Create an engine track account

Only an agency manager or advertiser manager can create an engine track account.

To create an engine track account, do the following:

  1. Sign in to your new Search Ads 360.
  2. Navigate to a sub-manager account.
  3. On the page menu, click Settings
  4. In the sub-menu, click Sub-account settings.
  5. Above the table, click the plus button  and select Engine track in the drop-down. 
  6. Add your engine track account settings.
    • Once you save an engine track account, you can't change its account ID, currency, or time zone. If you accidentally entered the wrong information, remove the engine track account and create a new one.
  7. Click Add account.

The new engine track account now appears in the client account table and in the account navigation bar, and the "Status" column contains "Waiting for click events". To start redirecting click traffic through the new Search Ads 360, you must add tracking URLs to the engine track account. 

If the status is still "Waiting for click events" after you upload the Search Ads 360 tracking URLs (and after your campaigns have generated some clicks), contact customer support.

Engine track account settings

Settings Description
Account name Use the same name you're using in the advertising platform to help account matching (such as auditing, billing, and technical support).
Advertising platform Select adMarketplace, Naver, Qihoo/, or Yandex.
Account ID Enter the number that the advertising platform has assigned to the account. For example, if you're setting up an engine track account for Yandex, enter the ID that Yandex created for your account. Refer to the advertising platform's help center for details on finding your account ID.

The new Search Ads 360 does not contact the advertising platform to confirm that you entered a valid account ID. Instead, if you entered an invalid ID, the new Search Ads 360 will report an "account ID not found" error when you try to add tracking URLs to the advertising platform's campaigns.

Select your currency from the advertising platform. In the new Search Ads 360, reports at the client account level and lower will use this currency. 

The new Search Ads 360 does not confirm that you specified the same currency that the advertising platform account is using. If you select the wrong currency, sub-manager account reports in the new Search Ads 360 may not correctly reflect currency values for this advertising platform. For example:

  1. You select Euros, but the advertising platform itself uses Rubles.
  2. The new Search Ads 360 assumes all cost data reported from the advertising platform are in Euros. All currency symbols in client account-level reports and lower will be Euros, but the actual monetary amounts will match what you see in the advertising platform in Rubles.

If the sub-manager account uses Euros, reports at the sub-manager account level won't convert the advertising platform's currency, since the new Search Ads 360 assumes the currency is already in Euros. As such, all cost reporting will be inaccurate for the engine track account.

Learn more about currencies in the new Search Ads 360.

Time zone

Enter your time zone from the advertising platform. 

In the new Search Ads 360, reports at the client account level and lower will use this time zone.

The new Search Ads 360 does not confirm that you specified the same time zone that the advertising platform is using. If you select the wrong time zone, conversion data may not match up with impressions, clicks, and cost data you upload from the advertising platform.

Learn more about time zones in the new Search Ads 360


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