Group elements

A group is a set of elements that you can easily copy. Each copy of the group is called an instance, and behaves like a single object. Instances of a group are always identical—any changes made to the group are automatically reflected in all instances of that group.

Groups are listed in the Library panel, just like other assets.

You can wrap elements to treat them as a single object without creating a group.

Groups Overview

Create a group

  1. Select the element or elements you want to include in the group.
  2. Use one of the following methods to create the group:
    • Select Edit > Create group... from the top menu.
    • Press F8.
    • Right-click your selection and choose Create Group... from the pop-up menu.
  3. Name the group.
  4. Click OK. The Library now lists the group, and your selected elements on the stage make up the first instance of the group.

If an element in the group is a Tap Area or another component with metric events, you should specify an ID in the Properties panel for each instance of the group.

Add a new group instance

There's more than one way to add an instance of a group:

  • Drag the group from the Library panel to the stage.
  • Copy and paste an instance of the group that's already on the stage.

Edit a group

  • On the stage:
    1. Double-click an instance of the group.
    2. Make your changes.
    3. When you're finished, double-click outside of the group.
  • In group editing mode:
    1. Right-click the group and select Edit from the pop-up menu. In group editing mode, the stage clears to display only elements in the group.
    2. Make your changes.
    3. To exit group editing mode, click the first Div in the breadcrumbs at the lower left corner.

Your edits affect every instance of the group. To avoid this, you can break apart a group instance or duplicate the group.

Rename a group

  1. Open the Library panel.
  2. Double-click the group in the Library. The group name becomes editable.
  3. Enter the new name and press Enter.

Delete a group

  1. Open the Library panel.
  2. Right-click the group in the Library and select Delete from the pop-up menu. All instances of the group are removed from the document.

If you delete every instance of a group from the document, the group still exists in the Library for future use.

Break apart a group instance

  1. Right-click the group instance.
  2. Select Break apart from the pop-up menu.

The elements that made up the group instance remain on the stage, but they're no longer associated with the group.

Duplicate a group

  1. Open the Library panel.
  2. Right-click the group in the Library and select Duplicate from the pop-up menu.
  3. Name the new group.

Changes you make to the new group won't affect the original group.

Groups and events

When a group contains both the target element and the receiver element of an event, all instances of the group include that event.
If you want to target a specific group instance for an event, give the instance an ID. (IDs for group instances are unique, unlike other properties.)

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