As a Groups administrator, you can update details about any group in your organization, whether or not you created the group. This information includes group names, email addresses, descriptions, aliases, members, and access settings.
Rename a group
Using the Admin console
Sign in with an administrator account to the Google Admin console.
If you aren’t using an administrator account, you can’t access the Admin console.
- Click the name of a group.
- On the left, click Rename Group.
- Enter a new name.
- Click Save.
Change a group’s email address, description, or alias
Using the Admin console
Sign in with an administrator account to the Google Admin console.
If you aren’t using an administrator account, you can’t access the Admin console.
- Click the name of a group.
Click Group information.
- To edit group information, click Edit
in the upper right across from Group details or Aliases.
If you change a group's email address in the Admin console, the previous address gets added as an email alias. Changing the email address won’t delete emails sent to and from the group. Learn more about editing email aliases.
Update more settings at Google Groups
Using Google Groups
Requires turning on Groups for Business
At Google Groups, you can update the following settings, many of which aren't available in your Admin console:
- General—Group name, email address, and other basic settings you can make in the Admin console. Plus features like a welcome message or making the group a Collaborative Inbox.
- Member privacy—What personal identification that members must supply or display, or who can contact group owners.
- Posting policies—Who can post or attach files, a default sender address for the group, whether messages are moderated, posting restrictions for new members, and much more.
- Email options—Adding an email footer to messages sent from the group, auto-replies to incoming messages, and more.
- Member moderation—Who can add or remove members, or create custom roles or permissions for the group.
For details, go to Update a group’s settings.
If you change a group's email address in Google Groups, the previous address does not get added as an email alias.
Change access settings
Using the Admin console
As an administrator, you can edit group access settings in the Admin console. Access settings control what group members can do in a group, based on their role and your organization's sharing options.
Sign in with an administrator account to the Google Admin console.
If you aren’t using an administrator account, you can’t access the Admin console.
- Click the name of a group.
- Click Access Settings to review the settings for group members.
- Scroll down on the page to see who can join the group and whether external members are allowed.
- In the upper right corner of the Access type section, click Edit
- Choose a group access type—Public, Team, Announcement only, or Restricted.
Each type includes predefined permissions for group owners, managers, and members, as well as whether the group is open to the entire organization or people outside the organization. - (Optional) To customize the access settings, click the table cells to select or deselect an option. Customizing any options changes the group access type to Custom.
Refer to the following table for setting descriptions:Setting
Access settings
Determine what people can do in the group. You can also set role-based permissions for the group in Google Groups at Learn more about group roles.
The External category includes anyone outside your organization. External people can be group members or non-members.
- Who can contact group owners—Specifies who can directly email group owners.
- Who can view conversations—Specifies who can view conversations posted in the group. Non-members outside of your organization (External) can only view conversations if Groups for Business sharing options are set to Public on the Internet.
- Who can post—Specifies who can publish messages to the group.
- Who can view members—Specifies who can view group members.
- Who can join the group—Specifies who can add people, invite people, and approve requests for the group.
Who can join the group
Select how to add people to the group:
- Anyone in the organization can ask—People in the organization must ask and then be approved before they can join the group.
- Anyone in the organization can join—People in the organization can add themselves to the group directly.
- Only invited users—People can join the group only if they’re invited.
Allow members outside your organization
Turn this setting off to prevent external people from being added to the group. Or, turn it on to allow external people in the group.
If you’re an administrator, you can always add external people to groups in the Google Admin console, regardless of the external membership setting.
- Click Save.