Mix native and banner ad requests

Mixing native and banner ad types in native ad setup enables real-time competition between ad types, which may maximize performance and increase revenue.

Mix native and banner for Guided design editor/HTML & CSS editor

To mix native and banner when using the Guided design editor or HTML & CSS editor, set up line items using the usual process with the following updates:

  • Instead of multiple line items, we recommend setting up one broadly targeted native line item.
  • In the line item settings, next to Expected creatives, click in the box and select both native and banner sizes from the dropdown:
    • Native
      • For programmatic ads: Select Native Programmatic (Native).
      • For traditional ads: Select a native ad format, such as Native app install ad (Native).”
    • Banner
      • Select the banner size(s) you wish to have compete.
  • (Guided design editor only) In the “Creatives” section, we recommend selecting Automatically generate creatives.
    The generated creatives will have a “Target ad unit size” of Native by default, which means only native ads will deliver. Therefore, you’ll need to update creative sizes to allow a mix of native and banner to delivery. The size-related setting you need to update depends on whether you have set up an association with a size override, as the following table explains.
    You want to deliver If there’s no association with a size override If there is an association with a size override
    Both native and banner ads (Recommended for optimal performance) Not possible Set the “Size overrides” field to a value of both Native and the banner size, and select the "override" checkbox.
    Only native ads Set the “Target ad unit size” field to a value of Native only. Set the “Size overrides” field to a value of Native only, and select the "override" checkbox.
    Only banner ads Set the “Target ad unit size” field to the banner size only. Set the “Size overrides” field to the banner size only, and select the "override" checkbox.


    A 300x250 ad request is eligible for Ad Exchange native ads when there’s a valid native style with the 300x250 size (note that the targeting on both the Ad Exchange line item and native style must match the ad request):

    • If the matching Ad Exchange creative only has the Native size, only native ads will serve (using the 300x250 native style).
    • If the matching Ad Exchange creative has both the Native size and 300x250 (in the “Size overrides” field of the association), either native ads (using the 300x250 native style) or 300x250 banner ads may serve.

    Learn more about multi-size backfill.

Mix native and banner for Android and iOS app code

To mix native and banner when using the Android & iOS app code option, use the Google Mobile Ads SDK to request an ad that is either native or banner as long as it fits in the given ad unit. Learn more in the developer documentation for Android or iOS.

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