Optimize revenue and validate changes with Ad Manager opportunities and experiments. You can view the projected or actual revenue impact of changing an Ad Exchange rule or setting, and then decide whether to commit to the change.
- Opportunities are suggestions from Ad Manager for how you might earn more revenue, such as changing a pricing rule or unblocking a general category. You can view the projected revenue impact and decide whether to implement the suggested change.
- Experiments let you use actual network traffic to test how applying changes to your network will impact revenue. You set a fixed impression traffic percentage allocation to see how your change performs compared with the rest of your traffic. You can run an experiment directly from an opportunity or manually create an experiment of your own.
Rely on a Google Certified Publishing Partner’s expertise to optimize your digital content so you can attract the most profitable and relevant advertising.
Find your opportunities
We calculate opportunities based on historical data for your network, and provide fresh suggestions for your network daily in the evening (PST). If you don't see any opportunities, we haven't detected any meaningful optimizations for you that week. Subscribe for email updates to stay updated on new opportunities.
- Sign in to Google Ad Manager.
- Click Optimization, then Opportunities. Available opportunities may also appear on the Insights card of your Overview Home dashboard.
- Click View opportunities for the opportunity type you want to apply.
- Click How this works to see more detailed information about how the opportunity was identified.
- Click Subscribe for email updates to receive an email whenever new opportunities or experiment results become available.
- Specific suggestions are listed in the "Your opportunities" section. Each opportunity suggestion displays metrics to help you evaluate the benefits. Learn more about each opportunity type.
If there are multiple suggestions for the same type of opportunity, the projected metrics are not cumulative. They're displayed separately for you to review and apply.
Projected values are estimates, reference a sample of the overall data, and are not guaranteed.
- Click the specific suggestion you want to apply.
- Click Apply to make the change. You'll be asked to confirm your selection.
- Click Experiment to test this change on a fixed percentage of impression traffic. Learn more about starting experiments from opportunities.
- Click Dismiss to prevent the opportunity from displaying again. We'll ask for feedback so we can improve future recommendations.
Only users with the following user role permissions can find opportunities.
- View ad units, placements, and key-values
- View AdX experiments
- Edit AdX experiments
- Ad Exchange
Opportunity types
Implement anchor and interstitial format to improve monetization.
How this opportunity works
If you have implemented a format on one device type but not another, we then recommend that you expand the format to all devices.
Evaluate this opportunity
We use the past 9 days of data from your network to derive the following values.
- Projected impressions
Impressions = ad requests from pages without the format * median view rate across all publishers
- Projected eCPM
eCPM = median eCPM across all publishers
- Projected weekly revenue lift
Revenue = impressions * eCPM
Apply this opportunity
Click Apply to apply the opportunity to the targeted ad units immediately.
Since Ad Exchange buyers can only buy the native inventory formats you target in Ad Manager, adding more native formats creates new opportunities for buyer competition. This increased demand can result in a positive revenue lift.
How this opportunity works
We look at other publisher networks in your business vertical and recommend native formats that are performing well for your peers. If we find a native format that might improve your revenue, we'll calculate projected lift metrics and suggest you add the format to selected ad units already eligible for Native Ad Exchange traffic.
Evaluate this opportunity
We use the past 30 days of data from your network to predict the values below.
- Projected coverage: The estimated match rate.
Coverage = (Matched requests / Ad requests)
- Projected eCPM: The estimated eCPM.
eCPM = (Revenue / Matched requests) * 1000
- Projected revenue lift: The estimated additional revenue over 7 days.
Revenue = (Forecasted impressions * Coverage * eCPM) / 1000
Opportunities are calculated for entire ad units
These projections assume that your native style will not contain any additional geography or key-value targeting to narrow the ad unit impressions. If you add other targeting to your native style, your results might be different than what is projected.
Apply this opportunity
Click Apply to apply the opportunity to your inventory immediately.
Activating inventory that is not currently eligible to compete in Ad Exchange can help you increase coverage and maximize your revenue.
How this opportunity works
We predict the eCPM for your inventory if you were to allow Ad Exchange to compete for your impressions, and forecast your revenue for the next 30 days. We select the opportunities with the greatest potential revenue lift.
Evaluate this opportunity
We use the past 30 days of data from your network to predict the values below.
- Projected coverage: The projected percentage of ad requests filled by Ad Exchange (fill rate). This projection is based on the fill rates of similar ad units (with similar ad size, geography/country, platform, or syndication type) on Ad Exchange.
Coverage = (Matched requests / Ad requests)
- Projected eCPM: The projected effective cost per thousand impressions for the given ad unit. This projection is based on data for similar ad units (with similar ad size, geography/country, platform, or syndication type) on Ad Exchange.
eCPM = (Revenue / Matched requests) * 1000
- Projected revenue lift: Projected Ad Exchange revenue is calculated as follows, using projected coverage and projected eCPM data as described above, as well as forecasted impressions for ad units that are eligible for Ad Exchange.
Revenue = (Forecasted impressions * Coverage * eCPM) / 1000
Apply this opportunity
When you click Apply, Ad Manager will make the suggested updates to an existing Ad Exchange yield group with compatible targeting. If none exists, a new yield group will be created for you.
Allow Ad Manager to make automatic adjustments to unified pricing rules to improve performance.
How this opportunity works
Target CPM (tCPM) provides an alternative way of setting a floor price that allows for increased fill rate and yield while still maintaining an average minimum price for your inventory. Leveraging Google’s machine learning expertise, target CPM dynamically adjusts the floor price on matching inventory to maximize yield. Learn more about target CPM.
If the sold inventory is not worth the set target CPM, it will not achieve higher or equal CPM.
We use floor threshold as the target CPM, even when the floor is "0". The target CPM-activated rules behave the same as the floor.
Apply this opportunity
Run an experiment on an individual rule or apply the opportunity to your inventory immediately. When you click Apply, target CPM will be activated for the indicated rules:
- Click Apply in the section describing all eligible rules to activate target CPM for all of your unified pricing rules.
- Click Apply beside specific rules in the list to activate target CPM only for those rules.
To stop using target CPM for a rule, manually deactivate it in the individual pricing rule settings and enter a new floor value.
Optimized floors (Beta) uses Google’s machine learning expertise to automatically set floor prices per query that maximize yield, while protecting long-term inventory value.
How this opportunity works
When optimized floor prices is enabled for a unified pricing rule, the floor price is optimized, and makes use of Google’s machine learning model, to maximize long-term revenue. The model adjusts for a bidder's long-term behavior to increase your revenue without compromising long-term inventory value.
Note that optimized floors overrides floors from other overlapping pricing rules, which removes constraints from overlapping rules that may limit optimization potential. However, it won’t override overlapping advertiser-specific floors. This allows you to optimize pricing on inventory, while managing channel conflict with directly sold deals with advertisers.
Learn more about optimized floors.
Apply this opportunity
Run an experiment on an individual rule or click Apply to apply the opportunity to your inventory immediately. When you click Apply, optimized floors is activated for the indicated rules.
To stop using optimized floors for a rule, manually deactivate it in the individual pricing rule settings and enter a new floor or target CPM value.
How this opportunity works
If you have implemented anchor format but have not enabled collapsible anchor, we recommend that you enable this feature to improve anchor format performance.
Evaluate this opportunity
We use the historical revenue uplift for collapsible anchor to project the impact of this feature.
Apply this opportunity
Click Confirm to apply the opportunity to your entire anchor format inventory, which enables the "Enable collapsible anchor ads for mobile web" option in the targeted Inventory Rule.
Only available in Google Ad Manager 360.
This opportunity estimates uplift for enabling the “Prebid for header bidding” setting found when you click Delivery, then Bidders, then Header bidding. Learn more about header bidding trafficking.
How this opportunity works
We generate the uplift estimates using the suggested settings for each bidder, which is based on your existing line item setup.
Evaluate this opportunity
On the card, click View opportunity, then evaluate the projected revenue lift, eCPM, and impressions lift.
Apply this opportunity
To apply the opportunity to your inventory immediately, click Apply.
To start an experiment, click Start experiment and select bidders for your experiment. For more details, visit set up a header bidding experiment.
Opting in to ad technologies can increase demand flowing through the system and drive more revenue, potentially increasing your CPM.
How this opportunity works
We look at which technologies similar publishers by vertical and geo have opted in to, and calculate what percentage of revenue comes from those ad technologies to forecast the revenue impact of opting in to them.
Evaluate this opportunity
We use the past 30 days of data from your network to predict the values below.
- Projected coverage: The estimated match rate.
Coverage = (Matched requests / Ad requests)
- Projected eCPM: The estimated eCPM.
eCPM = (Revenue / Matched requests) * 1000
- Projected revenue lift: The estimated additional revenue over 7 days.
Revenue = (Forecasted impressions * Coverage * eCPM) / 1000
Apply this opportunity
Run an experiment based on this opportunity or click Apply to apply the opportunity to your inventory immediately.
How this opportunity works
Optimized competition allows auction buyers to win impressions that would have previously gone to a reservation line item when they're willing to pay high prices relative to reservations. Increased competition results in auction buyers winning impressions that would have previously gone to a reservation line item, but the low fill rate (typically under 1%) results in limited impact to reservation delivery. Learn more about optimized competition
Evaluate this opportunity
We use 7 days of data from your network to predict the values below.
- Experiment AdX revenue lift: The estimated revenue gain over 7 days.
- Optimized competition eCPM: The eCPM of queries where optimized competition determined the winning buyer.
- Experiment AdX impression lift: The estimated impression gain over 7 days.
Apply this opportunity
Run an experiment based on this opportunity or click Apply to apply the opportunity to your inventory immediately.
Sometimes the open auction or a different deal can be a better fit for your inventory than a deal in which it is currently running.
How this opportunity works
An experiment on live traffic calculates the opportunity. We remove the deal ID on a sample of bid requests to project inventory performance without the deal.
Positive lift suggests that you are earning more currently, while negative lift suggests that you could have earned more with the inventory if you stopped the deal.
Evaluate this opportunity
Up to 6 weeks of data from your network are used to predict the values below.
- Projected impression lift: The estimated number of filled impressions you'll gain over 7 days.
- Projected eCPM lift: The estimated eCPM increase you'll see.
- Projected revenue lift: The estimated additional revenue over 7 days.
In the "Impressions breakdown" table, compare the revenue and fill rate for the impressions affected by this deal. You can also find the revenue lift metric in the table of active deals or on the details page of deals for each buyer.
Apply this opportunity
To immediately apply the opportunity to your inventory, click Apply .
Unblocking advertiser URLs in your existing protections allows more advertisers and buyers to compete for your inventory, which may increase coverage and help you maximize revenue.
How this opportunity works
We review a sample of ad auction results from publishers who don't block this URL to aggregate the average impact of including bids with this advertiser URL. We use this data to estimate the projected revenue impact of unblocking this URL from your inventory.
Run an experiment based on this opportunity or click Apply to apply the opportunity to your inventory immediately.
Unblocking categories allows more advertisers and buyers to compete for your inventory, which increases coverage and helps you maximize your revenue.
How this opportunity works
We find similar publishers by vertical and geo with these categories unblocked and calculate what percentage of revenue comes from the blocked categories to forecast the revenue impact of unblocking them.
Apply this opportunity
Run an experiment based on this opportunity or click Apply to apply the opportunity to your inventory immediately.
Subscribe for email updates about new opportunities
- Sign in to Google Ad Manager.
- Click Home, then Opportunities.
- Click Subscribe for email updates.
Yes. With experiments, you can choose how much of your traffic to allocate toward an experiment, define a time frame, then use the results to make a decision about whether to apply the suggestion to a rule. Optimization works in the background and uses a predictive model to estimate CTR and determine the best ad to serve, and requires no additional setup once activated. Learn more about Optimization