Floodlight reports

If you've set up Custom Floodlight variables, you can include Floodlight metrics and dimensions to view data about them. Floodlight related reports are similar to Path to Conversion (P2C) reports, but they include aggregated data rather than interaction-level data.

You can add Custom Floodlight Variables to your report as either metrics or dimensions. For the Custom Floodlight Variables to appear in the list of metrics and dimensions, you need to select the appropriate floodlight configuration ID. If you add them as metrics, note that they will be summed in the report as if they are numeric values, even if the variables are actually strings. The string variables will display a value of 0.

Reports that include Custom Floodlight Variables need to be saved and downloaded. When the report is ready, you can access it from the report list page.

Conversion vs transaction metrics

Conversion metrics count conversions, while transaction metrics count events. Depending on how your Floodlight is set up (for example, as a sales activity), there might be multiple conversions, but one event, for a given transaction. This is because while conversion metrics also capture the value of the event (for example, quantity of items sold), transaction metrics only count the event (the shopper completed a purchase). Note that modelled conversions aren't included in Floodlight reports.

Enable Floodlight reporting

To access Floodlight reports, you need the following permissions enabled:

  • Account level:

    • View custom Floodlight variables data

  • User role level:

    • View custom Floodlight variables data

    • View click-through conversions

    • View view-through conversions

Run a Floodlight report

To create a Floodlight report in Report Builder:

  1. In “Instant Reporting”, click New or select one of the floodlight related templates at the top of the page.

  2. Add a filter to select the Floodlight configuration ID that you want to show data for in the report. This automatically adds all advertisers associated with that ID.

  3. Select the Floodlight activities to include in your report. If you select none, the report will automatically include all activities.

    Typically you can include up to 1,000 Floodlight activities in a single report. However, if you select "Activity" as a dimension and then add at least one activity metric to your report (such as "Click-through conversions"), there's theoretically no limit to the number of activities you can include.

  4. (Optional) Add filters to limit the amount of data included in your report.

  5. You can also include unattributed cookie conversions by adding unattributed conversion metrics. A conversion is unattributed when the user has a DoubleClick cookie, but it converted without an exposure. This means the user did not click or see an ad from the advertiser within the Floodlight group, or that the interaction happened outside the conversion window.

    These attribution types have no effect on Floodlight impression data.
  6. Choose which dimensions and metrics to include in your report.

    • You can add Custom Floodlight Variables to your report as either metrics or dimensions. Note that if you add them as metrics, they will be summed as numeric values, even if they are actually strings.

    • You can include the Floodlight impressions metric to view impression data by Floodlight configuration and activity. Learn more about Floodlight impressions

    • You can also include Paid and Natural Search dimensions from Search Ads 360.

  7. (Optional) Schedule your report to run at a certain time.

  8. Click Save and download .

Sample output: Common dimensions and metrics

The following table shows some of the possible values for the dimensions and metrics that you might typically include in your report.

Dimension Name Example Data
Activity date/time 3/17/13 0:01 (12:01:05 AM)
Conversion URL src=3528935;type=frida880;cat=ire; qty=1;cost=99.99;ord=123456789
Floodlight attribution type Click-through
Interaction channel Rich Media
Click Tracker
Static Image
Natural Search
Interaction type Click
Browser/Platform Chrome
iPod Touch
Operating system Windows (version)
Campaign Manager 360 objects Campaign
Designated Market Area (DMA) Not Metroized
No Metro
Natural search query "Search Term"
Natural search landing page https://www.site.com/landingpage
Interaction count 0
Channel mix Rich Media
Static Image
Click count 0
Impression count 0
Path length 0
Rich Media metrics and dimensions Average expansion time
Interaction rate
Video companion clicks
Video length
Conversion referrer https://www.site.com/confirmationpage
Custom Floodlight variables For dimensions, only strings are available: string

For metrics, only numeric values are available: 123
ORD value 123456789
Days since attributed interaction

Days since first interaction
Hours since attributed interaction

Hours since first interaction

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