Use Vault to search Google Voice

Google Vault is for administrators and legal personnel. Before you can use Vault, your Google Workspace admin must set up your account. Who is my administrator?

As part of your Google Workspace data eDiscovery projects, you can use Vault to search Google Voice for Google Workspace text messages, voicemails and their transcripts, and call log events. You can also review file contents and participants, and create an export of your search results.

Things to know before you search

Before you search for Voice data, we recommend you review the Voice data supported in Vault and the Vault Search FAQ.

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Search for Voice data

  1. Sign in to
  2. Click Matters. You search for data in matters, which are workspaces for your Vault projects. Matters let you group related holds, searches, and exports. Matters don't restrict what data you can search—all data that you are allowed to access is searchable from any matter.
  3. If the matter you want to run the search query in exists, click it to open it. Otherwise, create a matter:
    1. Click Create.
    2. Enter a name for the matter and, optionally, a description.
    3. Click Create.

    The Search tab opens.

  4. For the service, select Voice.
  5. Select the source data to search:
    • All data—Search all data in your organization.
    • Held data—Search only data on hold for the matter.
  6. Select the entity to search:
    • Specific accounts—Enter up to 5,000 account email addresses.
    • Organizational unit—Search all accounts in a specific organizational unit. In the dialog that opens, select an organizational unit.

      If you choose an organizational unit with child organizational units, accounts in the child organizational units are also searched.

  7. (Optional) Select the kind of data you want to search. By default, Vault searches all supported Voice data types. To exclude a data type, uncheck the box.
  8. (Optional) Select a time zone.
  9. (Optional) Enter a range for Date sent.

    Note: If you enter dates, Vault returns data in that date range.

    • If you enter a start date, Vault returns Voice data created on or after that date.
    • If you enter an end date, Vault returns Voice data created on or before that date.
  10. (Optional) To specify one or more search terms, use Terms . Use search operators for complex searches.
  11. Click one of the following:
    • Search—Run your search and return a list of messages that match your query.
    • Export—Directly export the search results and skip the search results preview. Learn more about exports.
  12. After your search or export completes, you can take the following actions:
    • To edit your search, click Expand.
    • To open a preview of a file, click the file.
    • To create an export of your search results, click Export. Learn more
    • To save your query, click Save. Learn more
    • To clear all fields and start a new search, click Clear.

Preview Voice search results

You can preview Voice data search results before you export them.

Icon Type of data available for preview
Text or MMS message with sender and recipient phone numbers. Preview and exports include message text and any attachments.
Speech-to-text transcription (if available) of a voicemail. You can download the audio recording of the message, and use third-party software to play it on your local computer.
Log entry for a call answered by a Voice user in your organization:
  • This includes phone numbers for both parties in the call (except for incoming calls where caller ID is blocked).
  • Calls between 2 Voice users in your organization have both incoming and outgoing log entries.
Log entry for a call placed by a Voice user in your organization:
  • This includes phone numbers for both parties in the call.
  • Calls between 2 Voice users in your organization have both incoming and outgoing log entries.
Log entry for an incoming Voice call that wasn't answered.

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