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What's new: December 2019

Learn about new features and updates to Display & Video 360 from December 2019

Campaign and workflow updates

In-flight inventory forecasts now available

Display & Video 360's line item reach forecasting now shows available and estimated impressions for line items that are in flight. Learn more

New budget and pacing setup recommendations

In order to help avoid budget and pacing settings that mismatch or could lead to underspending, Display & Video 360 now shows recommendations for these settings when you’re creating a new insertion order. The new recommendations include a default daily pacing amount and warnings if your daily budget doesn't add up to the total insertion order flight budget. Learn more

Manage access to Display & Video 360 with greater flexibility with multiple roles per user

In order to provide more flexibility in how you manage access to Display & Video 360, you can now select multiple roles per user. You can now have a combination of user roles at the partner or advertiser level. For example, you could have read & write access to partner 123 and read-only access to partner 456. Learn more

Insights updates

Default date range updated to "Last 7 days" in reporting

Previously, new offline reports used "Last 30 days" as the default date range. Now, the new default is "Last 7 days,” allowing reports to run more quickly. You can still update the date range for each new report as needed.

Inventory updates

For the latest information on inventory sources in Display & Video 360 see Supported display exchanges, Supported native exchanges, and Supported audio & video exchanges.

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