Bulk price [bulk_price]

The bulk price [bulk_price] attribute allows you to offer tiered pricing based on the number of order quantities for a product.

In this article

When to use

Optional Optional for each product

If your product has a separate price for higher quantities use the bulk price [bulk_price] attribute. Submit the price for a single item using the price [price] attribute, and use the bulk price [bulk_price] attribute for higher quantities. Submit the price [price] attribute and the bulk price [bulk_price] attribute along with the unit pricing measure [unit_pricing_measure] attribute to accurately show the difference in price per unit. Be sure to use the same number of units for each.

The bulk price [bulk_price] attribute uses sub-attributes to define the minimum quantity, and the price.

These are the various sub-attributes:

  • Minimum quantity [min_quantity] (Required)
    • Submit the minimum quantity for which this price is applicable. Submit a whole number greater than or equal to 2.
  • Price [price] (Required)
    • Submit the price as number plus currency (use ISO 4217).


Follow these formatting guidelines to make sure Google understands the data you're submitting. Learn when and how to submit your product data in English

Type The minimum quantity [min_quantity] sub-attribute is numeric and the price [price] attribute is number + currency (use ISO 4217). Currency will be the same for all pricing points and g:price.
Repeated field Submit this attribute up to 6 times for a single product, using a different value each time you submit the attribute


File format Example entry
Text feeds

Format the name by including which sub-attributes you’re submitting. Include bulk_price, and then, in parentheses, add the names of the sub-attributes separated by a colon ( : ).

For example



If you name the sub-attributes you are using, you can give them to us in any order. However, if you provide sub-attribute values but do not name them, we’ll assume that your attribute values include sub-attributes in this order:

  1. Minimum quantity [min_quantity]
  2. Price [price]

Format the value by submitting the value of each sub-attribute listed in the same order as in the name and separated with a colon ( : ). Don’t use quotation marks. For example:

Name bulk_price(min_quantity:price)

Possible value 5:15.00 USD

Name bulk_price(min_quantity:price)

Possible value 5:15.00 USD

To submit multiple bulk prices, submit the attribute (with the same name) multiple times.

XML feeds

<g:price>15.00 USD</g:price>
<g:price>14.00 USD</g:price>

If you choose to use the Content API to add this attribute, you’ll need to use the custom attributes feature.

File format Example value
Content API

"customAttributes": [
        "name" : "bulk_price",
        "groupValues": [
            "name": "min_quantity",
            "value": 3
            "name": "price",
            "value": "88.33 USD"
        "name" : "bulk_price",
        "groupValues": [
            "name": "min_quantity",
            "value": 6
            "name": "price",
            "value": "86.66 USD"

To format your data for Content API, see the Content API for Shopping resource.

Minimum requirements

Follow these guidelines to make sure you submit high-quality data for your products.

  • Always submit the price for a single quantity using the price [price] attribute. When you submit prices for higher quantities use the bulk price [bulk_price] attribute.
  • Currency submitted in price [price] attribute and bulk price [bulk_price] attribute should be the same.
  • Both the price [price] attribute and the bulk price [bulk_price] attribute will be mentioned for the same minimum quantity using the unit pricing measure [unit_pricing_measure] attribute.
  • A bulk price [bulk_price] attribute having higher quantities should have lower prices.


  1. Let’s say we have a product with below pricing:
    1. Price for quantity starting with 1 is $5
    2. Price for quantity starting with 10 is $4
    3. Price for quantity starting with 50 is $3

    This pricing information should be represented as below:

    price bulk price (min_quantity:price) bulk price (min_quantity:price)
    5.00 USD 10:4.00 USD 50:3.00 USD
  2. Let’s say we have a product with below pricing:
    1. Price for quantity starting with 12 is $4.10
    2. Price for quantity starting with 36 is $3.90
    3. Price for quantity starting with 72 is $3.75
    4. Price for quantity starting with 144 is $3.50

    The product is sold in multiples of 12.

    This pricing information should be represented as below:


    bulk price (min_quantity:price) bulk price (min_quantity:price) bulk price (min_quantity:price) unit_pricing_measure unit_pricing_base_measure
    49.20 USD 3:46.80 USD 6:45.00 USD 12:42.00 USD 12 ct 1 ct



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