Give buyers Makegoods

If a Programmatic Guaranteed deal hasn’t met its originally agreed-upon terms or performance, a publisher can choose to create a Makegood on that deal. Here’s how it works:

  1. You (the publisher) are in control of the Makegoods process, so you always have the final say on whether to offer a Makegood (not the buyer). You create the Makegood through an existing proposal line item and adjust impressions and other parameters as needed to “make the deal good.”
  2. The buyer accepts the Makegood as they would in a regular negotiation.

As Makegoods have the full functionality of a regular programmatic proposal line item, they carry programmatic fees for both the buyer and publisher. The CPM is carried over from the original proposal line item for the purposes of calculating the Makegoods fees. Outside of programmatic fees, buyers won’t be charged for the impressions delivered on a Makegood line item.

Makegoods eligibility

To create Makegoods:

  • The proposal must be with a buyer through Display & Video 360.
  • The proposal must have been sold and reopened for editing.
  • The proposal line item must have a “Line item type” of Standard. You can’t create Makegoods from Sponsorship proposal line items.
  • The proposal line item must have an “End date” in the future or one that ended within the last 30 days.
  • The proposal line item can’t be a Makegood itself and can’t already have a Makegood associated with it. There can only be one Makegood per proposal line item.

Create a Makegood proposal line item

  1. Sign in to Google Ad Manager.
  2. Click Sales and then Proposals.
  3. Click the Finalized tab at the top of the page.
  4. Above the table, click Add new filter and then select Sold and then is and then True.
  5. From the table, click the name of the proposal you want to “make good.”
  6. Above the table, click Reopen.
  7. From the table, click the name of a proposal line item item that meets the eligibility requirements described above.
  8. From the proposal line item settings, click More More in the upper right corner and select Create makegood from the dropdown.
  9. Select a “Makegood reason (optional)” and enter a “Name.”
    The default name is Original proposal line item name (makegood).
  10. All other targeting, delivery, and pacing information is carried over from the proposal line item and can be updated.
    Note the CPM rate cannot be changed.
  11. Update the “Contracted quantity” to the number of impressions you want to “make good.”
    This number can’t be greater than the impressions for the original proposal line item.
  12. Review and update the delivery “Start time” and “End time” as needed.
  13. Click Save.
    • The Makegood proposal line item appears with a label of “Makegood” in the proposal’s list of proposal line items.
    • The proposal line item from which you added the Makegood now has a label of “Has makegood,” so you know that you can’t create another Makegood from it.
  14. Re-send the proposal to the buyer to request acceptance of the Makegood. Learn more about the negotiation process.

Payments for Makegoods

You can track Makegood payments as you would other Programmatic payments. Fees on Makegoods will be included with fees on regular Programmatic Guaranteed deals.

Report on Makegoods

You can report on Makegoods as you would for other line items:

  • The revenue reported for Makegoods is notional and based on the CPM and impressions on the Makegood. However, by definition, revenue on Makegoods is not paid out. Reports can explicitly either include or exclude Makegoods using the “Makegood” line item dimension attribute to specify whether it’s a Makegood in reports.
  • If you report on a Makegood line item with a revenue metric, you'll still see revenue in reporting. However, the revenue will be 0 on the billing invoice.
  • Add the filter Makegood and then is and then Yes to show only Makegoods in your report.

Buyer-initiated Makegoods

Display & Video 360 buyers can initiate Makegoods. The publisher is still in control of whether a Makegood runs. 

  1. Buyers initiate the Makegood as a request for proposal (RFP). Note that the RFP process is different for Makegoods.
  2. If the publisher agrees to the Makegood, they can negotiate terms with the buyer just as if they had started the Makegood.
  3. The publisher then retracts the proposal and goes to the proposal line item from which the buyer requested the Makegood.
  4. The publisher clicks  More More to create a Makegood proposal line item.

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