
Welcome to the help center for Search Ads 360, a platform for managing search marketing campaigns.  While the help center is available to the public, access to the Search Ads 360 product is available only to subscribing customers who are signed in. To subscribe or find out more, contact our sales team.

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Upload conversions

Set up Floodlight activities for tracking offline conversions

If you use Search Ads 360 to upload offline conversions—to enhance your reports, for use in automated rules, or for optimization in a bid strategy or a conversion goal—indicate which Floodlight activities you use to primarily track offline conversions.

Special permissions required

To create or edit Floodlight activity groups and Floodlight activities in Search Ads 360, your Google account needs all of the following permissions:

Shared Floodlight configurations

If your advertiser is part of a shared Floodlight configuration, you can only create Floodlight activities from the parent advertiser. All of the child advertisers will have access to the Floodlight activities created in the parent.

  • In Search Ads 360, sign into the advertiser that is associated with the parent Campaign Manager 360 advertiser and create Floodlight groups and activities from there. You'll need agency manager or advertiser manager permissions for this Search Ads 360 advertiser.
  • In Campaign Manager 360 your account needs full Floodlight access and API access for the Campaign Manager 360 parent advertiser.

Set up Floodlight activities for tracking offline conversions

  1. Navigate to the settings for the Floodlight activity:

    1. In the left navigation panel, click Advertiser settings.

      Don't see Advertiser settings? Only Search Ads 360 agency managers or advertiser managers can see Advertiser settings in the left navigation panel. 

    2. Click the Floodlight▼ tab and select Floodlight activity groups or Floodlight activities.

    3. In the table, select the check box next to a Floodlight activity or Floodlight activity group.

    4. Click Edit in the toolbar above the table and select Edit details... from the list.
      The settings panel for the Floodlight activity group or Floodlight activity appears.

      If you don't see the Edit button, the Search Ads 360 advertiser may be a child in a hierarchy of advertisers that share the same Floodlight configuration. Learn how to edit a shared Floodlight configuration.

  2. Select the Primary source is offline (conversion API or bulksheets) check box.

  3. Click Save.

See more best practices for uploading offline conversions.

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