To provide a good experience for potential customers, we've developed a set of policies and data quality requirements when you add product info to your Business Profile. If your uploaded product data doesn't meet the product data specifications or Shopping policy requirements, your products may be subject to warnings, disapprovals, limited visibility or suspension. These issues can prevent your products from showing across Google.
Edit your product for reapproval
If you find a “Not Approved” status on your product listing, click on the product to find information about why the item wasn't approved. Along with the explanation, you'll see a link to a detailed page for the applicable policies.
After you make the appropriate edits to the posting and save it, the product is automatically re-reviewed within 24 hours. The “Not Approved” status is resolved if the issue is fixed.
Request a review
In some instances, if one of your products is disapproved and you’ve fixed the issue or you disagree with the issue, you can request a review. If the review is successful, your issue will disappear. If the disapproval remains and you’re uncertain how to proceed, contact us for support.
If you've requested too many reviews for products that are actually violating policies, the 'Request Review' option may be temporarily deactivated.
To request a review:
- Go to your Business Profile. Learn how to find your profile.
- Select Edit profile
- Tip: On your desktop, with Google Search, select Edit products.
- Select a product marked as “Not Approved.”
- Select Request Review.
Understand account suspension
If your Business Profile gets suspended, all your products will gain a "Not Approved" status. Once your Business Profile is reinstated, products are automatically reprocessed and become available within 5 days of reinstatement. Learn how to fix a suspended Business Profile.
On rare occasions, all products may change to "Not Approved" with the reason “Account suspended” when the Business Profile isn't actually suspended. In these cases, contact us.