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Get started with Gemini for Google Workspace

This article is referring to features that are available in Google One AI Premium.

Some of these features are also available through Google Workspace Labs, our trusted tester program.

When using Gemini in Gmail, Docs, Sheets, Slides, and Meet features through Google One AI Premium, usage limits apply.

You can learn more about how Gemini protects your data in Gmail, Docs, Sheets, Slides, and Meet.

Learn about current Gemini features

In Google Docs

You can use AI to write text and other tasks. For example:

In Gmail

You can use "Help me write" in Gmail to draft emails based on your prompts.

You can:

  • Make a cover letter for a job.
  • Create a birthday invitation.
  • Write a more detailed or concise draft.
In Google Meet

You can use AI in Google Meet to:

  • Create a background image. For example, you can create an illustration of a magical forest as your background. Learn to create background images based on prompts.
  • Look and sound your best. Improve your Google Meet video quality and fix issues caused by low light or low quality webcams. This process automatically happens in the cloud to enhance video quality without an impact to device performance. Learn more about studio look, studio lighting and studio sound
In Google Slides

You can use AI for your presentation to create images and other tasks.

In Google Sheets

You can use artificial intelligence to organize and automate manual text processing tasks. For example:

Get the most out of Gemini in Gmail, Docs and more

You can help improve your success with Gemini with these basic best practices:

Related resources

Consulter le centre de formation

Vous utilisez des produits Google, comme Google Docs, dans votre entreprise ou votre établissement scolaire ? Essayez de suivre des astuces efficaces, ainsi que des didacticiels et des modèles puissants. Apprenez notamment à travailler sur des fichiers Office sans avoir à installer Office, créez des plans de projet et des calendriers d'équipe dynamiques, et organisez automatiquement votre boîte de réception.

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