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Using your Ads Activity report

The Ads Activity report is a centralized view of your ads performance. It combines the data, metrics, and dimensions from the AdMob Network report, Mediation report, and Bidding report into a single, unified report.

Use this report to understand how the AdMob Network, waterfall ad sources, and bidding ad sources are performing without having to switch between reports. 

The Ads Activity report can be used as a standalone report, or you can make changes to its filters, dimensions, and metrics and save it as a new report.

Use the ad source (full list) dimension to break down the ad sources that are included as part of the AdMob Network.

The AdMob Network includes both Google and third-party demand. Unlike other AdMob reports, however, the Ads Activity report lists these sources separately when you use the ad source (full list) dimension. 

Note: If you don't want to have these ad sources listed separately, you can still use the ad source dimension. This dimension functions the same in the Ads Activity report as it does in the AdMob Network, Mediation, and Bidding reports.


The following filters are available for this report:

  • App: View the ads activity report for the selected apps. 
    Click the Show hidden apps toggle to include apps you've hidden. Click the Show app versions to include your app versions.
  • Ad unit: View the ads activity report for the selected ad units.
  • Country: View the ads activity report for the selected countries.
  • Format: View the ads activity report for the selected ad formats (e.g., banner, interstitial).
  • Ad source: View the ads activity report for the selected ad sources.
  • Mediation group: View the ads activity report for the selected mediation groups.
  • Ad unit serving type: View the ads activity report for the selected ad unit serving types.
  • Platform: View the ads activity report for the selected platforms.
  • Serving restriction: View the ads activity report for the selected serving restrictions.
  • ATT consent date: View the ads activity report for the selected ATT consent dates.


The following dimensions are available for this report:

  • App: View performance by app.
  • Ad unit: View performance for individual ad units.
  • Country: View performance broken down by country of visitors that have viewed ads on your app.
  • Date: View performance by date.
  • Format: View performance by ad format (e.g., banner, interstitial).
  • Ad source: View performance by ad source. Ad source measures mediation traffic, and it can include direct sales, custom events, house ads, or third-party ad networks.
    Note: In addition to Google demand, the AdMob Network also includes many third-party bidding sources. To view data for these ad sources separately, use the Ad source (full list) dimension instead.
  • Ad source (full list): View performance by the full list of ad sources, which includes all of the ad sources in your AdMob Network, in addition to your third-party waterfall sources and bidding sources. It can include direct sales, custom events, house ads, or third-party ad sources.
    Note: If one of the bidding ad sources you’ve set up is also in the AdMob Network, you can differentiate the source of the revenue by using the Ad source and Ad source (full list) dimensions together. 
  • Ad source instance: View performance across the unique instances of each ad source that appear in this report. May include instances of the AdMob Network, third-party ad sources, custom events, direct sold campaigns, and other ad sources.
  • Ad type: View performance by ad type (e.g., text, image).
  • App version: View performance by app version. App versions distinguish each of your app updates.
    Note: App version data is not available in AdMob reporting prior to July 19, 2020. 
  • GMA SDK: View performance by the Google Mobile Ads SDK version integrated into the app. The Google Mobile Ads SDK version for Android traffic is only supported from August 3, 2023. Prior to this date, this dimension will return a dash (-) in reporting for Android. 
  • Hour: View performance by hour. To use this dimension, select "Yesterday" or "Today so far" in the date range filter.
  • Mediation A/B test: View performance by mediation A/B test.
  • Mediation group: View performance by mediation group.
  • Month: View performance by month.
  • Operating system: View performance by the device operating system and version number.
  • Platform: View performance broken down by device platform (e.g., Android or iOS).
  • Serving restriction: View performance by comparing personalized ads to non-personalized ads, and understand which restrictions lead to ads not being personalized.
  • Variant: View performance by mediation A/B test variant.
  • Week: View performance by week.


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The following metrics are available for this report.

Active users (AU) (Beta)
The number of unique users who have opened the app. Active users is sometimes known as DAU (daily active users) when aggregated by date.
Active viewers (AV) (Beta)

The number of unique users who have viewed ads. Ad viewers is sometimes known as DAV (daily ad viewers) when aggregated by date.

Note: The number of AVs must meet a minimum threshold before data can be shown. This means you may see zero AV even when the number of impressions is not zero.
Ad viewer rate (Beta)

The percent of active users who have viewed ads. 

It’s calculated by:

Ad viewers / Active users x 100%.

Ads ARPU (Beta)

The average revenue per user (ARPU) from ad revenue.

It’s calculated by:

Estimated earnings / Active users 

ARPU is sometimes known as ARPDAU (average revenue per daily active user) when aggregated by date.

Ads ARPV (Beta)

The average revenue per viewer (ARPV) from ad revenue. 

It’s calculated by:

Estimated earnings / Ad viewers

Bids in auction

The number of bids submitted by the ad source that participated in bidding auctions. 

Not all bids submitted participate in bidding auctions. Bids must meet the criteria of the auction, such as minimum eCPM or ad format types. 

Note: This metric for waterfall sources is always zero. If you removed the AdMob Network as a bidding source in mediation groups, this metric will be zero.


Bids in auction (%)

The percentage of bids that participated in bidding auctions. It’s calculated by dividing bids in auction by bid requests:

Bids in auction / Bid requests

Note: This metric for waterfall sources is always zero. If you removed the AdMob Network as a bidding source in mediation groups, this metric will be zero.
Bid requests

The number of requests made to a bidding ad source.

Note: This metric for waterfall sources is always zero. If you removed the AdMob Network as a bidding source in mediation groups, this metric will be zero.



The total number of times users click ads shown in your app.

Why it matters: Clicks can help you understand how well an ad appeals to people who view it. If you know how many people are clicking an ad relative to how many people are viewing it (impressions), you can gauge the ad's success.

CTR (%)

Impression clickthrough rate (CTR) is the number of ad clicks divided by the number of individual ad impressions. It's calculated by dividing clicks by impressions:

(Clicks / Impressions) * 100%

For example, if your ad received 20 clicks out of 1,000 impressions, the Impressions CTR would be 2%.

Est. earnings

Your earnings accrued for the selected date range. This amount is an estimate that is subject to change.

AdMob estimates earnings proportionally based on the number of impressions each ad unit receives. This eliminates double counting revenue when ad unit mapping is reused across multiple ad units. Learn more about how estimated earnings are reported.

Note: You may notice discrepancies between the revenue data reported on AdMob’s reports and the revenue data reported on your third-party ad networks.

The total number of ads shown to users.

Note: When a third-party waterfall ad source serves a banner ad, AdMob counts an impression when the third-party adapter sends the ad load callback. This may cause discrepancies in reported impressions between AdMob and your third-party ad source. For example, if you preload banner ads that aren’t shown immediately, you may notice higher impressions reported in AdMob.
Imps / AU (Beta)

The average number of ads seen by an active user.

It’s calculated by:

Impressions / Active users 

This is sometimes known as ad density or ad load.

Imps / AV (Beta)

The average number of ads seen by an ad viewer. 

It’s calculated by:

Impressions / Ad viewers

Observed eCPM

The estimated average eCPM calculated using historical revenue data.

For third-party ad sources, this value is provided by the respective third-party ad source.

For custom events, this value is the manual eCPM you’ve entered when adding the custom event to a mediation group.

Observed eCPM will only be shown for ad sources which have optimization enabled. The value in the "Summary" row of the table is an average of all the values in the Observed eCPM column.

Match rate (%)

The percentage of ad requests that received a response from an ad source. It's calculated by dividing matched requests by requests:

(Matched requests / Requests) * 100%

Matched requests

The number of ads returned by an ad source in response to ad requests. Not all matched requests result in an impression.

For bidding ad sources, matched requests is the number of times an ad source wins the bidding auction and the waterfall (if applicable), and returns an ad to the app. 

For waterfall ad sources, matched requests is the number of times an ad source is called in the mediation waterfall and returns an ad to the app.


The number of times your app or ad unit requests an ad. Requests are counted even if no ads are returned. If the request is sent to more than one ad source in the mediation waterfall, it’s only counted once.

Note: AdMob reports requests differently based on the dimensions you select.

When the ad source or ad source instance dimension is applied 

This is the number of times each ad source received a request. Some of these requests may be counted more than once as the request moves through the mediation waterfall. For example, a single request made to Network A, Network B, and Network C in the mediation stack will be counted 3 times. 

The summary row in the report shows:

  • Unique ad unit requests: The total number of unique attempts to request an ad. This number doesn't count the same request multiple times. 
    Example: A single request made to Network A, Network B, and Network C in the mediation waterfall will only be counted 1 time
  • Total ad source requests: The number of times your app or ad unit sent a request to an ad source. Requests are counted even if no ads are returned. If you’ve included an ad source multiple times in a mediation group, some of these requests may be counted more than once as the request moves through the mediation waterfall. 

When the mediation group dimension is applied 

This is the number of ad requests sent to a mediation group. A request is counted when it’s sent to any of the ad sources in a mediation group. The request is only counted once per mediation group, even if the request moves through the mediation waterfall. 

The summary row in the report shows:

  • Unique ad unit requests: The total number of unique attempts to request an ad. This number doesn't count the same request multiple times. 
    Example: A single request made to Network A, Network B, and Network C in the mediation waterfall will only be counted 1 time
  • Total mediation group requests: The number of ad requests sent to a mediation group. 

A request is counted when it’s sent to any of the ad sources in a mediation group. If the request is sent to multiple ad sources in the mediation group, it’s only counted once. 

Note: Total mediation group requests can be lower than unique ad unit requests due to your mediation group targeting criteria. For example, if you set all your mediation groups to target only countries in Europe, an ad request generated in Asia wouldn’t be sent to any of your mediation groups.   
Show rate

The percentage of returned ads that were displayed in the app to the user. It's calculated by dividing impressions by matched requests:

(Impressions / Matched requests) * 100%

For example, if the total number of Matched requests is 80, but your app only shows 60 of these, then the app’s Show rate will be 75%.

Winning bids

The number of bids that won a bidding auction. This number doesn’t include auctions hosted on third-party mediation platforms.

Note: This metric for waterfall sources is always zero. If you removed the AdMob Network as a bidding source in mediation groups, this metric will be zero.


Winning bids (%)
The percentage of bids that won a bidding auction. It’s calculated by dividing winning bids by bids in auction:
Winning bids / Bids in auction
Note: This metric for waterfall sources is always zero. If you removed the AdMob Network as a bidding source in mediation groups, this metric will be zero.

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