Manager Accounts (MCC): Link accounts to your manager accounts

To use your manager account, link it to existing individual or manager accounts.

You'll also have the option to create new Google Ads accounts from your manager account, and these accounts will be automatically linked to your manager account.

Before you begin

This article shows you how to link existing accounts to your manager account.


Send a link request

  1. Sign in to your Google Ads manager account.
  2. Click the Accounts icon Accounts icon., and then click Sub-account settings.
  3. Click the plus button .
  4. Click Link existing account.
  5. Enter the Google Ads account's Customer ID number. To link multiple accounts at once, enter one Customer ID per line. Click Preview to review the details of the request.
    • Optional: You can also select a different manager account to link the Google Ads accounts to.
  6. Click Send Request.

Accept a pending link request

If you have administrative access to the invited account, or access to a linked manager account that has administrative ownership of that account, you will receive emails inviting you to link to the manager account. You can find, accept, or decline linking requests using the following steps:

On an Individual Account

  1. In your Google Ads account, click the Admin icon Admin Icon.
  2. Click Access and security.
  3. Select the Managers tab. Under “Link request”, you’ll find a list of manager accounts that have requested to link to your account.
  4. In the "Actions" column, you can Accept or Decline an invitation. To complete the action, follow the instructions on the page.

On a Manager Account

  1. Sign in to your Google Ads manager account.
  2. Click the Admin icon Admin Icon.
  3. Click Access and security.
  4. Select the Managers tab. Under “Link request”, you’ll find a list of manager accounts that have requested to link to your account.
  5. In the "Actions" column, you can Accept or Decline an invitation. To complete the action, follow the instructions on the page.

Accept or decline pending link requests in bulk

  1. Sign in to your Google Ads manager account.
  2. Click the Accounts icon Accounts icon., and then click Sub-account settings.
  3. Click Received Link Requests at the top of the page.
    1. Here you will see all Account invitations and which account has requested them.
  4. Click the box in front of the account name (Account Column) that you want to modify in bulk. A blue box will appear above the list of invitations - here you can Accept or Decline an invitation.
Note: You can also accept a pending link request by clicking Accept request in the email invitation mentioned above.

Learn more about Manage users and access levels for your manager account.

Once your invited account accepts an invitation, the invitee will receive an email confirmation and the account will be automatically linked to the manager account.

Withdraw link requests from the “Sub-account settings” page of your manager account

  1. Sign in to your Google Ads manager account.
  2. Click the Accounts icon Accounts icon., and then click Sub-account settings.
  3. Click Sent Link Requests at the top of the page.
    1. Here you will notice all Account invitations and which account has requested them.
  4. In the Actions column, you can Withdraw an invitation. To complete the action, follow the instructions on the page.
Note: You can withdraw linking in bulk by selecting multiple requests, and you’ll see the same options in a blue bar above the columns.

Related links

Topic Page Manager Accounts (MCC)

Account Linking

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