If you purchased your service from a reseller, go here instead | Do I have a reseller?
To see exact steps, sign in to the account that you want to delete.
Cancel your organization's Essentials subscription to:
- Stop using Essentials with your team or organization.
- Stop incurring new charges for Essentials services if you have a paid edition.
Important: You might still be charged for services used since your last payment. Learn more below - Free up your domain within 24 hours for use with a new Google Account. This requires canceling all subscriptions managed in your Admin console.
Step 1: Save your data
After you cancel Essentials and delete your organization's Google Account, user data and billing records will be deleted and can’t be restored. Before you continue, you will likely need to do the following tasks.
Essentials documents
Other types of Google data
Save billing records (recommended)
Delete Marketplace apps
Save and delete Google Cloud projects
Step 2: Cancel your Essentials subscription
Find steps below, depending on whether you verified your domain to use with Essentials. If you have a paid edition of Essentials, canceling your subscription stops further charges for Essentials services