
Welcome to the help center for Search Ads 360, a platform for managing search marketing campaigns.  While the help center is available to the public, access to the Search Ads 360 product is available only to subscribing customers who are signed in. To subscribe or find out more, contact our sales team.

ขณะนี้หน้าที่คุณขอยังไม่พร้อมให้บริการในภาษาของคุณ คุณสามารถเลือกภาษาอื่นได้ที่ด้านล่างของหน้าหรือแปลหน้าเว็บใดๆ ให้อยู่ในภาษาที่คุณต้องการได้ทันที โดยใช้คุณลักษณะการแปลภาษาในตัวของ Google Chrome

Conversions and Visits report

To see details about the conversions and visits your Floodlight activities and Search Ads 360 have recorded, download a Conversions and Visits report. In the downloaded bulksheet, you'll see a separate row for each conversion and visit in the report's scope. Each row contains information such as:

  • The items and visit that are attributed for the conversion. For example, you'll see which ad, keyword, product group, or sitelink led to the conversion.
  • The time and date of the visit that led to the conversion, as well as the time and date of the conversion itself. This helps you see the time that passed from when your customers first visited the site to when they made the conversion. For example, if you know that it usually takes one day for your visitors to convert, you'll then know to always wait 24 hours before reaching a final conclusion on your campaign's performance.
  • The type of device on which the conversion occurred.
  • The Floodlight activity that recorded the conversion.

Analyzing this data may help you find new keywords or negative keywords. In addition, you can use the report to edit existing conversions or upload new conversions.

No scaled conversions

Search Ads 360 may be unable to directly measure Floodlight conversions and imported Google Analytics goals and transactions when website cookies that store information about your ad clicks aren't available. This may be due to factors such as browser settings or application settings, even if you use one of Google's sitewide tagging solutions. In these cases, Search Ads 360 uses machine learning and historical data to model the number of conversions and amount of conversion revenue that cannot be directly measured. Reports and bid strategies in Search Ads 360 use the resulting estimate to scale conversion metrics and provide a more complete picture of how your advertising drives conversions.

A Conversions and Visits report does not include scaled conversions. It only shows conversions that were measured directly. The number of conversions in a Conversions and Visits report is not expected to match the number in a Floodlight column.

Download a Conversions and Visits report

  1. Navigate to an advertiser or lower scope.
    Steps for navigating to an advertiser
    1. Click the navigation bar to display navigation options.

    2. In the "Agency" list, click on the agency that contains the advertiser. You can search for an agency by name or scroll through the list.

    3. In the "Advertiser" list, click on the advertiser.

    4. Click Apply or press the Enter key.

    Search Ads 360 displays the advertiser page, which contains data for all of the advertiser’s engine accounts.

  2. Optionally create a filter that displays only the specific ads, keywords, or product groups you want to report on.
  3. Select a time range for the report.
  4. Click the download icon in the toolbar above the table and select the following:
    • Scope: Current selection in table
    • Columns: Editable columns (for re-upload)
    • Include types: Conversions, Visits

      If you plan to use the report to edit or create new conversions, clear the checkboxes for other types to avoid uploading unintended changes.

      For example, if you download from the Keywords tab, clear the Keywords checkbox to make sure that you don't unintentionally change the keywords in the bulksheet and then upload the changes.

    • Filters: Include rows with no impressions
  5. Click Download.

Search Ads 360 downloads a bulksheet to your web browser’s download folder. The bulksheet contains one row for each conversion and visit. If your report contains conversions attributed to visits older than 90 days, click IDs won't be included. Conversions and conversion columns appear first in the report, then visits and visit columns.

Conversion columns

When you download a report with the Conversions type, you'll see the following columns:

  • Row type: Conversion
  • Conversion ID: An ID generated by Search Ads 360 to uniquely identify the conversion.
  • Advertiser conversion ID: A unique ID optionally provided by the advertiser. Typically this is an order number, transaction identifier, or other type of identifier that's meaningful to the advertiser. If the advertiser doesn't provide an ID, Search Ads 360 generates one.
  • Conversion revenue:The monetary amount of the conversion. This value could be different from Conversion original revenue if it's a currency-converted value as a result of a Floodlight instruction.
  • Conversion original revenue: The revenue value passed on from the website.
  • Conversion visit ID: The Search Ads 360 ID of the visit associated with this conversion. This can be used for cross-referencing with the Visit report.
  • Conversion visit date: The date of the visit associated with this conversion (in the engine account's time zone).
  • Conversion visit timestamp: The date and time the visit associated with this conversion started (in the engine account's time zone, ISO 8601 format). This is great for troubleshooting when combined with the Conversion timestamp column. You can determine the amount of time that elapsed from when the user clicked the ad to the purchase.
  • Conversion date: The date the conversion occurred (in the engine account's time zone).
  • Conversion timestamp: The date and time the conversion occurred (in the engine account's time zone, ISO 8601 format). This is great for troubleshooting when combined with the Conversion visit timestamp column.
  • Account time zone: Displayed in location format (for example, America/Chicago). English only.
  • Attribution type: The conversion is attributed to either the visit or the keyword/ad combination.
  • Conversion type: Action or Transaction.
  • Conversion search term: The search term that led to the visit and, ultimately, the conversion.
  • Conversion referrer: The URL of the page the customer visited immediately before the conversion page.
  • Conversion external click ID: The ID Google generated for the click (gclid) that led to the conversion. This ID is generated only if you've enabled linking between specific Google products or if you've enabled the conversion API service in Search Ads 360. The click ID won't be included if the conversion attributed to the visit it references is older than 90 days
  • Floodlight activity name: The name of the Floodlight activity that recorded the conversion.
  • Floodlight activity ID: The Search Ads 360 ID assigned to the Floodlight activity that recorded the conversion.
  • Floodlight activity group name: The name of the Floodlight group containing the Floodlight activity that recorded the conversion.
  • Floodlight activity group ID: The Search Ads 360 ID assigned to the Floodlight group containing the activity that recorded the conversion.
  • Floodlight event request string: The attributes and values uploaded by the Floodlight tag or event snippet that recorded the conversion.
  • Custom Floodlight variables: Each custom Floodlight variable that you've set up for your Search Ads 360 advertiser appears as a column. The column contains the data the variable recorded for the individual conversion.

Visit columns

When you download a report with the Visits type, you'll see the following columns:

  • Row type: Visit
  • Visit ID: Search Ads 360-generated ID that can be used for cross-referencing with a Conversion report.
  • Visit search query: The search terms that led to the visit. If a search engine encrypts customer searches, the actual search terms that the customer entered are not available.
  • Visit date: The date of the visit (in the engine account's time zone).
  • Visit timestamp: The time and date that the visit started (in the engine's account time zone, ISO 8601 format).
  • Account time zone: Displayed in location format (for example, America/Chicago). English only.
  • Visit network: Search or Content for Google Ads; empty for other engine types.
  • Visit referrer host: (for example, For ads in display, this value tells you what host led to your visit or conversion. You could also use this to help you determine whether to opt in to the AdSense for Search (AFS) network. AFS is an additional network you can opt into from Google Ads. Learn more about AdSense for Search.

    If the click that starts the visit is directed via a secure protocol such as HTTPS, this column may be empty.
  • Visit referrer path: (for example, /search) This is helpful when analyzing placement reports.

    If the click that starts the visit is directed via a secure protocol such as HTTPS, this column may be empty.
  • Visit external click ID: The ID Google generated for the click (gclid) that started the visit. This ID is generated only if you've enabled linking between specific Google products or if you've enabled the conversion API service in Search Ads 360. 

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