Declare authorized sellers


How to address common errors in ads.txt/app-ads.txt
Some features are in Beta
Features in Beta phase might not be available in your network. Watch the release notes for when features become generally available.

Carefully review the details you receive in your account to determine why your ads.txt/app-ads.txt file isn’t found and verified. Understanding why ads.txt or app-ads.txt isn't working is the best way to troubleshoot it.

Learn more about validating your ads.txt/app-ads.txt file.

The ads.txt/app-ads.txt file isn't found

Set up an ads.txt/app-ads.txt file and publish it on your developer website domain. Follow the instructions for creating an ads.txt/app-ads.txt file.

For ads.txt, your Ad Exchange inventory must meet or exceed a threshold of 100 impressions in the the last 7 days in order for corresponding domain to appear in your ads.txt file.

For app-ads.txt, ensure that your app is registered with Google Play or the App Store and that your developer website is included in the store listing for your app.

If you recently added a developer website or updated your app listing, wait up to 7 days for the changes to be reflected in your Ad Manager account. 

Your developer website is missing or invalid

If your developer site is missing, add a developer website to your app’s listing in Google Play or the App Store. We’ll use your website’s domain to look for an app-ads.txt file on the root path of the site.

If your developer website URL is invalid, check the URL and make sure it’s working properly. Ensure there are no typos in the developer website URL in your app’s listing.

If you recently added a developer website or updated your app listing, wait up to 7 days for the changes to be reflected in your Ad Manager account.

You ads.txt/app-ads.txt file is hosted incorrectly

Your app-ads.txt file may published on a subdomain or another website, as required by the IAB Tech Lab specification. Your app-ads.txt should not list a public suffix in the domain (for example, www, m).  Your file should be hosted on a domain that’s supported by the app-ads.txt initiative.

Correct the developer website in your app’s store listing to the site’s subdomain or a different domain. 

Refer to the ads.txt/app-ads.txt FAQ for more information.

Your ads.txt/app-ads.txt file is incorrectly formatted

Add an authorized seller to you app-ads.txt file.

You may need to update the developer website in your app’s Google Play Store and/or App Store listing to a different domain.

Review the Authorized Sellers for Apps specification (app-ads.txt)provided by the IAB to ensure you’ve formatted your app-ads.txt file correctly.

Your publisher ID is missing or incorrectly formatted

You’ll need to update the ads.txt/app-ads.txt file to include and properly format your publisher ID. The Google publisher ID must be a 16-digit number with a 'pub-' prefix.

To find the publisher ID of your primary Ad Exchange account and other linked accounts, sign in to Google Ad Manager, then click Admin and then Global settings.

You can also copy and paste your custom ads.txt/app-ads.txt file, which includes your publisher ID, from Ad Manager.

The Google crawler is blocked by robots.txt

Update your robots.txt file to grant the Google crawler access to your website and your app-ads.txt file. Learn more about providing crawler access in your robots.txt file.

The Google crawler is blocked by a geofence

Your ads.txt/app-ads.txt must not be blocked by a geofence.

inventorypartnerdomain implementations

If you have implemented inventorypartnerdomain in your app-ads.txt file (or ads.txt file), make sure you have followed the instructions in ads.txt/app-ads.txt and inventory sharing partners.

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