Set up Maximize clicks for Standard Shopping campaigns

This article covers Standard Shopping campaigns. To get the best of Google Ads' AI and serve ads on all Google properties, you can try Performance Max campaigns instead.

If you want to get the most clicks for your budget, use the automated Maximize Clicks bid strategy for your Shopping campaign. You set a budget, and Google Ads does the rest.

This article explains how to set up the Maximize Clicks for your Standard Shopping campaign.

Before you begin

If you're not sure which automated bid strategy to use with your Shopping campaign, first learn about automated bidding for Shopping campaigns.


Step 1: Set up a "maximize clicks" bid strategy in your account

  1. In your Google Ads account, click the Tools icon Tools Icon.
  2. Click the Budgets and bidding drop down in the section menu.
  3. Click Bid strategies.
  4. To create a bid strategy, click the button, and select the Maximize Clicks bid strategy. Configure your bid strategy based on the options available for Maximize Clicks

Step 2: Apply the bid strategy to your campaign

Learn how to apply the bid strategy to your campaign.

Tip: Adjusting Maximize Clicks for mobile devices

When Maximize Clicks raises and lowers your bids, it doesn’t take into account differences between clicks from mobile devices and clicks from desktop or tablet devices. Since the conversion rate for mobile devices is often different than for desktop and tablet devices, you might want to set a mobile bid adjustment to gain better control over when your ads appear on mobile. Maximize Clicks will incorporate your mobile bid adjustment along with its own bid adjustments. Learn more about setting mobile bid adjustments.

Tip: Setting maximum bids

Maximize Clicks will adjust your bids to deliver the maximum clicks for your budget. You can ensure that you never pay more than what you are comfortable with for a click by setting a CPC bid limit. Note that if your CPC bid limits are too low, your bid strategy might not be able to help you achieve your goal. Learn more about setting CPC bid limits.

Monitor performance

Once you apply the Maximize Clicks bid strategy to your campaign, you can start to monitor the bid strategy's performance. Here are some tips for monitoring performance:

  • Look at the number of clicks to verify you’re getting more clicks for your budget than before. Note, however, that a before-and-after comparison is not the most accurate since clicks can naturally fluctuate over time.
  • Make sure that you have enough data to evaluate the strategy’s performance. Ideally, you'd give the strategy a few days or weeks to start performing.
  • Consider that a number of factors may affect your results over a period of time. For example, the number of clicks you can get with your budget can be affected by holidays, weekends, special events, changes to your product data, and your competitors in the auction.
  • Consider your click share. If your click share is very high, you may be getting all the possible traffic and the Maximize Clicks bid strategy might not bring you significantly more traffic.

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