আপনি যে পৃষ্ঠাটির জন্য অনুরোধ করেছেন সেটি বর্তমানে আপনার ভাষায় উপলভ্য নয়। আপনি পৃষ্ঠার নিচে অন্য কোনও ভাষা বেছে নিতে পারেন বা Google Chrome-এর বিল্ট-ইন অনুবাদ ফিচার ব্যবহার করে আপনার পছন্দের ভাষায় যেকোনও ওয়েবপৃষ্ঠা অবিলম্বে অনুবাদ করতে পারেন।

About offline conversion imports

If you have not already adopted offline conversion import, we recommend starting with enhanced conversions for leads instead. Enhanced conversions for leads is an upgraded offline conversion import that is easier to set up and offers benefits like durable, more accurate reporting, engaged-view conversions, cross-device conversions.
If you currently use Offline Conversion Import, we recommend upgrading it to get the benefits of enhanced conversions for leads. Learn more About enhanced conversions for leads.

Sometimes, an ad doesn't lead directly to an online sale, but instead starts a customer down a path that ultimately leads to a sale in the offline world, such as at your office or over the phone. By importing offline conversions, you can measure what happens in the offline world after your ad results in a click or call to your business.

Benefits of enhanced conversions for leads

Enhanced conversions for leads is an upgraded version of offline conversion import that uses user-provided data, such as email addresses, to supplement imported offline conversion data to improve accuracy and bidding performance. When you import your offline conversions, the provided hashed customer data is used to attribute back to the Google Ads campaign by matching to the same data collected on your website (for example, lead form) and to signed-in customers who engaged with your ad.

If you already use offline conversions, you can upgrade to enhanced conversions for leads to import user-provided data in addition to the identifiers you already import (GCLID). Learn more about how Google used enhanced conversions for leads data.

Enhanced conversions for leads can improve the accuracy of your conversion measurement. It supplements the existing conversion tags by allowing advertisers to send hashed first-party customer data from your website in a privacy-safe way. The hashed customer data is compared to hashed customer data of signed-in Google Accounts and attributed to ad events to help measure conversions driven by your campaign.

After you’ve set up enhanced conversions for leads with Google Tag Manager or set up enhanced conversions for leads with the Google tag, you can confirm that your enhanced conversions are effectively working in the enhanced conversions diagnostics report. The diagnostics report will help you identify and self-diagnose issues implementing enhanced conversions. You can also set up enhanced conversions in the Google Ads API that can improve the accuracy of your conversion measurement.


  • Durable: Get more reliable results. Enhanced conversions for leads adheres to stricter privacy regulations.
  • Easy to set up: Configure measurement entirely from your Google Ads account.
  • Enhanced performance: See more accurate conversion reporting compared to standard offline conversion import. This upgrade also enables engaged-view conversions and cross-device conversions.
  • Simplified Setup: Streamlined tagging and data sharing, utilizing the Data manager.
  • Flexible: Implement using the Google tag or with Google Tag Manager.

Advertisers who utilized first-party data (such as email addresses and phone numbers) alongside GCLIDs imported using offline import for offline measurement saw a median 10% increase in conversions compared to those using standard offline conversion imports.

The fastest and easiest way to set up or upgrade to enhanced conversions for leads is by using Data Manager, where GCLID and user-provided data can both be used as match keys for data imports. Learn how to Set up enhanced conversions for leads with Google Tag Manager or Set up enhanced conversions for leads with the Google tag.

Note: If you have existing offline conversion imports, you can Upgrade offline conversion import to enhanced conversion for leads.

How it works

Offline conversion imports works a little differently depending on whether you’re tracking conversions that start with an ad click or call from your ad.

[Recommended] Conversions from clicks using enhanced conversions for leads

Enhanced conversions for leads relies on a tag to capture first party data to enable durable, more accurate, and higher quality measurement. With enhanced conversions for leads, you can upload deeper lead data back into Google in a durable way, to further drive reporting and optimization insights. Once you’re ready, you can set up enhanced conversions for leads.

Conversions from clicks using GCLID

Google Ads provides you with unique IDs, called Google Click ID (GCLID), for every click that comes to your website from an ad. To track offline conversions from clicks, you'll save these IDs along with whatever lead information you collect from the person who clicked your ad.

Later, when that person "converts" in the offline world, by signing a contract, for example, you give that GCLID back to Google Ads along with a few details about the type of conversion it was and when it happened. Then Google Ads records this conversion along with your other conversion tracking data.

Conversions from calls

By importing call conversion information into Google Ads, you can track which of your ads and keywords result in the most sales calls for your business.

For more information about how this option works, read about importing phone call conversions.

Security and privacy for conversion and event tracking

Google has strict security standards. Google Ads only collects data on sites and apps where you have configured tracking.

Ensure that you provide users with clear and comprehensive information about the data you collect on your sites, apps, and other properties. Make sure that you also get consent where required by law or any applicable Google policies governing user consent, including Google’s EU User Consent Policy.

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