Trang bạn đã yêu cầu hiện không có sẵn bằng ngôn ngữ của bạn. Bạn có thể chọn ngôn ngữ khác ở cuối trang hoặc dịch nhanh mọi trang web sang ngôn ngữ mà bạn chọn bằng cách sử dụng tính năng dịch được tích hợp sẵn trong Google Chrome.

Fix payment and billing issues

Applies to editions of Google Workspace and other paid subscriptions in your Google Admin console.

Use this information to fix an issue with your Google Workspace billing account if you get a payment-related alert in your Google Admin console.

If your issue is related to a different Google service, search that product’s Help Center to fix the issue.

Video: How to fix a payment issue

Step 1: Make sure your payment method is valid

The most common billing problem is not having a valid payment method for automatic payments. If your primary payment method becomes invalid or we can’t charge your primary or backup payment method, we place your account in a grace period.

If you don’t fix your primary payment method during the grace period, at the beginning of the month following the payment failure, the account is suspended. To see the exact date your grace period ends, sign in to the Admin console.

After you fix your primary payment method, any outstanding balance is charged automatically.

To check that you have a valid primary payment method:

  1. Sign in with a super administrator account to the Google Admin console.

    If you aren’t using a super administrator account, you can’t complete these steps.

  2. Next to your subscription, click View payment methods.
  3. View your payment methods. Verify one of them is set to Primary, and it's valid.
    • If the primary payment method shows an error, click Fix, and correct the payment method details. Or, resolve the issue with your bank or credit card company.
    • If you don't have a primary payment method, do one of the following:
      1. Below the payment method you want to make primary, click the Down arrow and select Primary.

      2. Add a new primary payment method:
        1. Click Add Payment Method.
        2. Select the payment method and enter the details.
        3. Click Save.
        4. Below the payment method, click the Down arrow and select Primary.
  4. (Optional) To avoid service interruption in the future, add a backup credit card for automatic payments.

If this task didn't solve your problem, continue to step 2.

Step 2: Find a solution based on an alert

If step 1 didn't solve your problem, find your alert below.

Alert Solution
Subscription suspended (free trial ended)
Your payments profile is currently suspended Verify your account information
Subscription has been suspended by your reseller Contact your Google reseller

Subscription suspended (grace period has expired)
Account needs a working payment method
Couldn't process your last payment
The account is closed
Transaction declined
Transaction declined: invalid payment method
Transaction declined: low balance

Make a payment using: If you're using an India credit or debit card:
Card: Expired Make a payment using:
Card: Expiring soon Update your card details
Verification in progress Verify a newly added bank account

Common reasons payments can fail

If we try to charge your billing account for an automatic payment and our charge is declined, or if you make a manual payment that fails, it means something is wrong with the credit card or bank account you paid with. 

Verify your Google Account or bank account

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Fix a common alert problem

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I get an error message when making a payment

If you get an error when you try to make a payment in the Admin console, go to Billing error messages.

I'm still having problems after making a payment

If you made a payment, but you were charged twice or your account still isn't active, go to Troubleshoot problems after making a payment.

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