Key Step by Step Guidance
Please see the Enterprise supplier checklist, a comprehensive reference guide of tasks suppliers should complete in order to be ready to transact with Alphabet / Google through Ariba.
Enterprise account functional trainingsEnterprise Account Functional Training Recording
Enterprise Account Functional Training - Mandarin Translation
Enterprise Account Functional Training - Japanese Translation
This quick reference guide will help you navigate through the Ariba Network (AN) and review some commonly used functionalities.
Login to Ariba Network- Access the supplier login URL to open the Ariba Login page
- Enter your Username and Password
- Click Login
- The Ariba Network Home screen allows you to access Workbench, Orders, Fulfillment, Invoices, Payments, Catalogs, Reports and Messages through the respective tabs.
- The Document Category filter can be used to select the category of document you would like to search for.
- The Customer Group filter allows you to filter your search results by customers.
- The My widgets option on the Ariba Network Home screen, which is customizable displays the trend line indicating the below options
- Purchase orders
- Invoice aging
- Company Profile completion
- My Leads
- On-time payment rate
- Paid invoices
- Benchmarking: On-time Payment Rate
- Select Purchase Order from the Orders
[ALTERNATE STEP] Alternatively, Purchase Orders can be searched from:
- Workbench > Orders to invoice or Orders tile > Edit filter by choosing from the below:
- Customers
- Order numbers
- Creation date
- Order status
- Company codes
- Purchasing organizations
- Customer locations
- Order type
- Routing status
- Min amount | Max amount | Currency
- Orders and Releases search bar on the homepage and entering the Order Number
- Workbench > Orders to invoice or Orders tile > Edit filter by choosing from the below:
- Click Search Filters to expand the Search section
- Select the appropriate Customer group from the drop-down menu
- Enter the Order Number in the field
- You may also choose to search by any of the additional criteria (Invoice Number, and Date Range)
- View the search results displayed based on the selected search criteria
- Click the required order to view order details
- Review the Ver column indicating the document version number, ensure that the version being worked on is always the latest (In this example version 2 is the latest)
The status of a purchase order changes as it gets processed. Suppliers can see the Order Status in their Inbox. The table below indicates the PO Statuses and their respective Descriptions:
PO Status | Description |
New | Initial state of the purchase order |
Partially Received | Denotes that some of the line items of the purchase order have been received by Google ERP system |
Received | Denotes that all line items have been received by Google ERP system |
Partially Invoices | The purchase order has been partly processed |
Invoiced | The purchase order has been fully processed |
Changed | Google updated the existing purchase order, including canceling PO lines, by sending a subsequent (changed) order |
Obsoleted | The order has been cancelled or replaced by a subsequent (changed) order |
Cancelled | PO cancelled in Google ERP system |
- The drop down menu in the Search bar on the homescreen allows you to select any of the following item categories to view the corresponding items in your Orders:
- Orders and Releases
The drop down menu in the Search bar on the homescreen allows you to select any of the following item categories to view the corresponding items in your Invoices:
- Invoices
Ariba Network provides you various options to upload / download documents. One of the most commonly used documents is the CSV template used during the invoice creation via the CSV upload functionality.
- Click on "..." and open the drop down menu
- Choose Template under the CSV Download section
- Choose the Invoice under the CSV Upload section to upload the filled CSV file
With the video below you will learn how to navigate the Ariba Network using a fee-based enterprise account. In order to follow along with the video, please change the Ariba Network view to Classic View before proceeding:
Navigating through Ariba Network Enterprise AccountAccess the Ariba Proposals & Questionnaires page from your Ariba account dashboard to make updates to your account information on the Registration Questionnaire. Once you re-submit the questionnaire this information will be sent to Alphabet/Google to validate and update your account!
Mismatched or outdated supplier account info is the top reason for purchase orders and invoices not being submitted successfully/being rejected. This can lead to payment rejections.
- If you are a supplier who was doing business with Alphabet / Google before the transition to Ariba, your questionnaire will be prepopulated with your original information on file. You can revise any of this information and then re-submit the questionnaire if you need to make updates. See following steps.
- If you have additional questions about updating your account information, please connect with the Alphabet/Google team by clicking contact us below.
With the below video you will learn how to update your account information.
How to Update an AccountAdministrator
- There can only be one administrator per Ariba Network ID
- Automatically linked to the username and login entered during registration
- Responsible for account set-up/configuration and management
- Primary point of contact for users with questions or problems
- Creates users and assigns roles/permissions to users of the account
- Up to 250 user accounts can exist per Ariba Network ID
- Can have different roles/permissions, which correspond to the user’s actual job responsibilities
- Can access all or only specific customers assigned by Administrator
- Click on the initials (profile) on the Top Right Corner
- Click on Users > Click on “+” on the bottom right
- Create Role > Enter New Role Information
- Select all relevant Permissions (Page 1 & Page 2) > Click Save
- Click on Manage Users > Click on “+” on the bottom right
- Create User > New User Information and Role Assignment > Check the box > Done
- Click on the initials (profile) on the Top Right Corner
- Click on Users > Click on Manage Users tab
- Select the user who is to be made the administrator by checking the box against their name.
- Click on Actions and select Make Administrator from the drop down
- When redirected to a new screen, check the box again to select the user and click on Assign
- Click on the Users tab
- Click on Edit for the selected user
- Click on the Reset Password Button to reset the password of the user
Other options:- Delete User
- Add to Contact List
- Remove from Contact List
- Make Administrator
- Click on your initials (profile) on the top right corner, to access the User Account Navigator. It enables you to:
- Quickly access your personal user account information and settings
- Link your multiple user accounts
- Switch to your test account
Note: After your multiple user accounts are linked, the User Account Navigator displays the multiple accounts. - Click on My Account to view your user settings
- Click Complete or update all required fields marked by an asterisk
Note: If you change username or password, remember to use it at your next login.
- Hide personal information if necessary by checking the box in the Contact Information Preferences section.
With below instruction you will learn how to update your Account Administrator and add Users to your account. In order to follow along with the video, please change the Ariba Network view to Classic View before proceeding:
How to Change Your Account Administrator and Add UsersMake sure the right person at your company is designated as the Ariba Network Administrator to:
- manage your company’s account information (e.g. updating bank accounts), and
- ensure the right team members are set up as ‘Users’ who are able to process POs and create invoices.
- Identify who your organization’s Ariba Network account administrator is.
Note: There can only be one Ariba Network Administrator for an account (it’s a very important role!). - Your Ariba Network account administrator has the ability to add users, grant user accessibility permissions, and control which users can access and take action on POs and Invoices.
- Anyone who needs to take action on POs or invoices must be added as a user and assigned a role by the account administrator. The account administrator can add up to 250 users for one account.
Click on User initials (Profile) > Go to settings > Click on Electronic Order Routing and Electronic Invoice Routing
Notifications- Select Same as new catalog orders without attachments for Change Orders and Other Document Types to automatically have the settings duplicated or you may set according to your preference
- Specify a method and a user for sending Order Response Documents (Confirmations and Ship Notices)
- Select Electronic Invoice Routing
- Choose one of the following methods for Electronic Invoice Routing:
- Online
- cXML
- Click on Tax Invoicing and Archiving for Tax Information and Archiving sub -tab to enter Tax Id, VAT Id and other supporting data
With below instruction you will learn where to update who receives notifications of new POs at your company. In order to follow along with the video, please change the Ariba Network view to Classic View before proceeding.
How to Configure Purchase Order RoutingYou want to make sure the correct team members in your organization can:
- receive notifications of new purchase orders,
- take action and invoice against those POs.
- To ensure team members receive PO notifications, you need to add their email address to the 'Order Routing' field.
- If you have more than 5 team members who need notified of POs, you should add a distribution list or alias to the Order Routing field.
- To ensure team members can take action and invoice against POs, you need to add them as a user within the Account Settings, and add their email address to the Order Routing field.
PO & Invoice Management
How to submit an invoice for payment
To create a PO -Flip invoice (or an invoice derived from a PO that you received via Ariba Network):
- From the home screen within your Ariba Network account, select the Create dropdown menu and select PO Invoice.
- For PO Invoice select a PO number
- Click on the Create Invoice button and then choose Standard Invoice
- Invoice is automatically pre -populated with the PO data. Complete all fields marked with an asterisk and add tax as applicable.
- Review your invoice for accuracy on the Review page.
- If no changes are needed, click Submit to send the invoice to Alphabet/Google
Invoice is automatically pre -populated with the PO data. Complete all fields marked with an asterisk and add tax as applicable.
- Enter an Invoice # which is your unique number for invoice identification. The Invoice Date will auto -populate
- Select Remit -To address from the drop down box if you have entered more than one
- Shipping can be entered at either the Header or Line level by selecting the appropriate radio button
- You can also add some additional information to the Header of the invoice such as:
- Special Handling,
- Payment Term,
- Comment,
- Attachment,
- Shipping Documents
- Scroll down to the Line items section to select the line items being invoiced
Line Items section shows the line items from the Purchase Order.
- Review or update Quantity for each line item you are invoicing
- If you wish to exclude a line item from the invoice, click on the line item’s green slider. You can also exclude the line item by clicking the check box to the left and clicking Delete
Note: You can generate another invoice later to bill for the excluded item.
- Select the line item to which tax is to be applied using the Line Item # checkbox. To apply the same tax to multiple line items, select those line items to be taxed at the desired rate
- To configure additional Tax Options within the Tax Category tool, check the relevant Line Item and click on Line Item Action tab and from the drop down select Tax
- Check Tax Category and use the drop down to select from the displayed options.
To configure additional tax options click Configure Tax Menu under the Tax Category drop down. Create new tax categories and as needed.
- Select the Line Item to apply different tax rates to each line item.
- Click Line Item Actions > Add > Tax. Upon refresh, the Tax fields will display for each selected line item.
- Click Remove to remove a tax line item, if not necessary.
- Select Category within each line item, then either populate the rate (%) or tax amount and click update.
- Enter shipping cost to the applicable line items if line level shipping has been selected.
- Additional information can be viewed at the Line Item Level by editing a Line Item.
If Allowances and Charges are included in the PO, these will convert to the Invoice at either Invoice Header or Line Item Level based on where the information is on PO:
- Header Allowance and Charges
- Line level Allowance and Charges
- To add comments at the line items select Line Items, then click at Line Item Actions >Add > Comments
- Upon refresh or Update, the Comments field will display. Enter applicable Comments in this field
- Click Next at the bottom of the page
- Review your invoice for accuracy from the Review page. Scroll down the page to view all line item details and invoice totals.
- If no changes are needed, click Submit to send the invoice to Alphabet/Google.
- If changes are needed, click Previous to return to previous screens and make corrections before submitting.
- Alternatively, Save your invoice at anytime during invoice creation to work on it later.
- You may resume working on the invoice by selecting it from Outbox > Drafts on your Home page.
In the event of errors, there will be a notification in red where information must be corrected.
- You can keep draft invoices for up to 7 days.
With below instruction you can learn how to take action on purchase orders from Alphabet/Google and flip them to invoices. In order to follow along with the video, please change the Ariba Network view to Classic View before proceeding
How to Submit an Invoice
You want to make sure you and your team know how to invoice* properly to avoid any invoice rejections and ensure you get paid on time.
- Only NEW POs created on, or after, go-live will be sent to you through the Ariba Network. You should only submit invoices through the Ariba Network against POs you received through the network. If you are invoicing against an existing PO opened before the launch of Ariba, you should invoice through your existing channel.
- Mismatched or outdated supplier account info is the top reason for invoices being rejected.
- When an invoice is rejected, you must enter a NEW invoice number when re-submitting. For example, if invoice #1234 is rejected, when you resubmit, you should enter a new invoice number, such as #1235 or #1234-v2.
- Do not adjust the unit price when doing a partial invoice. Only update the quantity.
- If you need to cancel an invoice, you must email Alphabet/Google using the Contact Us button below. You cannot cancel within Ariba.
- Invoicing is not in scope for all countries. Some countries will only be able to receive POs from Alphabet/Google. Check out the Supplier Information Portal for more details.
- Suppliers cannot submit a non-PO invoice to Alphabet/Google through the Ariba Network.
To create a PO -Flip invoice (or an invoice derived from a PO that you received via Ariba Network):
- From the home screen within your Ariba Network account, select the Create dropdown menu and select PO Invoice.
- For PO Invoice select a PO number
- Click on the Create Invoice button and then choose Standard Invoice
- Invoice is automatically pre -populated with the PO data. Complete all fields marked with an asterisk and add tax as applicable.
- Review your invoice for accuracy on the Review page.
- If no changes are needed, click Submit to send the invoice to Alphabet/Google
Invoice is automatically pre -populated with the PO data. Complete all fields marked with an asterisk and add tax as applicable.
- Enter an Invoice # which is your unique number for invoice identification. The Invoice Date will auto -populate
- Select Remit -To address from the drop down box if you have entered more than one
- Shipping can be entered at either the Header or Line level by selecting the appropriate radio button
- You can also add some additional information to the Header of the invoice such as:
- Special Handling,
- Payment Term,
- Comment,
- Attachment,
- Shipping Documents
- Scroll down to the Line items section to select the line items being invoiced
Line Items section shows the line items from the Purchase Order.
- Review or update Quantity for each line item you are invoicing
- If you wish to exclude a line item from the invoice, click on the line item’s green slider. You can also exclude the line item by clicking the check box to the left and clicking Delete
Note: You can generate another invoice later to bill for the excluded item.
- Select the line item to which tax is to be applied using the Line Item # checkbox. To apply the same tax to multiple line items, select those line items to be taxed at the desired rate
- To configure additional Tax Options within the Tax Category tool, check the relevant Line Item and click on Line Item Action tab and from the drop down select Tax
- Check Tax Category and use the drop down to select from the displayed options.
To configure additional tax options click Configure Tax Menu under the Tax Category drop down. Create new tax categories and as needed.
- Select the Line Item to apply different tax rates to each line item.
- Click Line Item Actions > Add > Tax. Upon refresh, the Tax fields will display for each selected line item.
- Click Remove to remove a tax line item, if not necessary.
- Select Category within each line item, then either populate the rate (%) or tax amount and click update.
- Enter shipping cost to the applicable line items if line level shipping has been selected.
- Additional information can be viewed at the Line Item Level by editing a Line Item.
If Allowances and Charges are included in the PO, these will convert to the Invoice at either Invoice Header or Line Item Level based on where the information is on PO:
- Header Allowance and Charges
- Line level Allowance and Charges
- To add comments at the line items select Line Items, then click at Line Item Actions >Add > Comments
- Upon refresh or Update, the Comments field will display. Enter applicable Comments in this field
- Click Next
- Review your invoice for accuracy from the Review page. Scroll down the page to view all line item details and invoice totals.
- If no changes are needed, click Submit to send the invoice to Alphabet/Google.
- If changes are needed, click Previous to return to previous screens and make corrections before submitting.
- Alternatively, Save your invoice at anytime during invoice creation to work on it later.
- You may resume working on the invoice by selecting it from Outbox > Drafts on your Home page.
In the event of errors, there will be a notification in red where information must be corrected.
- You can keep draft invoices for up to 7 days.
With the below video you will learn how to flip a blanket PO into an invoice. In order to follow along with the video, please change the Ariba Network view to Classic View before proceeding:
Blanket Purchase Order Invoicing OverviewThis quick reference guide will help you navigate through the CSV upload process to generate an invoice.
CSV Upload - Process FlowCSV Upload is the preferred method for creating Invoices for BPOs, since there are multiple line items and the creation of invoices via BPO Flip is not recommended. The process flow below indicates the key steps for a supplier to create an invoice using the CSV upload process:
Follow the steps below to create an invoice in Ariba Network using CSV upload:
- Login to Ariba Network and you will be taken to the landing page.
The Reports tab allows you to create predefined report templates and run reports. You may also choose to create a new report template, this might be helpful to capture data to be populated in the CSV file in a regular manner.
- Click the Reports tab.
- Click the Create button.
- Update the Report Description section with the Title.
- Enter the relevant report Description in the field.
- Select the appropriate Time-zone from the drop-down menu.
- Select the appropriate Language from the drop-down menu.
- Select the appropriate Report Type (Order) from the drop-down menu.
- Click Next.
- Select Alphabet/Google as your Customer.
- Select the Include Active Orders Only checkbox.
- Select the appropriate limit for Maximum Results Returned.
- Select the Include Line Item Information checkbox.
- Click Submit.
- Review the report Status, it will reflect as Queued, you can only run a report once it has been updated to Processed.
- Click Run to run the selected report, for capturing the CSV data.
- Return to Ariba home. Open the '...' drop-down menu.
- Select the CSV Template option.
- Click the Invoice checkbox.
- Click Download. The template CSV is downloaded.
- Click Done.
- Populate the CSV template with the required details, ensuring that all mandatory fields are populated. The screenshots below indicates the CSV template. The field list with descriptions is available in the appendix:
In addition to the standard required fields some scenarios may require additional fields to be populated (See CSV Sample Guide):
Contract (BPO)
- MasterAgreementID
- LocationA
- PhysicaLCircuitID
- StartDate
- EndDate
- LocationZ
Tax / Shipping
If you have PO lines with multiple ship to locations or GL strings, line level shipping and taxation details are required:
- To enter shipping at header level, the shipping amount should be populated only for the first line item, for shipping at line level, shipping amount should be populated for each line item.
- Standard Tax values can only be populated at the line level.
- Shipping tax can only be populated at the header level.
- When tax (isTaxInLine = Y) / shipping (isShippingInLine = Y):
- lineTaxAmount: Required when isTaxInLine = Y
- lineTaxLocation: Required when isTaxInLine = Y
- lineShippingAmount: Required when isShippingInLine = Y
- summaryShippingTaxAmount
- summaryShippingTaxCategory
If you are a supplier shipping to a different country, you will need to populate the following fields in addition to the required fields:
- localCurrency: Required only when the destination currency is different than the invoice currency
- taxExchangeRate: Required only if the currency and localCurrency values are different
Credit Memo
If you are a supplier processing a Credit Memo (in case of over invoicing), you will need to populate the following fields in addition to the required fields:
- MasterAgreementID: Required for line Credit Memo
- originalInvoiceDate: Required for line Credit Memo
- originalInvoiceNumberReference: Required for line Credit Memo
- comments: Required for Credit Memo
- HeaderCreditMemoSubTotalAmount: Required for Credit Memo
- lineLevelCreditMemo
- creditMemo
If you are a supplier located outside the US, you will need to populate the following fields in addition to the required fields:
- Certain Countries only:
- supplierGSTRegistrationNumber
- supplierPSTRegistrationNumber
- buyerGSTRegistrationNumber
- buyerPSTRegistrationNumber
- Canada only:
- supplierQSTRegistrationNumber
- buyerQSTRegistrationNumber
- Open the '...' drop-down menu.
- Select Invoice
- Click Choose File. Select the relevant CSV file.
- Once the CSV file is uploaded, click Import CSV Invoice.
- The imported invoice will start reflecting as a line item.
- Click Choose File to attach a PDF image of the invoice.
- Click Upload Related Document to upload the selected attachment.
- Click Submit.
- Once the confirmation page is displayed, click Close.
- Select Invoices from the Outbox drop-down menu.
- Verify that the submitted invoice is reflected in your Outbox.
Header Fields
The table below lists the mandatory header fields along with the corresponding descriptions (The fields with required mentioned in parentheses are mandatory):
Mandatory Fields | Description | Field Sample Entry |
invoiceID | Unique identifier for the invoice it is an uppercase alpha-numeric with a maximum of 16 characters (Required) | INV1488001 |
invoiceDate | Date of the invoice: INPUT FORMAT: mm/dd/yyyy (Required) | MM/DD/YYYY |
purpose | Standard or lineLevelCreditMemo or creditMemo | standard |
orderID | Reference to the order being invoiced (Required for PO Invoice) Order must exist in Ariba. | 1010122121 |
NonPOID | Sales order info of the order (Required for Non-po) | 10101 |
MasterAgreementID | Master Agreement ID (Required for invoicing against contracts) | BPO1488-NetCo~1010122121 |
isTaxInLine | Line tax details. Enter 'Y' if tax is present at line level else enter 'N' (Y-yes) | Y/N |
isShippingInLine | Line shipping details. Enter 'Y' if shipping is present at line level else enter 'N' | Y/N |
Address Fields
The table below lists the mandatory address fields along with the corresponding descriptions (The fields with required mentioned in parentheses are mandatory):
Mandatory Fields | Description | Field Sample Entry |
billToAddress details | Bill To AddressID, Bill To Name (Required), Bill To Street (Required), Bill To City (Required), Bill To State (Required), Bill To PostalCode (Required), Bill To Country (Required) | Free text |
remitToAddress details | remit To AddressID, remit To Name (Required), remit To Street (Required), remit To City (Required), remit To State (Required), remit To PostalCode (Required), remit To Country (Required) | Free text |
soldToAddress details | sold To AddressID, sold To Name (Required), sold To Street (Required), sold To City (Required), sold To State (Required), sold To PostalCode (Required), sold To Country (Required) | Free text |
from details | from Name (Required), from Street (Required), from City (Required), from State (Required), from PostalCode (Required), from Country (Required) | Free text |
Shipping Fields
The table below lists the shipping fields along with the corresponding descriptions (The fields with required mentioned in parentheses are mandatory):
Mandatory Fields | Description | Field Sample Entry |
shipToAddress details | ship To AddressID, ship To Name (Required), ship To Street (Required), ship To City (Required), ship To State (Required), ship To PostalCode (Required), ship To Country (Required) | Free text |
shipFromAddress details | ship From AddressID, ship From Name, ship From Street, ship From City, ship From State, ship From PostalCode, ship From Country | Free text |
shippingDate | Shipping Date | DD/MM/YYYY |
lineShippingAmount | Line Level Shipping Amount | 10 |
Tax Fields
The table below lists the tax fields along with the corresponding descriptions (The fields with required mentioned in parentheses are mandatory):
Fields | Description | Field Sample Entry |
supplierTaxID | Supplier’s Tax ID | SUP123 |
lineTaxAmount | Line Item Tax Amount (Required for Tax in line) | 10 |
linetaxDescription | Line Item Tax Description | Free text |
lineTaxCategory | Line Item Tax Category (Required) | Sales |
lineTaxLocation | Line Tax Location (Required for Tax in line) | US |
Line Item Fields
The table below lists the mandatory line item fields along with the corresponding descriptions (The fields with required mentioned in parentheses are mandatory):
Mandatory Fields | Description | Field Sample Entry |
invoiceLineNumber | Unique identifier for an invoice line (Required) | 1 |
lineReferenceNumber | The corresponding Item Number of the Item in the Purchase Order (Required) | 1012367 |
quantity | The quantity being invoiced for the line item (Required) | 1 |
unitOfMeasure | Unit of Measure for the item being invoiced (Required) | MON |
unitPrice | Unit price for the item (Required) | 75000 |
currency | Currency code (Required) (3 characters, ex: USD, EUR, SGD) | USD |
itemDescription | Description of the product (Required) | Free text |
locationA | LocationA (Required for invoicing against contracts) | Free text |
physicalCircuitID | PhysicalCircuitID (Required for invoicing against contracts) | 141312 |
startDate | StartDate (Required for invoicing against contracts) INPUT FORMAT: mm/dd/yyyy | DD/MM/YYYY |
endDate | EndDate (Required for invoicing against contracts) INPUT FORMAT: mm/dd/yyyy | DD/MM/YYYY |
LocationZ | Location Z (Required for invoicing against contracts) | Free text |
With the below video you will learn how to submit invoice using CSV upload functionality. In order to follow along with the video, please change the Ariba Network view to Classic View before proceeding:
CSV Invoicing Overview
More information about troubleshooting CSV issues can be found here.
This quick reference guide will help you navigate through the process of searching for a Contract in Ariba Network.
Search for a ContractAriba defines a digitized contract sent over the AN as BPO (Blanket Purchase Order). Follow the steps below to search for a Contract in Ariba Network:
- Login to Ariba Network and you will be taken to the Landing page
- Open the Orders menu and click Purchase Orders
- Click Search Filters to expand the Search section
- Select the appropriate Customer group (Alphabet/Google) from the drop-down menu
- Enter the appropriate Order Number in the field
- You may also choose to search by any of the additional criteria (Buyer Location Code, Invoice Number, Date Range)
- View the search results displayed based on the entered search criteria
- Click the required order to view the order details
- Review the Ver column indicating the document version number, ensure that the version being worked on is always the latest (In this example version 2 is the latest)
In the Ariba supplier network, the following Contract details are displayed:
- Contract (BPO) Number
- Payment Terms
- Supplier and Buyer Information
- Shipping details
- Line Item details
The status of a Contract changes as it gets processed. Suppliers can see the Order Status in their Inbox. The table below indicates the Contract Statuses and their respective Descriptions:
PO Status | Description |
New | Initial state of the purchase order |
Partially Received | Denotes that some of the line items of the purchase order have been received by Google ERP system |
Received | Denotes that all line items have been received by Google ERP system |
Partially Invoices | The purchase order has been partly processed |
Invoiced | The purchase order has been fully processed |
Changed | Google updated the existing purchase order, including canceling PO lines, by sending a subsequent (changed) order |
Obsoleted | The order has been cancelled or replaced by a subsequent (changed) order |
Cancelled | PO cancelled in Google ERP system |
In the Ariba supplier network, all generated invoices tie back to the Contract for which they were generated. This related document view can be accessed by following the steps below:
- Click Invoices to view the invoice list
- Select the appropriate Invoice for which you want to view the related documents
- Click the invoice number
- Click More in the Related Documents section to view all related documents for the selected invoice
- The list of all Related Documents is displayed, click on the desired document to view it
This quick reference guide will help you navigate through the process of submitting an invoice for a Contract in Ariba Network.
Search for ContractAriba defines a digitized contract sent over the AN (Ariba Network) as BPO (Blanket Purchase Order). Follow the steps below to search for Contract and submit an invoice in Ariba Network:
- Login to Ariba Network and you will be taken to the landing page
The Standard account supports only Contract flip for invoices. Some Contract details (item attributes) are not visible in the Interactive Email PO; but when the supplier clicks Process Order and logs into their account, they will be able to see all details.
- Select Purchase Orders from the Orders drop-down menu
- Select the appropriate Contract from the list or follow step 4 if you cannot find the Contract
- You can search for the appropriate Contract if you do not see it on the list, click Search Filters to expand the Search section
- Select the appropriate Customer group (Alphabet/Google) from the drop-down menu
- Enter the appropriate Order Number in the field
- You may also choose to search by any of the additional criteria (Invoice Number, and Date Range)
Once you open the desired Contract, follow the steps below to submit invoice:
- Open the Create Invoice drop-down menu
- Select the Standard Invoice option
- Enter the appropriate Invoice #
- Select if you want shipping charges to be applicable at Header or Line Level
- Click View/Edit Addresses
- Update the Ship From and Ship To details. Click OK
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and select the Contract line item
- Select Goods from the Create drop-down menu
- Click Next
- Enter the appropriate Quantity
- Enter the appropriate Unit
- Enter the appropriate Unit Price
- Click the Line Item Actions drop-down and select the Tax option to add Tax details
- Populate the following details for the selected order:
- Tax Details
- Shipping Cost
- Additional Fields: Enter the Start Date, and the End Date
- Click Create
- Open the Add to Header drop-down menu
- Select the Attachment option
Providing supporting documents in a PDF attachment is mandatory while creating an invoice.
- Click Choose File, and upload the appropriate PDF
- Click Add Attachment
- Review if the document has been successfully uploaded
- Click Update to update the calculated value for the line items if Quantity, and Unit Price are edited
- Click Next
- Verify the information on the Invoice Summary page
- Click Submit
- Choose to either Print the invoice; or Exit the invoice creation process
- Click Done
- Open the Outbox drop-down menu
- Select the Invoices option
- Verify that the submitted invoice is reflecting in your Outbox
With the below video you will learn how to search for a contract and submit invoices against contracts. In order to follow along with the video, please change the Ariba Network view to Classic View before proceeding:
Creating Invoices using Contract Flip
Follow the steps below to view the Google specific validation rules in Ariba Network:
- Login to Ariba Network and you will be taken to the landing page
- Click the Settings icon
- Select the Customer Relationships option
- Scroll down to the bottom of the Customer Relationships page to the Current Customers section
- Select Google LLC as the customer
- The Customer Details page opens
- Scroll down to the bottom of the page to view the customer specified validation rules along with their brief descriptions
With the below video you will learn where to review the validation rules. In order to follow along with the video, please change the Ariba Network view to Classic View before proceeding:
Viewing Validation Rules in Ariba NetworkAdditional Step by Step Guidance
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