
Google Podcasts Manager users can now upload their podcasts to YouTube with RSS upload. Learn more here

Manage shows and episodes in Podcasts Manager

If you haven't read the background on how podcasts work on Google, we recommend that you do so.

Related topics:

Manage shows

A show on Podcasts Manager represents a specific show (podcast) on Google Podcasts. Podcasts Manager exposes listening statistics for your show on Google Podcasts. Learn more about shows.

Manage episodes

Podcasts Manager is just a reflection of your show's data on Google Podcasts, so you cannot manage episodes using Podcasts Manager. Learn how to manage your show and episodes on Google Podcasts.

Some guidelines:

  • Be sure that any changes are to the served feed. Changes made to non-served feeds will not be noticed.
  • An episode appears in your show in Podcasts Manager if it has any listening data in the past 16 months, whether or not it exists in your served feed.
  • When a new episode is found, you might see a Processing label in Podcasts Manager for the first day or two, while the episode data is being processed.
  • Where is my episode? If you don't see an episode listed in Podcasts Manager, see here.

Moving an episode

If you move your episode audio files, note that episodes in Podcasts Manager are uniquely identified by file URL, not by the <guid> tag. This means that if you change the URL of an episode file for any reason, Podcasts Manager will see it as a new, identically named episode in your show, and new listening data will be assigned to the episode by episode URL.

URL changes are any changes except casing, for example:

  • http to https is a change
  • to is a change
  • to is not a change

Episodes in Google Podcasts platforms are identified by GUID, not by URL, so if the URL changes, the episode won't change for listeners.

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