Create a display campaign that uses your data

To provide a comprehensive and consolidated view of your audiences and make audience management and optimisation simpler, you’ll find the following improvements in Google Ads:

  • New audience reporting
    Detailed reporting about audience demographics, segments and exclusions is now consolidated in one place. Click the campaigns icon Campaigns icon and open the 'Audiences, keywords and content' tab, then click Audiences. You can also easily manage your audiences from this report page. Learn more about audience reporting.
  • New terms
    We’re using new terms on your audience report and throughout Google Ads. For example, 'audience types' (these include custom, in-market and affinity) are now referred to as audience segments and 'remarketing' is now referred to as 'your data'. Learn more about the Updates to Audience terms and phrases.

Display campaigns that use your data to build audience segments show ads to people who have visited your website or used your app. These campaigns provide you with extra settings and reports specifically for reaching previous visitors and users. The first time you set up a display campaign, you'll also complete the process to create your tag and data segments.

This article explains how to set up your first display campaign using your data.

Before you begin

Bear in mind that your tag shouldn't be associated with any personally identifiable or sensitive information. Sensitive categories of websites and apps can't use your data. If you're setting up a campaign using your data and placing the tag on your website or mobile app, you need to follow the policy for personalised advertising.

Optimise your campaign as you create it

As you create your campaign, you may receive notifications based on your setting selections. These notifications may alert you to issues that can result in decreased performance or that may be significant enough to prevent you from publishing your campaign.

The campaign construction navigation menu that appears as you construct your campaign provides a holistic view of your construction progress and will call attention to notifications that you may want to address. Move between steps in the navigation menu to easily review and resolve potential issues with your targeting, bidding, budget or other campaign settings. Learn how to Set up your campaign for success.



Note: You may get notifications to alert you if any of your campaign selections may result in decreased campaign performance. You can address these notifications while you construct your campaign. Learn more about features that help you create a successful campaign
  1. Sign in to your Google Ads account.
  2. In the page menu on the left, click Campaigns.
  3. Click the plus button and then select New campaign.
  4. Choose Sales, Leads, Website traffic or Brand awareness and reach.
    • If you don’t have a goal in mind, you can also select Create a campaign without a goal’s guidance.
  5. Select Display as the campaign type.
  6. Provide the URL for your business’ website.
  7. Enter a name for your campaign.
  8. Click Continue.
  9. Specify a bid strategy and budget. Your budget influences how often your ads show and how prominently they’re featured. Your bidding strategy determines the way your budget is spent.
    1. Enter your daily budget. This amount is the average you want to spend each day.
    2. Choose your bidding strategy. Display campaigns support Smart Bidding, which is a subset of automated bid strategies that use machine learning to optimise for conversions or conversion value in each and every auction. Smart Bidding can manage your bids for you and can help you meet performance goals. Review our Smart Bidding guide for display campaigns.
      • Display campaigns will automatically suggest a bidding strategy for you based on your campaign goal. If you don’t want to use a suggested bidding strategy, you can choose to select a bidding strategy manually: target CPA, Maximise clicks, Maximise conversions or Viewable CPM.
      • If you don’t want to use Smart Bidding, you can choose manual CPC as your bidding strategy.
  10. Select the geographic locations where your ads will appear, or places you’d like to exclude. Learn more about location targeting
    • Exclusions can be helpful if you’re targeting a larger area and want to avoid a location within it. For example, you may want to target all of Australia, except a certain state or city.
  11. Enter the languages you’d like to target. The ads you’ll create should be in the languages that you select here. Learn more about language targeting
  12. Select your targeting. Your selections in the 'Targeting' section is where dynamic remarketing comes in. For optimal targeting, select 'Automated' so Google’s machine learning can help you target with the greatest reach. This includes your data segments. If you want to target specific segments only, set targeting to 'Manual' to choose segments. The tracking from your global site tag helps Google identify the best audiences for you to choose from. Once you’ve manually selected a list from the list options, click Done. You’ll also be able to include more targeting options and can incorporate 'targeting expansion', which lets Google target the highest-performing audiences for your ads.
  13. Add additional settings.
  14. Then create your display ads. Learn how to create your responsive display ads
  15. Review your campaign. On the 'Review' page, you’ll have the opportunity to review all your setting selections. Here, you can address potential issues described in alert notifications. To do this, click Fix it in the notification.
  16. Click Publish campaign.
    • Note that you may not be able to publish your campaign until issues with your campaign setup have been resolved.

Note: Campaign drafts

Campaigns that you create but have not yet published will save as drafts. You can publish campaign drafts at any time in the future, so long as any significant issues that prevented publishing have been resolved.

When creating a new campaign, you’ll have the option to select an existing draft or start without using an existing draft.


  1. In your Google Ads account, click the Campaigns icon Campaigns icon.
  2. Click the Campaigns drop-down in the section menu.
  3. Click Campaigns.
  4. Click the plus button , then select New campaign.
  5. Select Resume campaign draft.
  6. In the drafts menu, click on the draft that you want to resume drafting or publish.

You can also make this campaign a dynamic remarketing campaign, which not only shows ads to people who have visited your website or used your app, but also includes products viewed in those ads. Learn more about dynamic remarketing

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