The Tap Area component

This component is not supported for AMPHTML adsvideo ads, or image ads.

The Tap Area component is a transparent element you can position over any part of the screen, which lets the user trigger an action with a touch or mouse click.

To add the Tap Area component to your project:

  1. Open the Components panel, then the Interaction folder.
  2. Drag the Tap Area Tap Area component icon component to the stage. The component is transparent to the user, so you may want to position it over a visible element that lets the user know where to click or tap, or resize the component to cover the entire page.
  3. Right-click the component and select Add event... to set up an event that triggers the action you want when a user taps or clicks the Tap Area. In the Event dialog:
    1. For the event, select Tap Area > Touch/Click.
    2. For the action, select the action you want.
    3. For the receiver, select the element that's associated with the action.
    4. Depending on the action, you may need to set additional configuration options.

For mobile device compatibility, use the Tap Area > Touch/Click event instead of Mouse > click.

Using a Tap Area component to create a call to action (CTA)

For dynamic ads: Learn how to add a dynamic call to action.

  1. Be sure your ad has a button or other clear visual call-to-action element for the user to click or touch.
  2. Drag the Tap Area component from the Interaction folder of the Components panel to the stage, and position it over the call to action.
  3. Click the new event button  in the Events panel.
  4. In the event dialog, select the following options:
    Target The Tap Area component (gwd-taparea_1)
    Event Tap Area > Touch/Click

    Google Ad > Exit ad

    Note: A similar action, Exit ad (overrides URL), doesn't allow you to modify the URL outside of the creative, such as within Studio or Campaign Manager 360, and should only be used for dynamic ads.

    Receiver gwd-ad
    • Metrics ID - A label (e.g., "CTA") to make reports easier to understand.
    • URL - The exit URL.
    • Collapse on exit - For expandable ads, check to collapse the ad when the user closes the ad.
    • Pause media on exit - Check to stop video and audio playback when the user closes the ad.
    • Collapsed page on exit - For expandable ads, the page to show when the user closes the ad.
Google Ads and Google AdMob ads have limitations on modifying clickability.

Events and actions

Events sent by the Tap Area component

You can trigger other actions based on the following Tap Area component events:

Event Description
Touch/Click Sent when the user touches (mobile) or clicks (desktop) the component.

To select this event in the Event dialog, set the Tap Area component as the target.

Learn how to configure events.


This component can't be previewed inside the Google Web Designer interface. To see the component in action, preview your document in your preferred browser by clicking the Preview button in the upper right corner.

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