Guidelines for expandable creatives

Expandable creatives expand in size when someone clicks or hovers their mouse over an expand button in the ad. You can serve expandable creatives by assigning them to display line items. Note that publishers can decide whether to allow them on their inventory. Expandable creatives will only serve on inventory that allows expandable ads.

Display & Video 360 doesn't support direct upload of expandable creatives, but you can sync them from Campaign Manager 360 or serve them from a supported third-party ad server then add them as third-party display ad tags.

When you add an expandable third-party display ad tag, you must set an expanding direction before it can serve. If the creative is built with Studio and served through Campaign Manager 360, the expanding direction is automatically detected.

Expandable creatives require manual review, which typically takes about 24 business hours.

Content requirements

To run on Display & Video 360, all creatives must follow the creative content and policy guidelines.

Common expandable ad sizes

The table below lists the most common dimensions, but other dimensions and expansion directions are supported based on available inventory. To check the dimensions of all available expandable inventory that matches your targeting, use an Inventory Availability report.

Base dimensions Expanded dimensions Direction
468 × 60 468 × 210 Down
728 × 90 728 × 300 Down
300 × 250 600 × 300 Down and left
160 × 600 400 × 600 Left
120 × 600 420 × 600 Left

Expandable creatives use their base dimensions as their overall creative dimensions.

Mobile dimensions and expansion directions

Base dimensions Expanded dimensions Direction
320 × 50 320 × 480 or full screen Up or down
300 × 50 320 × 480 or full screen Up or down

Asset requirements

Creative file size 50 KB–2.2 MB
Download size The total file size of all files and resources downloaded by a person's browser when an ad serves is limited to a maximum of 5 MB.
Dimensions Maximum 4096 × 4096 pixels
Expandable directions
  • The inventory ads can serve on may accept only specific expansion directions.
  • Common directions that offer more inventory are: down, left, or down and left.
User-initiated expand Ads can expand only on click or on hover, never automatically.
Creative close
  • Ads must close on click or mouse off.
  • Must contain a prominent close "X" in 16 point font or larger, in the corner of the creative.
Cookies A maximum of 25 cookies can be set per ad.
HTTP calls A maximum of 100 HTTP calls are allowed per ad.Common expanded dimensions and directions

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