About automatic licensing for organizational units

Applies to Google Workspace, Cloud Identity, and other services managed in the Google Admin console.

Depending on your organization structure and Google services, you might be able to override your top-level organization’s automatic licensing setting for individual organizational units. For example, if you have Business Standard automatic licensing turned on for your top-level organization, you can override that setting and turn it off for one or more lower-level organizational units. You can also set different options for a parent organizational unit and any children.

When can you use automatic licensing?

To set automatic licensing at the organizational unit level, both of the following conditions must be true:

  • At least one organizational unit under your top-level organizational unit
  • A subscription to more than one Google service

If you have:

  • A subscription to a paid service and a free one (such as Business Standard and free Cloud Identity)—You can only set automatic licensing at the organization level for the paid service.
  • One primary Google subscription and one or more secondary services (such as Business Standard plus Google Vault add-on)—You can set automatic licensing at the organization level for one of the secondary services, but not the primary subscription.
  • No lower-level organizational units and multiple paid subscriptions—You can see that automatic licensing is turned on for one paid subscription, but you can’t change this.

When you inherit or override a setting

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Any organizational unit below the top level is set to inherit the automatic licensing setting of its parent. In the Google Admin console, “inherit” means to take the same setting (on or off) as the parent.

You can, however, override a parent setting and set the automatic licensing option independently.

How automatic licensing affects existing users

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