |
421 |
4.7.0 |
Try again later, closing connection. (command) For more information, go to About SMTP error messages.(请稍后重试,正在断开连接。(命令)有关详情,请参阅 SMTP 错误消息简介。) |
421 |
4.7.0 |
The IP address sending this message does not have a PTR record, or the corresponding forward DNS entry does not point to the sending IP. To protect our users from spam, email sent from your IP address has been temporarily rate limited. For more information, go to Email sender guidelines.(发送此邮件的 IP 地址没有 PTR 记录,或者对应的正向 DNS 条目没有指向发件人 IP。为保护我们的用户免受垃圾邮件的骚扰,从您的 IP 地址发出的电子邮件暂时受到速率限制。有关详情,请参阅电子邮件发件人指南。) |
454 |
4.7.0 |
Too many login attempts, please try again later. For more information, go to Add Gmail to another email client.(登录尝试次数过多,请稍后重试。有关详情,请参阅将 Gmail 添加到其他电子邮件客户端。) |
454 |
4.7.0 |
Cannot authenticate due to a temporary system problem. 请稍后再试。For more information, go to About SMTP error messages.(临时系统问题导致无法进行身份验证。有关详情,请参阅 SMTP 错误消息简介。) |
421 |
4.7.0 |
TLS required for RCPT domain, closing connection. For more information, go to Email encryption in transit.(RCPT 网域需要 TLS,正在断开连接。有关详情,请参阅电子邮件的传输加密。) |
421 |
4.7.0 |
This message is suspicious due to the very low reputation of the sending IP address. To protect our users from spam, email sent from your IP address has been temporarily rate limited. For more information, go to Why has Gmail blocked my messages?.(此邮件很可疑,因为发送邮件的 IP 地址的声誉极低。为保护我们的用户免受垃圾邮件的骚扰,从您的 IP 地址发出的电子邮件暂时受到速率限制。有关详情,请参阅 Gmail 为什么屏蔽了我的邮件?。) |
421 |
4.7.0 |
This message is suspicious due to the very low reputation of the sending domain. To best protect our users from spam, the message has been blocked. For more information, go to Why has Gmail blocked my messages?.(此邮件很可疑,因为发送邮件的网域的声誉极低。为保护我们的用户免受垃圾邮件的骚扰,此邮件已被屏蔽。有关详情,请参阅 Gmail 为什么屏蔽了我的邮件?。) |
421 |
4.7.0 |
This message is suspicious due to the nature of the content or the links within. To best protect our users from spam, the message has been blocked. For more information, go to Why has Gmail blocked my messages?.(由于邮件所含内容或链接的性质,此邮件很可疑。为保护我们的用户免受垃圾邮件的骚扰,此邮件已被屏蔽。有关详情,请参阅 Gmail 为什么屏蔽了我的邮件?。) |
451 | 4.7.23 |
ip-address:此邮件的发件人 IP 地址没有 PTR 记录,或者 PTR 记录的转发 DNS 条目与发件人 IP 地址不匹配。为保护用户免受垃圾邮件的侵扰,我们已暂时限制您的电子邮件的速率。 要详细了解向 Gmail 发送邮件的 IP 地址要求,请参阅发件人指南的 IP 地址部分。如需详细了解 Gmail 对群发电子邮件发件人的要求,请参阅电子邮件发件人指南。 |
451 |
4.7.24 |
The SPF record of the sending domain has one or more suspicious entries. To protect our users from spam, email sent from your IP address has been temporarily rate limited. For more information, go to Email sender guidelines.(发送邮件的网域的 SPF 记录中有一个或多个可疑条目。为保护我们的用户免受垃圾邮件的骚扰,从您的 IP 地址发出的电子邮件暂时受到速率限制。有关详情,请参阅电子邮件发件人指南。) |
451 |
4.7.26 |
Unauthenticated email from domain-name is not accepted due to domain's DMARC policy, but temporary DNS failures prevent authentication. Please contact the administrator of domain-name domain if this was a legitimate email. To learn about the DMARC initiative, go to Gmail Help.(由于网域的 DMARC 政策,系统不接受来自 <域名> 的未通过身份验证的电子邮件,但临时性 DNS 故障会阻止身份验证。如果是合法邮件,请与 <域名> 网域的管理员联系。若要了解 DMARC 计划,请参阅 Gmail 帮助。) |
421 |
4.7.26 |
This email has been rate limited because it is unauthenticated. Gmail requires all senders to authenticate with either SPF or DKIM. Authentication results: DKIM = did not pass SPF domain-name with ip: ip-address = did not pass. To resolve this issue, go to Email sender guidelines.(此邮件未通过身份验证,因此受到频率限制。Gmail 要求所有发件人通过 SPF 或 DKIM 进行身份验证。身份验证结果:DKIM = 未通过 SPF <域名>(IP 为 <IP 地址>)= 未通过。如需解决此问题,请参阅电子邮件发件人指南。) |
421 |
4.7.27 |
由于此邮件未通过 SPF 身份验证,因此您的电子邮件已受到速率限制。Gmail 要求所有群发电子邮件发件人使用 SPF 对电子邮件进行身份验证。身份验证结果:SPF <域名>(IP 为 <IP 地址>)= 未通过。 如需为发送邮件的网域设置 SPF,请参阅设置 SPF。如需详细了解 Gmail 对群发电子邮件发件人的要求,请参阅电子邮件发件人指南。 |
421 |
4.7.28 |
Gmail has detected an unusual rate of email. To protect our users from spam, email has been temporarily rate limited. To review our bulk email senders guidelines, go to Email sender guidelines.(Gmail 检测到数量庞大的邮件。为保护我们的用户免受垃圾邮件的骚扰,电子邮件暂时受到速率限制。如需查看我们的群发电子邮件发件人指南,请参阅电子邮件发件人指南。) |
421 |
4.7.28 |
Gmail has detected an unusual rate of email originating from your IP address ip-address. To protect our users from spam, email sent from your IP address has been temporarily rate limited. To review our bulk email senders guidelines, go to Email sender guidelines.(Gmail 检测到您的 IP 地址 <IP 地址> 发出了数量庞大的邮件。为保护我们的用户免受垃圾邮件的骚扰,从您的 IP 地址发出的电子邮件暂时受到速率限制。如需查看我们的群发电子邮件发件人指南,请参阅电子邮件发件人指南。) |
421 |
4.7.28 |
Gmail has detected an unusual rate of unsolicited email originating from your IP Netblock ip-address. To protect our users from spam, email sent from your IP Netblock has been temporarily rate limited. To review our bulk email senders guidelines, go to Email sender guidelines.(Gmail 检测到您的 IP Netblock <IP 地址> 发出了数量庞大的垃圾邮件。为保护我们的用户免受垃圾邮件的骚扰,从您的 IP Netblock 发出的电子邮件暂时受到频率限制。如需查看我们的群发电子邮件发件人指南,请参阅电子邮件发件人指南。) |
421 |
4.7.28 |
Gmail has detected an unusual rate of unsolicited email originating from your DKIM domain domain-name. To protect our users from spam, email sent from your domain has been temporarily rate limited. To review our bulk email senders guidelines, go to Email sender guidelines.(Gmail 检测到您的 SPF 网域 <域名> 发出了数量庞大的垃圾邮件。为保护我们的用户免受垃圾邮件的骚扰,从您的网域发出的电子邮件暂时受到速率限制。如需查看我们的群发电子邮件发件人指南,请参阅电子邮件发件人指南。) |
421 |
4.7.28 |
Gmail has detected an unusual rate of unsolicited email originating from your SPF domain domain-name. To protect our users from spam, email sent from your domain has been temporarily rate limited. To review our bulk email senders guidelines, go to Email sender guidelines.(Gmail 检测到您的 SPF 网域 <域名> 发出了数量庞大的垃圾邮件。为保护我们的用户免受垃圾邮件的骚扰,从您的网域发出的电子邮件暂时受到速率限制。如需查看我们的群发电子邮件发件人指南,请参阅电子邮件发件人指南。) |
421 |
4.7.28 |
Gmail has detected an unusual rate of unsolicited email containing one of your URL domains. To protect our users from spam, email with the URL has been temporarily rate limited. To review our bulk email senders guidelines, go to Email sender guidelines.(Gmail 检测到数量庞大的垃圾邮件,其中包含您的某个网址网域。为保护我们的用户免受垃圾邮件的骚扰,包含该网址的电子邮件暂时受到速率限制。如需查看我们的群发电子邮件发件人指南,请参阅电子邮件发件人指南。) |
421 |
4.7.28 |
Gmail has detected an unusual amount of unsolicited email originating from your IP address. To protect our users from spam, email sent from your IP address has been temporarily blocked. To review our bulk email senders guidelines, go to Email sender guidelines.(Gmail 检测到您的 IP 地址发出了数量庞大的垃圾邮件。为保护我们的用户免受垃圾邮件的骚扰,系统暂时屏蔽了从您的 IP 地址发出的邮件。如需查看我们的群发电子邮件发件人指南,请参阅电子邮件发件人指南。) |
421 |
4.7.28 |
Gmail has detected this sender exceeded the quota for sending messages that have the same Message-ID:. To best protect our users, the message has been temporarily rejected. For more information, go to Why has Gmail blocked my messages?.(Gmail 检测到此发件人超出了发送具有相同“Message-ID:”的邮件的配额。为保护我们的用户,系统已暂时拒收此邮件。有关详情,请参阅 Gmail 为什么屏蔽了我的邮件?。) |
421 |
4.7.29 |
由于这封邮件不是通过 TLS 连接发送的,因此您的电子邮件已受到速率限制。Gmail 要求所有群发电子邮件发件人使用 TLS/SSL 进行 SMTP 连接。 如需为电子邮件设置 TLS,请参阅 TLS 和 SSL 连接。如需详细了解 Gmail 对群发电子邮件发件人的要求,请参阅电子邮件发件人指南。 |
421 | 4.7.30 |
由于此邮件未通过 DKIM 身份验证,因此您的电子邮件已受到速率限制。Gmail 要求所有群发电子邮件发件人使用 DKIM 对电子邮件进行身份验证。身份验证结果:DKIM = 未通过。 如需为发送邮件的网域设置 DKIM,请参阅设置 DKIM。如需详细了解 Gmail 对群发电子邮件发件人的要求,请参阅电子邮件发件人指南。 |
421 | 4.7.32 |
由于此邮件中的“From:”标头 (RFC5322) 与经过身份验证的 SPF 或 DKIM 组织网域不一致,因此您的电子邮件已受到速率限制。 |
550 |
5.1.1 |
The email account that you tried to reach does not exist. Please double-check the recipient's email address for typos or unnecessary spaces. For more information, go to Fix bounced or rejected emails.(您尝试向其发送邮件的电子邮件账号不存在。请核查收件人的电子邮件地址,看看是否存在拼写错误或多余的空格。有关详情,请参阅解决电子邮件被退回或遭拒的问题。) |
553 |
5.1.2 |
We weren't able to find the recipient domain. Please check for any spelling errors and make sure you didn't enter any spaces, periods, or other punctuation after the recipient's email address. For more information, go to Fix bounced or rejected emails.(我们找不到收件人域。请检查是否存在拼写错误,并确保您未在收件人电子邮件地址末尾输入空格、句号或其他标点符号。有关详情,请参阅解决电子邮件被退回或遭拒的问题。) |
553 |
5.1.3 |
The recipient address address is not a valid RFC 5321 address. For more information, go to About SMTP error messages and review RFC 5321 specifications.(收件人地址 <地址> 不是有效的 RFC 5321 地址。有关详情,请参阅 SMTP 错误消息简介并查看 RFC 5321 规范。) |
553 |
5.1.7 |
The sender address address is not a valid RFC 5321 address. For more information, go to About SMTP error messages and review RFC 5321 specifications.(发件人地址 <地址> 不是有效的 RFC 5321 地址。有关详情,请参阅 SMTP 错误消息简介并查看 RFC 5321 规范。) |
550 |
5.2.1 |
The email account that you tried to reach is inactive. For more information, go to https://support.google.com/mail/?p=DisabledUser(您尝试向其发送电子邮件的电子邮件账号无效。有关详情,请访问 https://support.google.com/mail/?p=DisabledUser) |
550 |
5.2.1 |
The user you are trying to contact is receiving email at a rate that prevents additional messages from being delivered. For more information, go to Limits for sending & getting email.(您尝试联系的用户接收邮件过于频繁,导致其他邮件无法送达。有关详情,请参阅收发电子邮件的限制。) |
552 |
5.2.2 |
The recipient's inbox is out of storage space and inactive. Please direct the recipient to Manage files in your Google Drive storage.(收件人的收件箱存储空间不足,且处于闲置状态。请让收件人参阅管理 Google 云端硬盘存储空间中的文件。) |
552 |
5.3.4 |
Your message exceeded Google's message size limits. To view our message size guidelines, go to Send attachments with your Gmail message.(您的邮件超出了 Google 的邮件大小限制。如需查看我们的邮件大小指南,请参阅通过 Gmail 邮件发送附件。) |
552 |
5.3.4 |
The number of attachments (num-attachments) exceeds Google's limit of limit attachments. To view our attachment size guidelines, go to Gmail receiving limits in Google Workspace.(附件数量 (<附件数量>) 超出了 Google 的附件数量限制 (<限制>)。如需查看我们的附件大小指南,请参阅 Google Workspace 中的 Gmail 接收限制。) |
552 |
5.3.4 |
The size of your message (size bytes) exceeded Google's message size limits of limit bytes. To view our message size guidelines, go to Gmail receiving limits in Google Workspace.(您的邮件大小(<大小> 字节)超出了 Google 的邮件大小限制(<限制> 字节)。如需查看我们的邮件大小指南,请参阅 Google Workspace 中的 Gmail 接收限制。) |
552 |
5.3.4 |
Your message exceeded Google's message header size limits. To view our header size guidelines, go to Gmail message header limits.(您的邮件超出了 Google 的邮件标头大小限制。如需查看我们的标头大小指南,请参阅 Gmail 邮件标头限制。) |
552 |
5.3.4 |
Your message exceeded Google's message header size limits. Messages must not exceed limit total header bytes or limit header fields. To view our header size guidelines, go to Gmail message header limits.(您的邮件超出了 Google 的邮件标头大小限制。邮件不得超过 <限制> 个标头字节总数或 <限制> 个标头字段。如需查看我们的标头大小指南,请参阅 Gmail 邮件标头限制。) |
552 |
5.3.4 |
The size of the header name header value (size bytes) exceeds Google's limit of limit bytes per individual header size. To view our header size guidelines, go to Gmail message header limits.(<标头名称> 标头值的大小(<大小> 字节)超出了 Google 规定的每个标头大小限制限制(<限制> 字节)。如需查看我们的标头大小指南,请参阅 Gmail 邮件标头限制。) |
552 |
5.3.4 |
The size of one of the header values (size bytes) exceeds Google's limit of limit bytes per individual header size. To view our header size guidelines, go to Gmail message header limits.(某个标头值的大小(<大小> 字节)超出了 Google 规定的每个标头大小限制(<限制> 字节)。如需查看我们的标头大小指南,请参阅 Gmail 邮件标头限制。) |
552 |
5.3.4 |
The size of a header name (size bytes) exceeds Google’s header name limit of limit bytes. To view our header size guidelines, go to Gmail message header limits.(标头名称的大小(<大小> 字节)超出了 Google 的标头名称限制(<限制> 字节)。如需查看我们的标头大小指南,请参阅 Gmail 邮件标头限制。) |
552 |
5.3.4 |
Your message has a Subject: header that exceeds Google's message header size limits. To view our header size guidelines, go to Gmail message header limits.(您邮件的“Subject:”标头超出了 Google 的邮件标头大小限制。如需查看我们的标头大小指南,请参阅 Gmail 邮件标头限制。) |
550 |
5.4.5 |
Daily user sending limit exceeded. For more information on Gmail sending limits, go to Gmail sending limits.(超出了用户的每日发信上限。如需详细了解 Gmail 发信上限,请参阅 Gmail 发信上限。) |
550 |
5.4.5 |
Daily SMTP relay limit exceeded for user. For more information on SMTP relay sending limits, contact your administrator or go to SMTP relay service error messages.(用户的每日 SMTP 中继量超出限制。如需详细了解 SMTP 中继发信上限,请与您的管理员联系或参阅 SMTP 中继服务错误消息。) |
554 |
5.4.6 |
Message exceeded 50 hops, this may indicate an email loop. For more information, go to Gmail Help.(邮件跳转已超过 50 次,这可能表示出现邮件循环现象。有关详情,请参阅 Gmail 帮助。) |
503 |
5.5.1 |
Bad sequence of commands. For more information, go to About SMTP error messages and review RFC 5321 specifications.(命令序列错误。有关详情,请参阅 SMTP 错误消息简介并查看 RFC 5321 规范。) |
502 |
5.5.1 |
Unimplemented command. For more information, go to About SMTP error messages.(命令未实现。有关详情,请参阅 SMTP 错误消息简介。) |
502 |
5.5.1 |
Unrecognized command. For more information, go to About SMTP error messages.(命令无法识别。有关详情,请参阅 SMTP 错误消息简介。) |
502 |
5.5.1 |
Too many unrecognized commands, goodbye. For more information, go to About SMTP error messages.(无法识别的命令过多,正在断开连接。有关详情,请参阅 SMTP 错误消息简介。) |
503 |
5.5.1 |
No DATA after BDAT. An email transaction protocol command was issued out of sequence. For more information, go to About SMTP error messages and review RFC 3030 specifications.(BDAT 后无 DATA。电子邮件事务协议命令未按顺序发出。有关详情,请参阅 SMTP 错误消息简介并查看 RFC 3030 规范。) |
503 |
5.5.1 |
EHLO/HELO first. An email transaction protocol command was issued out of sequence. For more information, go to HELO/EHLO email error.(先执行 EHLO/HELO。电子邮件事务协议命令未按顺序发出。有关详情,请参阅 HELO/EHLO 电子邮件错误。) |
503 |
5.5.1 |
An email transaction protocol command was issued out of sequence. For more information, go to About SMTP error messages and review RFC 5321 specifications.(电子邮件事务协议命令未按顺序发出。有关详情,请参阅 SMTP 错误消息简介并查看 RFC 5321 规范。) |
503 |
5.5.1 |
RCPT first. An email transaction protocol command was issued out of sequence. For more information, go to About SMTP error messages and review RFC 5321 specifications.(先执行 RCPT。电子邮件事务协议命令未按顺序发出。有关详情,请参阅 SMTP 错误消息简介并查看 RFC 5321 规范。) |
501 |
5.5.2 |
Syntax error, cannot decode response. For more information, go to About SMTP error messages.(语法错误,无法对响应进行解码。有关详情,请参阅 SMTP 错误消息简介。) |
555 |
5.5.2 |
语法错误。 For more information, go to About SMTP error messages and review RFC 5321 specifications.(有关详情,请参阅 SMTP 错误消息简介并查看 RFC 5321 规范。) |
555 |
5.5.2 |
Syntax error, goodbye. For more information, go to About SMTP error messages and review RFC 5321 specifications.(语法错误,正在断开连接。有关详情,请参阅 SMTP 错误消息简介并查看 RFC 5321 规范。) |
550 |
5.5.3 |
Too many recipients for this sender. For more information, go to About SMTP error messages and review RFC 5321 specifications.(此发件人的收件人过多。有关详情,请参阅 SMTP 错误消息简介并查看 RFC 5321 规范。) |
501 |
5.5.4 |
HELO/EHLO argument argument invalid closing connection. For more information, go to HELO/EHLO email error.(HELO/EHLO 参数 <参数> 无效,正在断开连接。有关详情,请参阅 HELO/EHLO 电子邮件错误。) |
501 |
5.5.4 |
Empty HELO/EHLO argument not allowed, closing connection. For more information, go to HELO/EHLO email error.(HELO/EHLO 参数不可为空,正在断开连接。有关详情,请参阅 HELO/EHLO 电子邮件错误。) |
554 |
5.6.0 |
Email message is malformed. Not accepted. For more information, go to Email sender guidelines and review RFC 5322 specifications.(电子邮件格式错误。未接受。有关详情,请参阅电子邮件发件人指南并查看 RFC 5322 规范。) |
552 |
5.7.0 |
This message was blocked because its content presents a potential security issue. To review our message content and attachment content guidelines, go to File types blocked in Gmail.(此邮件的内容存在潜在安全问题,因此已被屏蔽。如需查看我们的邮件内容和附件内容指南,请参阅 Gmail 中屏蔽的文件类型。) |
503 |
5.7.0 |
No identity changes permitted. For more information, go to About SMTP error messages.(不允许更改身份。有关详情,请参阅 SMTP 错误消息简介。) |
550 |
5.7.0 |
Email relay denied ip-address. Invalid credentials for relay for one of the domains in: domain-name (as obtained from HELO and (E)MAIL FROM). Email is being sent from a domain or IP address which isn't registered in your Workspace account. Please login to your Workspace account and verify that your sending device IP address has been registered within the Workspace SMTP Relay Settings. For more information, go to SMTP relay service error messages.(邮件中继拒绝了 <IP 地址>。<域名> 中的网域之一的中继凭据无效(从 HELO 和 (E)MAIL FROM 获取)。电子邮件是从未在您的 Workspace 账号中注册的网域或 IP 地址发送的。请登录您的 Workspace 账号,验证您的发送设备 IP 地址是否已在 Workspace SMTP 中继设置中注册。有关详情,请参阅 SMTP 中继服务错误消息。) |
550 |
5.7.0 |
Email relay denied ip-address. The sending email account has been temporarily suspended due to abuse. For more information, go to SMTP relay spam policy in Gmail.(邮件中继拒绝了 <IP 地址>。由于存在滥用行为,发送邮件的账号已被暂时停用。有关详情,请参阅 Gmail 中的 SMTP 中继垃圾邮件政策。) |
550 |
5.7.0 |
Email sending denied. For more information, go to SMTP relay service error messages.(电子邮件发送遭拒。有关详情,请参阅 SMTP 中继服务错误消息。) |
554 |
5.7.0 |
Too many unauthenticated commands. For more information, go to About SMTP error messages.(未经身份验证的命令过多。有关详情,请参阅 SMTP 错误消息简介。) |
530 |
5.7.0 |
需要进行身份验证。For more information, go to Can't sign in to your Google Account.(有关详情,请参阅无法登录您的 Google 账号。) |
530 |
5.7.0 |
Must issue a STARTTLS command first. For more information, go to About SMTP error messages and review RFC 3207 specifications.(必须先发出 STARTTLS 命令。有关详情,请参阅 SMTP 错误消息简介并查看 RFC 3207 规范。) |
552 |
5.7.0 |
This message was blocked because its content presents a potential security issue. To review our message and attachment content guidelines, go to File types blocked in Gmail.(此邮件的内容存在潜在安全问题,因此已被屏蔽。如需查看我们的邮件和附件内容指南,请参阅 Gmail 中屏蔽的文件类型。) |
550 |
5.7.1 |
The user or domain that you are sending to (or from) has a policy that prohibits the email that you sent. Contact your domain administrator for assistance. For more information, go to Sorry, a policy is in place that prevents your message from being sent.(您发送邮件的目标(或来源)用户或网域设置了一项政策,该政策阻止您发送的邮件。请与您的网域管理员联系以请求帮助。有关详情,请参阅很抱歉,由于政策限制,目前系统无法发送您的邮件。) |
550 |
5.7.1 |
Invalid credentials for relay ip-address. The IP address you've registered in your Workspace SMTP Relay service doesn't match the domain of the account this email is being sent from. If you are trying to relay email from a domain that isn't registered under your Workspace account or has empty envelope-from:, you must configure your email server either to use SMTP AUTH to identify the sending domain or to present one of your domain names in the HELO or EHLO command. For more information, go to SMTP relay service error messages.(中继 <IP 地址> 凭据无效。您在 Workspace SMTP 中继服务中注册的 IP 地址与发送此电子邮件的账号所属的网域不一致。如果您要中继来自从未在您的 Workspace 账号下注册的网域的邮件或者“envelope-from:”为空,请务必将您的电子邮件服务器配置为使用 SMTP AUTH,以识别发送网域或将您的某个域名显示在 HELO 或 EHLO 命令中。有关详情,请参阅 SMTP 中继服务错误消息。) |
550 |
5.7.1 |
This message is likely unsolicited email. To reduce the amount of spam sent to Gmail, this message has been blocked. For more information, go to Why has Gmail blocked my messages?.(此邮件很可能是垃圾邮件。为减少发送至 Gmail 的垃圾邮件数量,系统已屏蔽了此邮件。有关详情,请参阅 Gmail 为什么屏蔽了我的邮件?。) |
550 |
5.7.1 |
This message does not meet IPv6 sending guidelines regarding PTR records and authentication. For more information, go to Email sender guidelines.(发件人 IP 与指针 (PTR) 记录中指定的主机名的 IP 地址不一致。有关详情,请参阅电子邮件发件人指南。) |
550 |
5.7.1 |
This message is likely suspicious due to the very low reputation of the sending IP address. To best protect our users from spam, the message has been blocked. For more information, go to Why has Gmail blocked my messages?.(此邮件很可疑,因为发送邮件的网域的声誉极低。为保护我们的用户免受垃圾邮件的骚扰,此邮件已被屏蔽。有关详情,请参阅 Gmail 为什么屏蔽了我的邮件?。) |
550 |
5.7.1 |
This message is likely suspicious due to the very low reputation of the sending domain. To best protect our users from spam, the message has been blocked. For more information, go to Why has Gmail blocked my messages?.(此邮件很可疑,因为发送邮件的网域的声誉极低。为保护我们的用户免受垃圾邮件的骚扰,此邮件已被屏蔽。有关详情,请参阅 Gmail 为什么屏蔽了我的邮件?。) |
550 |
5.7.1 |
Messages missing a valid address in the From: header, or having no From: header, are not accepted. For more information, go to Email sender guidelines and review RFC 5322 specifications.(我们不接受“From:”标头中缺少有效地址或没有“From:”标头的邮件。有关详情,请参阅电子邮件发件人指南并查看 RFC 5322 规范。) |
550 |
5.7.1 |
Messages missing a valid Message-ID: header are not accepted. For more information, go to Email sender guidelines and review RFC 5322 specifications.(我们不接受缺少有效“Message-ID:”标头的邮件。有关详情,请参阅电子邮件发件人指南并查看 RFC 5322 规范。) |
550 |
5.7.1 |
Messages with multiple addresses in the From: header are not accepted. For more information, go to Email sender guidelines and review RFC 5322 specifications.(我们不接受“From:”标头中包含多个地址的邮件。有关详情,请参阅电子邮件发件人指南并查看 RFC 5322 规范。) |
550 |
5.7.1 |
The message contains a unicode character in a disallowed header. To review our message and header content guidelines, go to File types blocked in Gmail.(该邮件在不允许的标头中包含 Unicode 字符。如需查看我们的邮件和标头内容指南,请参阅 Gmail 中屏蔽的文件类型。) |
550 |
5.7.1 |
This message is not RFC 5322 compliant because it has duplicate headers. To reduce the amount of spam sent to Gmail, this message has been blocked. 此邮件不符合 RFC 5322 规范,因为“From:”标头包含不合规的域名。为减少发送至 Gmail 的垃圾邮件数量,系统已屏蔽了此邮件。有关详情,请参阅电子邮件发件人指南并查看 RFC 5322 规范。 |
550 |
5.7.1 |
This message is not RFC 5322 compliant because the From: header is missing. To reduce the amount of spam sent to Gmail, this message has been blocked. 此邮件不符合 RFC 5322 规范,因为“From:”标头包含不合规的域名。为减少发送至 Gmail 的垃圾邮件数量,系统已屏蔽了此邮件。有关详情,请参阅电子邮件发件人指南并查看 RFC 5322 规范。 |
550 |
5.7.1 |
This message is not RFC 5322 compliant because it has multiple From: headers. To reduce the amount of spam sent to Gmail, this message has been blocked. 此邮件不符合 RFC 5322 规范,因为“From:”标头包含不合规的域名。为减少发送至 Gmail 的垃圾邮件数量,系统已屏蔽了此邮件。有关详情,请参阅电子邮件发件人指南并查看 RFC 5322 规范。 |
550 |
5.7.1 |
This message is not RFC 5322 compliant because the From: header has a non-compliant domain name. To reduce the amount of spam sent to Gmail, this message has been blocked. 此邮件不符合 RFC 5322 规范,因为“From:”标头包含不合规的域名。为减少发送至 Gmail 的垃圾邮件数量,系统已屏蔽了此邮件。有关详情,请参阅电子邮件发件人指南并查看 RFC 5322 规范。 |
550 |
5.7.1 |
This email has been rate limited. For more information, go to Limits for sending & getting email.(此邮件已受到速率限制。有关详情,请参阅收发电子邮件的限制。) |
550 |
5.7.1 |
The IP you're using to send email is not authorized to send email directly to our servers. Use the SMTP relay at your service provider instead. For more information, go to 'The IP you're using to send email is not authorized...'.(您用于发送电子邮件的 IP 无权直接向我们的服务器发送电子邮件。请改为使用服务提供商的 SMTP 中继。有关详情,请参阅“您用于发送电子邮件的 IP 未经授权...”。) |
550 |
5.7.1 |
Daily SMTP relay sending limit exceeded for this customer. For more information on SMTP relay sending limits, contact your administrator or visit SMTP relay service error messages.(超出此客户的每日 SMTP 中继发信上限。有关 SMTP 中继发信上限的详细信息,请与您的管理员联系或参阅 SMTP 中继服务错误消息。) |
550 |
5.7.1 |
Encoded-word syntax is not permitted in message header header-name. To reduce the amount of spam sent to Gmail, this message has been blocked. For more information, go to Email sender guidelines and review RFC 5322 specifications.(此邮件不符合 RFC 5322 规范。有多个 <标头名称> 标头。为减少发送至 Gmail 的垃圾邮件数量,系统已屏蔽了此邮件。有关详情,请参阅电子邮件发件人指南并查看 RFC 5322 规范。) |
550 |
5.7.1 |
This message is not RFC 5322 compliant. There are multiple header-name headers. To reduce the amount of spam sent to Gmail, this message has been blocked. For more information, go to Email sender guidelines and review RFC 5322 specifications.(此邮件不符合 RFC 5322 规范。有多个 <标头名称> 标头。为减少发送至 Gmail 的垃圾邮件数量,系统已屏蔽了此邮件。有关详情,请参阅电子邮件发件人指南并查看 RFC 5322 规范。) |
550 |
5.7.1 |
This message is not RFC 5322 compliant. There is a malformed header- name header. To reduce the amount of spam sent to Gmail, this message has been blocked. For more information, go to Email sender guidelines and review RFC 5322 specifications.(此邮件不符合 RFC 5322 规范。有多个 <标头名称> 标头。为减少发送至 Gmail 的垃圾邮件数量,系统已屏蔽了此邮件。有关详情,请参阅电子邮件发件人指南并查看 RFC 5322 规范。) |
523 |
5.7.10 |
SMTP protocol violation, no commands allowed to pipeline after STARTTLS. For more information, go to About SMTP error messages and review RFC 3207 specifications.(违反 SMTP 协议,不允许在 STARTTLS 之后发出任何命令。有关详情,请参阅 SMTP 错误消息简介并查看 RFC 3207 规范。) |
501 |
5.7.11 |
Syntax error (no parameters allowed). For more information, go to About SMTP error messages and review RFC 3207 specifications.(语法错误(不允许使用任何参数)。有关详情,请参阅 SMTP 错误消息简介并查看 RFC 3207 规范。) |
534 |
5.7.14 |
Please log in through your web browser and then try again. For more information, go to Can't sign in to your Google Account.(请使用网络浏览器进行登录,然后重试。有关详情,请参阅无法登录您的 Google 账号。) |
550 |
5.7.24 |
The SPF record of the sending domain has one or more suspicious entries. For more information, go to Email sender guidelines.(发送邮件的网域的 SPF 记录中有一个或多个可疑条目。有关详情,请参阅电子邮件发件人指南。) |
550 |
5.7.25 |
The IP address sending this message does not have a PTR record setup, or the corresponding forward DNS entry does not point to the sending IP. As a policy, Gmail does not accept messages from IPs with missing PTR records. For more information, go to Email sender guidelines.(发送此邮件的 IP 地址没有 PTR 记录设置,或者对应的正向 DNS 条目没有指向发件人 IP。根据政策规定,Gmail 不接受从缺少 PTR 记录的 IP 发出的邮件。有关详情,请参阅电子邮件发件人指南。) |
550 |
5.7.25 |
The sending IP does not match the IP address of the hostname specified in the pointer (PTR) record. For more information, go to Email sender guidelines.(发件人 IP 与指针 (PTR) 记录中指定的主机名的 IP 地址不一致。有关详情,请参阅电子邮件发件人指南。) |
550 |
5.7.26 |
This email has been blocked because the sender is unauthenticated. Gmail requires all senders to authenticate with either SPF or DKIM. Authentication results: DKIM = did not pass SPF [domain-name] with ip: [ip-address] = did not pass. For instructions on setting up authentication, go to Email sender guidelines.(此电子邮件已被屏蔽,因为发件人未通过身份验证。Gmail 要求所有发件人通过 SPF 或 DKIM 进行身份验证。身份验证结果:DKIM = 未通过 SPF [域名](IP 为 [IP 地址])= 未通过。如需了解如何设置身份验证,请参阅电子邮件发件人指南。) |
550 |
5.7.26 |
The (E)MAIL FROM domain [domain-name] has an SPF record with a hard fail policy (-all) but it fails to pass SPF checks with the ip: [ip-address]. To best protect our users from spam and phishing, the message has been blocked. For more information, go to Email sender guidelines.((E)MAIL FROM 网域 [域名] 的 SPF 记录设置了硬性失败政策 (-all),但未能通过 SPF 检查(IP 为 [IP 地址])。为保护我们的用户免受垃圾邮件和钓鱼邮件的骚扰,此邮件已被屏蔽。有关详情,请参阅电子邮件发件人指南。) |
550 |
5.7.26 |
Unauthenticated email from domain-name is not accepted due to domain's DMARC policy. Contact the administrator of domain-name domain if this was legitimate email. To learn about the DMARC initiative, go to Control unauthenticated email from your domain.(根据网域的 DMARC 政策,系统不接受来自 <域名> 的未经身份验证的电子邮件。如果这是合法邮件,请与 <域名> 网域的管理员联系。如需了解 DMARC 计划,请参阅控制来自您网域的未经身份验证的电子邮件。) |
550 |
5.7.27 |
This email has been blocked because SPF does not pass. Gmail requires all large senders to authenticate with SPF. Authentication results: SPF domain-name with ip: ip-address = did not pass. For instructions on setting up SPF authentication, go to Set up SPF.(此电子邮件已被屏蔽,因为 SPF 未通过。Gmail 要求所有发件量较大的发件人进行 SPF 身份验证。身份验证结果:SPF <域名>(IP 为 <IP 地址>)= 未通过。如需了解如何设置 SPF 身份验证,请参阅设置 SPF。) |
550 |
5.7.28 |
There is an unusual rate of unsolicited email originating from your IP address. To protect our users from spam, email sent from your IP address has been blocked. To review our bulk email senders guidelines, go to Email sender guidelines.(您的 IP 地址发出了数量庞大的垃圾邮件。为保护我们的用户免受垃圾邮件的骚扰,系统屏蔽了从您的 IP 地址发出的电子邮件。如需查看我们的群发电子邮件发件人指南,请参阅电子邮件发件人指南。) |
550 | 5.7.29 |
Your email has been blocked because this message wasn’t sent over a TLS connection.(您的电子邮件不是通过 TLS 连接发送的,因此已被屏蔽。)Gmail 要求所有群发电子邮件发件人使用 TLS/SSL 进行 SMTP 连接。 如需为电子邮件设置 TLS,请参阅 TLS 和 SSL 连接。如需详细了解 Gmail 对群发电子邮件发件人的要求,请参阅电子邮件发件人指南。 |
550 | 5.7.30 | This email has been blocked because DKIM does not pass. Gmail requires all large senders to authenticate with DKIM. Authentication results: DKIM = did not pass. For instructions on setting up DKIM authentication, go to Set up DKIM.(此电子邮件已被屏蔽,因为 DKIM 未通过。Gmail 要求所有发件量较大的发件人进行 DKIM 身份验证。身份验证结果:DKIM = 未通过。有关设置 DKIM 身份验证的说明,请参阅设置 DKIM。) |
504 |
5.7.4 |
Unrecognized authentication type. For more information, go to About SMTP error messages.(无法识别身份验证类型。有关详情,请参阅 SMTP 错误消息简介。) |
504 |
5.7.4 |
XOAUTH is no longer supported. For more information, go to XOAUTH Migration | Gmail | Google for Developers.(不再支持 XOAUTH。如需了解详情,请参阅 XOAUTH 迁移 | Gmail | Google for Developers。) |
535 |
5.7.8 |
Username and Password not accepted. For more information, go to Can't sign in to your Google Account.(系统不接受用户名和密码。有关详情,请参阅无法登录您的 Google 账号。) |
534 |
5.7.9 |
Application-specific password required. For more information, go to Sign in with app passwords.(需要提供应用专用密码。如需了解详情,请参阅使用应用专用密码登录。) |
534 |
5.7.9 |
Please log in with your web browser and then try again. For more information, go to Can't sign in to your Google Account.(请使用网络浏览器进行登录,然后重试。有关详情,请参阅无法登录您的 Google 账号。) |