Fix Demand Gen campaigns not running or low traffic: Low budget

It’s important to set a sufficient budget from the start to ensure that your campaign learns, and runs, smoothly across Demand Gen campaigns’ many placements. When you’ve a low budget, your ads may not serve as often while Google Ads ensures your campaign doesn't spend more than your spending limit. Your campaign status may also display as “Eligible (Limited)” to indicate that it’s either not serving or under serving due to low budget.

What you can do

  • If campaign status indicates that your campaign is limited by budget, check the budget report to better understand your campaign’s spending relative to its average daily budget and how this has impacted your performance and spend limits.
  • Consider increasing your budget so that your campaign has enough budget to run throughout the day.

Budget tips for Demand Gen campaigns:

  • For campaigns using Target CPA (cost-per-action), Target ROAS (return on ad spend), Maximize Conversions, or Maximize Conversion Value bidding strategies, we recommend setting a budget that’s at least 20 times your average target CPA for conversion bidding or 20 times the expected average conversion value or target return on ad spend for value bidding.
  • If you’re using tROAS bidding, use your previous 30-day ROAS and then make adjustments after you compile 50 conversions at the ad group level.
  • Use the in-UI budget simulator for Max Conversions campaigns to interact with simulations at various budgets with traffic estimates.
  • For Maximize Clicks bidding, though the bidding automatically adjusts to help you get as many clicks as possible within your budget and no minimum budget is required, a good practice is to use at least $100 USD per day, per ad group with this bidding strategy.
  • A daily budget of at least $500 USD per ad group, per day will help drive effective and efficient performance, and a minimum daily budget of at least $100 USD per day, per ad group will help avoid a cold start.
  • Ad groups with more than 50 conversions perform better, so optimize your campaign level budgets to maximize conversion volume.
  • Avoid combining Max Clicks bidding in combination with optimized targeting to  maximize click quality.

Need something else?

Check other common reasons why your ads are not running.

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