Product Linking: Link Zapier during campaign creation

You can now link Zapier during the campaign creation process. More specifically, when adding audiences to your new campaign, you’ll have the option to link Zapier and import customer segments. Follow the usual campaign creation process until you reach the option to add audiences. At that point, use the following steps to select a new segment:

  1. When you link a new segment, select Customer Segment click Continue.
  2. From the “Data type” dropdown, select 3rd-party CRM conversion data.
  3. From the “CRM Platform,” you can select either Salesforce, Zoho, Hubspot, or Leadsbridge.
  4. Click Link to Zapier.
  5. Under “Link setup,” you can select the data integration from the dropdown, then click Next.
  6. The next window will walk you through the connection process. Click Link and you’ll be sent to the Zapier website to provide additional information on the Zapier user interface and pricing.
  7. Once you’ve provided the information on the Zapier website, click Create Data Integration.

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