This article is for teachers.
In Classroom, you can give a numeric grade, leave comment-only feedback, or do both. You can also return assignments without grades.
You can grade and return work from:
- The Student work page.
- The Classroom grading tool.
- The Grades page.
For Grades page instructions, go to View or update your gradebook.
For practice sets, learn how to grade a practice set assignment.
You can download grades for one assignment or for all assignments in a class.
Display assignments & import quiz grades
Before viewing a student's assignment, you can see the status of student work, and the number of students in each category.
Go to and click Sign In.
Sign in with your Google Account. For example, or Learn more.
- Click the class.
- At the top, click Classwork.
- Select the assignment to display.
- On the right, click on the number over "Turned in" or "Assigned." The student work page is displayed.
- Tip: You can only get to the student work page when the number isn't "0" for both "Turned in" and "Assigned."
- On the Student work page, you see the number and names of students grouped by work status:
- Assigned—Work that students have to turn in, including missing or unsubmitted work
- Turned in—Work that students turned in
- Graded—Graded work you’ve returned
- Returned—Ungraded (non-graded) work you’ve returned
- (Optional) To see the students in a category, click Turned in, Assigned, Graded, or Returned.
- To check a student’s submission, click on the assignment thumbnail.
Available with Google Workspace for Education Plus editions, formerly G Suite Enterprise for Education.
- Go to
- Click the class.
- At the top, click Classwork.
- Click an assignment where students have submitted work with Drive attachments.
- At the bottom of the assignment card, next to the "Number of class comments," click on the "Number of students with no edits." The student work page is displayed.
- Tip: If all your students have edited their work, you can also get to the student work page by clicking the number over "Turned in" or "Assigned."
- On the Student work page, you can see when each student has last edited their work on each submission thumbnail.
- Tip: This is available for Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, and Drawings only.
- Optional: To email reminders to your students, check the box next to the students, and click Email selected students
next to “Return.”
Go to and click Sign In.
Sign in with your Google Account. For example, or Learn more.
- Click the class.
- At the top, click Classwork.
- Select the assignment to display.
- On the right, click on the number over "Turned in" or "Assigned." The student work page is displayed.
- Tip: You can only get to the student work page when the number isn't "0" for both "Turned in" and "Assigned."
- At the top-right, click Import Grades.
- Click Import to confirm.
The grades autofill next to the students’ names.
Note: Importing grades overwrites any grades already entered. - (Optional) To return grades, next to each student whose grade you want to return, check the box and click Return.
Students can see their grade in Classroom and Forms.
Enter, review, or change grades
When you enter a grade, it syncs between the grading tool, the Grades page, and the Student work page. As you grade assignments, you might notice that the work or grade status is color coded:- Red—Missing work.
- Green—Turned in work or draft grade.
- Black—Returned work.
Go to and click Sign In.
Sign in with your Google Account. For example, or Learn more.
- Click the class.
- At the top, click Classwork.
- Select the assignment to display.
- On the right, click on the number over "Turned in" or "Assigned." The student work page is displayed.
- Tip: You can only get to the student work page when the number isn't "0" for both "Turned in" and "Assigned."
- Click the Student Work tab.
- To open and review any file the student attached, click the thumbnail.
The default grading scale is numerical based on the total points of the assignment. For expanded grading scales option, Education Plus and Teaching and Learning Upgrade editions have it. You can align Classroom grading to your school's system whether:
- Alphabetical
- For example, letter grades A to F or proficiency unsatisfactory to excellent.
- Numeric
- For example, 4 point scales.
- Custom grading scales
- For example, emojis.
- Alphabetical
Grading scales features work with:
- Average grade calculation
- Rubrics
- SIS integration
- Analytics
- Practice sets and Forms auto-grading
You can enter a grade either for the number of points or, if you have grading scales set up, based on the levels on the grading scale. For example, if you have letter grades set up in your class and you assign a 10 point assignment, under “Grade,” you can:
- Enter
- Enter
- Select Good 8/10 from the dropdown menu
- Enter
You and your co-teachers can find all grades in both points value and the level it corresponds to.
A student can find both the points value and the level it corresponds to if a grade is returned.
- Next to the student's name, enter the grade. The grade saves automatically.
- Enter grades for any other students.
You can enter grades and personalize your students feedback with the Classroom grading tool.
- Go to
- Click the class.
- At the top, click Grades.
- Optional: Under the classwork filter, select a grading period. Learn how to create or edit grading periods.
- Next to the student’s name, and under the relevant assignment, enter the grade.
- Press Enter.
- The grade saves as a draft.
- The default grading scale is numerical based on the total points of the assignment. For expanded grading scales option, Education Plus and Teaching and Learning Upgrade editions have it. You can align Classroom grading to your school's system whether:
- Alphabetical
- For example, letter grades A to F or proficiency unsatisfactory to excellent.
- Numeric
- For example, 4 point scales.
- Custom grading scales
- For example, emojis.
- Alphabetical
- Grading scales features work with:
- Average grade calculation
- Rubrics
- SIS integration
- Analytics
- Practice sets and Forms auto-grading
- You can enter a grade either for the number of points or if you have grading scales set up, based on the levels on the grading scale. For example, if you have letter grades set up in your class and you assign a 10 point assignment, under “Grade,” you can:
- Enter
- Enter
- Select Good 8/10 from the dropdown menu.
- Click More
Excuse if the student was waived from this assignment.
- Enter
- You and your co-teachers can find all grades in both points value and the level it corresponds to.
- If a grade returns, a student can find both the points value and the level it corresponds to.
- To return the assignment to the student, click More
- Optional: Enter grades for any other students and assignments.
Tip: You can return assignments without a grade.
Go to and click Sign In.
Sign in with your Google Account. For example, or Learn more.
- Click the class.
- At the top, click Classwork.
- Select the assignment to display.
- On the right, click on the number over "Turned in" or "Assigned." The student work page is displayed.
- Tip: You can only get to the student work page when the number isn't "0" for both "Turned in" and "Assigned."
- On the left, click a student's name.
- Click See history.
Go to and click Sign In.
Sign in with your Google Account. For example, or Learn more.
- Click the class.
- At the top, click Classwork.
- Select the assignment to display.
- On the right, click on the number over "Turned in" or "Assigned." The student work page is displayed.
- Tip: You can only get to the student work page when the number isn't "0" for both "Turned in" and "Assigned."
- Next to a student’s name, click the grade you want to change.
- Enter a new number.
The new grade saves automatically. - (Optional) Click Return
Return to confirm.
To submit past due assignments, manually mark them as “Missing” or “Complete.” By default, assignments marked as “Missing” or past due automatically get a draft score of zero.
- On your computer, go to
- Click the class.
- At the top, click Grades.
- Under the relevant assignment, next to the student’s name, select an option:
- Mark as missing: By default, the student gets a draft score of zero. You can:
- Change their score.
- Turn off this feature in Settings.
- Mark as complete: Removes the “Missing” mark from an assignment and gives a blank score. You can add a score to that assignment.
- Mark as missing: By default, the student gets a draft score of zero. You can:
In “Gradebook” settings, you can:
- Adjust the default draft score.
- Turn off the automated draft score feature.
- On your computer, go to
- Select Grades.
- In an assignment, click More
Grade all.
- In the dialog box that opens, enter the bulk grade.
- Optional: To override current grades with the new bulk grade, select Override existing grades.
- Optional: To return all grades after you submit the new bulk grade, select Automatically return after grading.
- Click Enter grades and return.
Tip: You can only use this feature on the Web.
Return work or download grades
Students can’t edit any files attached to an assignment until you return it. When you return work, students get notifications if they’re turned on. You can return work, with or without a grade, to one or more students at a time.
You can start with the default grading scale options, or create your own grading scale.
- Go to
- Click the class.
- At the top right, click Class settings
- In “Grading,” under “Grading scale,” click Add.
- Select an option:
- Proficiency
- Letter grades
- 4 point scale
- Create your own: Creates a custom grading scale.
- Edit the level and values of your grading scale.
- Optional: To copy your grading scale to other classes:
- Click Select classes
- On the right, check the box next to the class you want to copy your grading scale to.
- Click Select.
- Click Select classes
- At the top right, click Save.
- When you edit a default grading scale, it becomes a custom grading scale.
- When you remove a custom grading scale that was previously used in a class, a confirmation dialog displays, and you won’t be able to access it again.
Students can view their grades when you return their assignments.
Go to and click Sign In.
Sign in with your Google Account. For example, or Learn more.
- Click the class.
- At the top, click Classwork.
- Select the assignment to display.
- On the right, click on the number over "Turned in" or "Assigned." The student work page is displayed.
- Tip: You can only get to the student work page when the number isn't "0" for both "Turned in" and "Assigned."
- Next to each student whose assignment you want to return, check the box
click Return, and confirm.
Note: To use Return, you have to select one or more students.
You can enter grades and personalize your students feedback with the Classroom grading tool.
- Go to
- Click the class.
- At the top, click Grades.
- Optional: Under the classwork filter, select a grading period. Learn how to create or edit grading periods.
- Next to the student's name, and under the relevant assignment, enter the grade.
- Press Enter.
- The grade saves as a draft.
- The default grading scale is numerical based on the total points of the assignment. For expanded grading scales option, Education Plus and Teaching and Learning Upgrade editions have it. You can align Classroom grading to your school's system whether:
- Alphabetical
- For example, letter grades A to F or proficiency unsatisfactory to excellent.
- Numeric
- For example, 4 point scales.
- Custom grading scales
- For example, emojis.
- Alphabetical
- Grading scales features work with:
- Average grade calculation
- Rubrics
- SIS integration
- Analytics
- Practice sets and Forms auto-grading
- You can enter a grade either for the number of points or, if you have grading scales set up, based on the levels on the grading scale. For example, if you have letter grades set up in your class and you assign a 10 point assignment, under “Grade,” you can:
- Enter
- Enter
- Select Good 8/10 from the dropdown menu.
- Click More
Excuse if the student was waived from this assignment.
- Enter
- You and your co-teachers can find all grades in both points value and the level it corresponds to.
- If a grade returns, a student can find both the points value and the level it corresponds to.
- To return the assignment to the student, click More
- Optional: Enter grades for any other students and assignments.
Tip: You can return assignments without a grade.
- Rather than a grade, next to the student’s name, you see Done
- The student’s assignment is marked Returned.
Go to and click Sign In.
Sign in with your Google Account. For example, or Learn more.
- Click the class.
- At the top, click Classwork.
- Select the assignment to display.
- On the right, click on the number over "Turned in" or "Assigned." The student work page is displayed.
- Tip: You can only get to the student work page when the number isn't "0" for both "Turned in" and "Assigned."
- On the left, check the box next to each student whose assignment you want to return.
- Click Return and confirm.
Download grades to Sheets
Go to and click Sign In.
Sign in with your Google Account. For example, or Learn more.
- Click the class.
- At the top, click Classwork.
- Select the assignment to display.
- On the right, click on the number over "Turned in" or "Assigned." The student work page is displayed.
- Tip: You can only get to the student work page when the number isn't "0" for both "Turned in" and "Assigned."
- On the Student Work page, click Settings
Copy all grades to Google Sheets. The spreadsheet is created in your Classroom Drive folder
Download grades to a CSV file
Go to and click Sign In.
Sign in with your Google Account. For example, or Learn more.
- Click the class.
- At the top, click Classwork.
- Select the assignment to display.
- On the right, click on the number over "Turned in" or "Assigned." The student work page is displayed.
- Tip: You can only get to the student work page when the number isn't "0" for both "Turned in" and "Assigned."
- On the Student Work page, click Settings
and choose an option:
- To download grades for one assignment, select Download these grades as CSV.
- To download all grades for the class, select Download all grades as CSV. The file saves to your computer.