Add & set up AppSheet for Google Workspace

If Google AppSheet isn’t included in your edition of Google Workspace, you can add it. 

Before you begin

Add an AppSheet Core or Enterprise Plus subscription

Charges for an AppSheet subscription are included in your monthly Google Workspace invoice.

  1. Sign in with a super administrator account to the Google Admin console.

    If you aren’t using a super administrator account, you can’t complete these steps.

  2. At the left, click Google Workspace add-ons.
  3. Go to AppSheet Enterprise Plus or AppSheet Core and click Get Started.
  4. Follow the instructions to review the pricing and payment plan and select your payment method.
    • If you purchase an annual plan, enter the number of licenses. You are charged upfront for the licenses.
    • If you purchase a flexible plan, you're charged for a single license. If you assign any additional licenses later, you pay for them then.
  5. (Optional) To assign additional licenses, go to Assign AppSheet licenses to users.
  6. If you purchased AppSheet Core, go to Control access using the AppSheet Core security setting.

Control access using the AppSheet Core security setting

This section applies to AppSheet Core admins only. AppSheet Enterprise Plus users can control access to features using AppSheet governance policies.

Use the AppSheet Core security setting to disable the following features for all users in your organization that have AppSheet Core licenses:

  • Sharing AppSheet apps and databases with external app users
  • Connecting to external app data
  • Automation emails to external recipients
  • External integration through the app API
  • Webhooks

The sharing with external app users restriction applies to the app itself and doesn't necessarily restrict automation events that are triggered by changes made to external sources (e.g., automations triggered by submissions to a Google Form by external users).

App owners can configure their apps in ways that prevent AppSheet from identifying who is triggering the automation event. It is always the app owner's responsibility to ensure that external sources comply with their organizational rules and policies as well as AppSheet terms of service.

Customers with AppSheet Enterprise Plus can configure policies to limit external triggers based on the data source type or event type. See Predefined policy templates.

The AppSheet Core security setting applies only to Workspace users in the primary domain, and not to users in secondary domains such as tenant domains or Workspace allow-listed domains. Workspace users in secondary domains are considered to be external app users. If the setting is turned on, all AppSheet Core users can share their apps only with other Workspace users in the same primary domain. 

For more granular governance, an AppSheet Enterprise license is required.

Turn the AppSheet Core security setting on or off

To turn the AppSheet Core security setting on or off:

  1. In the Admin console, go to Menu > Apps > Google Workspace.
  2. Select AppSheet Core license security settings.
  3. Select Turn on AppSheet Core security or Turn off AppSheet Core security.


For AppSheet Core app creators:

  • If the setting is turned on, you'll receive a Workspace AppSheet Core security violation error if you use any disabled features in your app. Remove the disabled features from your app or contact your Workspace administrator for more information and assistance.
  • If you get an OutgoingEmailAllowListViolations error in Audit History, there are two possible issues:
    • There is a restriction on the the recipient list for outgoing mail
    • Sending email to external recipients is turned off by the security setting

      To address this issue, adjust the restricted recipient list or turn off the AppSheet Core Security setting. Users that can’t make these changes themselves should contact their Workspace Administrator for assistance.

Related topics

Need help building AppSheet apps? Go to the AppSheet Help Center.

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