Publisher profiles & Buyer visibility

Make your inventory discoverable by Marketplace buyers

Publisher profiles allow your network's inventory to be discovered in the Marketplace. The Marketplace provides a shopping-like experience for buyers to strike deals on inventory. Buyers can negotiate with your network for Programmatic Guaranteed, Preferred Deal, and Private Auction campaigns.

Sales, then Deals settings allow you to:

Notifications alert people in your network when important events occur during deal negotiations.

Publisher profiles

Every network has a parent publisher profile that represents all the inventory for a network. Child publisher profiles are optional. 

The initial state of a parent publisher profile is unpublished. You can edit, save, and preview a parent profile. To remove your network from the Marketplace, change your buyer visibility settings

Child publisher profiles can be created with unique descriptions and marketing to brand different inventory across your network. For instance, you might own and operate a website for sports apparel and another for business attire. You can brand both these properties differently with different profiles. 

Like parent publisher profiles, you can edit, save, preview, and unpublish child profiles.

To create or edit a publisher profile:

  1. Sign in to Google Ad Manager.
  2. Navigate to Sales, then Deals settings.
  3. Click Publisher profiles.
  4. To create a new profile, click New profile and fill in the details. To edit a profile, click on its name and modify the details.
  5. Click Save.

Publisher information

The "Publisher information" section of the profile settings contains the following:

Setting Description

Profile name visible to Marketplace buyers. A parent publisher profile contains your network name by default.  Profile names can be unique from network names and updated at any time. 

Configure your network name under Admin, then Global settings, and then Network settings.

Sites & Apps

Sites and apps represent the inventory you're authorized to sell. 

  • Most publishers configure sites from Inventory, then URLs
  • Ad Manager publishers can earn revenue with the help of third-party providers using Multiple Customer Management (MCM). With MCM, third-party providers can consult, represent, and manage networks or inventory for the publishers. Implement MCM by adding a child site.
  • Apps come from the active apps configured in Inventory, then Apps.

The parent profile represents all apps and sites in the network, so parent profile settings don’t support adding or removing them.

Child publisher profiles can represent any subset of sites or apps configured for your network. sites or apps in a child profile can be added or removed at any time. 

Sites and apps you select to be part of a child profile are listed within the child profile itself. Parent profiles don’t list individual sites and apps because the parent profile applies to all traffic on your network. However, the “Overview” tab for both parent and child profiles do contain top sites and apps.


You configure the following URLs in your network:


Only "" is available to add to a child profile and shown to Marketplace buyers.

Sites and apps are used in impression estimate overviews. For a parent profile, estimates are based on your network’s configured sites and apps. For child profiles, estimates are based on sites and apps added to a child profile. 


An optional logo can be uploaded to brand your parent profile or child profiles differently.

Images file types can be PNG, GIF, or JPG/JPEG. A 160x160 pixel image is recommended. Test that the image renders well as a 50x50 pixel thumbnail. Brand name doesn’t need to be included in the logo as the name specified for the profile is always visible near the logo image in a profile.

Sample content page URL A URL that is representative of the content for your network or brand.
Inventory included in forecasting

Select which inventory is included in the weekly impression estimate for the profile:

  • Open Auction
  • Open Auction and Preferred Deal
  • All inventory: Includes Open Auction, Preferred Deals, Programmatic Guaranteed, and reservations.

Message to buyers

The “Message to buyers” section in profile settings enables you to summarize your network or brands, and frame your message to buyers, so they can determine whether to do business with your network or brands. Here are the settings:

Setting Description
Introduction Describe the general business of your network or brand, along with the content types your network or brand publishes.
Why partner with us Describe what's unique about your business or brands, and why you're different from others who are in a similar business or publish similar content. Include what buyers can achieve by partnering with you, what unique audiences you reach, or any other benefits.
Headlines Achievements, statistics or metrics that can attract buyers, such as "Rated a Top-10 News Site" or "#1 Gaming Site for 20 Straight Months"
Audience Additional information about the users who visit the sites associated the profile.

Contact information

The “Contact information” section in profile settings includes phone numbers and email addresses. Consider adding a link to a page with contact information. Here are the settings:

Setting Description
Contact for direct deals Enter the contact information for your direct deals. You can include information like names, phone numbers, and email addresses.
Contact for programmatic deals Enter the contact information for your programmatic deals. You can include information like names, phone numbers, and email addresses.
Marketing and sales material Enter the URL to find additional marketing, sales information, a rate card, etc.

Manage profiles

If the profile is "Published," changes are published to the Marketplace and may take from 30 to 60 minutes to populate. From a profile details page, click Preview, then Profile to see what your profile looks like to buyers.

To publish or unpublish a profile:

  1. Sign in to Google Ad Manager.
  2. Navigate to Sales, then Deals settings.
  3. Click Publisher profiles.
  4. Under the "Status" column, toggle between Published and Unpublished.

To remove your network from the Marketplace, change your buyer visibility settings.

Buyer visibility and notifications

 To update buyer visibility and notifications:

  1. Sign in to Google Ad Manager.
  2. Navigate to Sales, then Deals settings.
    The “Settings” tab is selected by default.

Here are the settings:

Setting Description
Buyer visibility

Options are:

  • All buyers can make offers to you (recommended)
  • No buyers can make offers to you
  • Only buyers you specify can make offers to you
  • All buyers except those you specify can make offers to you

When buyer visibility is set to "No buyers can make offers to you," no profile is visible in the Marketplace. If your visibility is set otherwise, then buyers can discover your publisher profile in the Marketplace.

Be sure to specify buyers under the "Only buyers you specify can make offers to you" option or your profiles won't be discoverable. If buyers aren’t added under the "All buyers except those you specify can make offers to you" option, then all buyers can make offers to you.


Enter emails or group aliases. The email or group aliases are added by default under "Seller contacts" for RFPs only. Notifications are sent to those emails when important events occur during negotiation. You can change the seller contacts specified in RFPs.

If emails or group aliases aren’t added, nobody in your network is notified via email when a buyer wants to start negotiation with your network.

Impression estimates

The “Overview” tab contains an impression estimate and is visible to buyers under a similar "Overview" tab in Marketplace. The estimate is based on 7 days of data, aggregated for all sites and apps associated with a profile.

  • For a parent publisher profile, it displays all the sites/URLs in your network that you're authorized to sell.
  • The “Inventory included in forecasting” profile setting determines which inventory is included in the estimate.

To see the "Overview" tab:

  1. Sign in to Google Ad Manager.
  2. Navigate to Sales, then Deals settings, and then Publisher profiles.
  3. Click New profile or click the name of an existing profile.
  4. Click Preview
    The “Overview” tab is selected by default.

Impressions are broken down by data points that help buyers determine if your network is a good fit for their ad campaigns:

  • Demographics (gender, age, and geographic location) of visitors to your digital properties
  • Top sites and apps in terms of impressions
  • Verticals defined on your digital properties (for example,  "Art & Entertainment", "Science", "Home & Garden") 
  • Format (video, display) and device (mobile, tablet)

When a child publisher profile is unpublished, that profile and its "Overview" tab is completely removed from the Marketplace.

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