
If you'd like to know more about the Open Bidding feature within Ad Manager, please refer to these articles in the Ad Manager Help Center. For additional information about the Open Bidding product, please use the "?" icon on the top right hand side of your Open Bidding account.

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Learn the basics

Get started with Open Bidding

Prepare your contracts and configurations

Before Open Bidding can begin, there are a few tasks for both demand partners and publishers to complete.

Each publisher and demand partner must have an established contractual relationship with one another. Google is not involved in this contract.

For exchanges and Authorized Buyers

  1. Contact your Google account manager to sign a buyer contract and set up an Open Bidding account.
  2. Configure a customized Open Bidding integration, and send bidder endpoints to your Google account manager to verify that the integration functions correctly.

    This is a one-time process. A separate integration is not required for each publisher partnership.

  3. Secure contracts with publisher partners and include their Ad Manager networks in a pretargeting configuration.

For Ad Manager publishers

  1. A primary (or "mapped") Ad Exchange account is required. This primary account must also be linked to your Ad Manager network and set as the "default for dynamic allocation".
  2. If your Google Ad Manager contract was signed before January 2020, contact your Google account manager to sign an Open Bidding addendum to your contract.
    • This is a one-time process and does not need to be completed for each Open Bidding buyer.
    • You will see "Web" targeting available in Ad Manager yield groups configuration 2-3 business days after the contract addendum is processed by your Google account manager.
      There may not be any yield partners available until you create companies in Ad Manager.
  3. Ensure you have available inventory from Google Publisher Tag (for web), the Google Mobile Ads SDK (for mobile apps), or the IMA SDK (for video), and have integrated your app with the corresponding SDK.

Set up Open Bidding in Ad Manager

  1. Create a company for each demand partner.
  2. Target inventory with a yield group.

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