
Only available in Google Ad Manager 360.

Future sell-through reports

Predict availability across your Ad Manager network

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The future sell-through report predicts availability of impressions for your Google Ad Manager network so you can make sure you're maximizing revenue and sell-through rate (STR). The report displays forecasted, available, and reserved impressions with daily granularity for up to 90 days, or with monthly granularity for up to one year.
Data is updated twice per day but may take up to 36 hours to appear
New line items, or changes to existing line items, since the last update aren't reflected in your future sell-through reports until the next update.

Dimensions and metrics

When you create a new report, select Future sell-through as the report type and the one or more of the following dimensions and metrics:

  • Forecasted impressions
    Total number of projected impressions, including those that have been reserved by existing line items. This metric can also include some unavailable impressions that aren't shown in interactive forecasting.
  • Available impressions
    Number of forecasted impressions that are not reserved by existing line items.
  • Reserved impressions
    Number of forecasted impressions that have been reserved by existing line items.
  • Sell-through rate
    Percentage of forecasted traffic that has been reserved for standard or sponsorship line items.

    Formula: Sell-through rate = (reserved impressions ∕ forecasted impressions × 100)

Included in these reports

  • Ad request sizes: All ad unit sizes included in an ad request display in the report on the same line. This more accurately reflects how many impressions are available for a given tag. For example, if your ad request (or, tag) contains 2 sizes, such as 300x250, 300x600, there will be one row in the report with both sizes. Video ad request sizes are appended with "v", such as "300x250v".
  • Forecast adjustments: Manual and historical adjustments are accounted for in sell-through reports.
  • Geography targeting: Country targeting is available in future sell-through reports.
  • Roadblocks: Impressions for roadblock companion ads and video companions are displayed when you combine the "Ad unit" or "Line item" dimensions with the "Ad unit size" dimension.
  • Non-line item impressions: When a report contains the Line item, Line item type, Advertiser, Order, or Salesperson dimensions, additional rows are included with "-" in the name column to account for impressions attributed to Yield groups or other non-line item objects.

Future sell-through reports and line item forecasts

You should avoid comparing Future sell-through reports with line item forecasts.

When you click Check inventory while creating or viewing a line item, Ad Manager provides a forecast focused on a single line item and can help you maximize the number of impressions for that particular line item and targeting. This is also known as "interactive forecasting". Future sell-through reports, on the other hand, provide a forecast of availability across your entire Ad Manager network to help you determine whether you have space to book more line items.

Learn more about the significant differences to keep in mind.

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