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Introducing the new Policy centre

Understanding policy issues and ad serving statuses

In this article, we’ll review what types of issues affect ad serving and what the ad serving statuses mean in the Policy centre.

Issues that affect ad serving

If your app has an issue that affects ad serving, it means that your app either violates our programme policies, is restricted by the Google Publisher Restrictions or has confirmed click on.

There are four types of issues: policy violations, publisher restrictions, confirmed click and consent requirement. Only policy violations are required to be fixed. You don’t have to fix publisher restrictions, but note that ad serving will continue to be restricted on your site. We recommend that you act on confirmed click and consent requirement issues as they may impact your revenue.

You may also receive a warning before action is taken on your ad serving. Review the table below for more information about the issue types.

Type What it means Ad serving status Examples
Policy violation (Must fix)

Your app isn't currently in compliance with the programme policies

When this occurs, you need to make changes to your app to bring it into compliance with our policies.

Policy violations are marked Must fix in the status column.

Policy violations are enforced with either Disabled ad serving or Restricted ad serving.

Examples of policy violations include, but aren't limited to: 
  • Sexually explicit content 
  • Dangerous or derogatory content
  • Layout encourages clicks
Publisher restriction

Your app falls under the Google Publisher Restrictions

While you can choose to monetise this type of content, you'll likely receive reduced advertising as not all ad sources want to bid on it.

Apps with publisher restrictions receive Restricted ad serving Examples of publisher restrictions include, but aren't limited to: 
  • Sexual content
  • Shocking content
  • Online gambling content

Some policy violations and publisher restrictions have a warning period before action is taken on your ad serving. 

If you receive a warning, it means that your app isn't currently in compliance with the programme policies or contains content that falls under the Google Publisher Restrictions.

To resolve this, you need to make changes to your app to bring it into compliance. 

If you don't make changes, further actions may be taken on your app or account.

Apps with warnings receive Ad serving at risk. Examples of issues that cause warnings include, but aren't limited to: 
  • Play app disabled
  • Ads & content overlap
  • Rewarded ads – Disallowed rewarded implementation
Confirmed Click

Google Ads has determined that certain ads in your app are generating unintended clicks. This creates a poor user experience because the user ends up on advertiser landing pages instead of their intended content.

Google Ads has added Confirmed Click on its affected ads. Confirmed Click adds a second click that improves the user experience by letting the user confirm their intent to visit the advertised page.

Apps with Confirmed Click added receive Confirmed Click on. Implementation examples that you should review for include, but are not limited to:
  • Ads close to navigational elements
  • Navigational elements overlaid on display ads
  • Buttons on top of or close to ads
  • Content on top of or close to ads
  • Reflow of content causing confusion.
  • Any violations of the ad placement policies
Consent requirement You're not currently using a certified consent management platform (CMP) registered with the IAB's Transparency and Consent Framework (TCF) when serving ads to users in the EEA, the UK and Switzerland.


Sites with consent requirement issues receive Restricted ad personalisation.

Consent requirement issues are:

  • No CMP: Some ad requests on your inventory from the EEA, the UK and Switzerland are missing a TCF string.
  • CMP not certified: Some ad requests on your inventory from the EEA, the UK and Switzerland are missing a TCF string from a certified CMP.

Check out our video on Policy centre issue notifications and how to use Policy centre filters to sort your issues: 

Inside the Policy center | Filters

Understanding ad serving status

The status of your ad serving lets you know how your apps with issues are impacted. The table below explains the statuses and what they mean. 

Note: You may be able to view what version of your app has an issue that may impact ad serving. However, it is not possible to restore full ad serving to older versions. We recommend that you fix the issue in the latest version and encourage your app users to update to the current version. Learn more about issues found in past app versions. 
Status What it means What you can do
Disabled ad serving All advertising is blocked on your app. Your app isn’t serving ads due to a policy violation.

Review the issue description in the Policy centre to determine the changes that you need to make. 

After you address the policy violations on your app, you may request a review to enable ad serving. 

Restricted ad serving

There are restrictions on the advertisers that can bid on your inventory.

Your app is likely to have little or no buyer demand because not all ad sources can bid.

Review the issue description in the Policy centre to determine the changes that you need to make, if any.

Reminder: Policy violations must be fixed, while publisher restrictions are optional to fix. Learn more. 

Ad serving at risk

Ad serving isn’t affected yet, but you’ll need to make changes to your app to ensure ad serving continues. 

This is due to a warning on your app. Warnings typically include enforcement dates, when further action is taken and ad serving is affected. 

Fix the issues before the enforcement date to prevent ad serving from being restricted or disabled.

Review the issue description in the Policy centre to determine the changes that you need to make. 

Limited ad serving

This affects your AdMob account. Limited ad serving means Google has placed a limit on the number of ads your AdMob account can show. 

Learn more about ad serving limits.

Make sure that you understand your ad traffic and users. Never click on your own ads, and avoid partnering with untrusted or low-quality parties. 

Learn more about preventing invalid activity

Confirmed Click on Some ads on your inventory are creating unintended clicks so Google has added Confirmed Click on these ads.

Review your ad implementations. Learn how can you prevent accidental clicks.

Our system automatically applies Confirmed Click when it detects accidental clicks. Similarly, the system automatically lifts confirmed click when it no longer detects accidental clicks.

Restricted ad personalisation

Some sites are not using a certified CMP to ask for user consent.

Sites and apps that do not adopt a Google-certified CMP will not be eligible for personalised ads. Sites using a certified CMP are eligible for personalised ads, non-personalised ads (NPA) and limited ads.


  1. If you haven’t already, choose a certified CMP registered with the TCF.
  2. Implement your CMP solution.

Learn more about certified CMP options.

CMP not certified:

  1. If you have your own CMP, register for certification.
  2. If you use a third-party CMP that hasn’t been certified, encourage your CMP to register for certification. You can also see our list of certified CMPs.
Note: If you recently adopted a certified CMP, it may take up to 48 hours for this issue to be resolved and removed from the Policy centre.

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