The trash can is a temporary holding area for accounts and containers before they are deleted from Google Tag Manager. Accounts and containers are moved to the trash can and held for 30 days before they are permanently deleted.
The trash can shows a list of items that are marked for deletion, the user who marked them for deletion, and the date they will be permanently deleted. To restore an item, select it and move it out of the trash can.
When you restore an account all of its containers are restored with it. Any containers that were individually moved to the trash can will not be automatically restored with account restoration. The restoration of an account or container automatically restores all components of the containers (workspaces, tags, triggers, variables, etc.)
Delete an account
To delete an account:
- Click Admin
Account Settings.
- Click More Settings
and select Delete.
Delete a container
To delete a container:
- Click Admin
Container Settings.
- Click More Settings
and select Delete.
Restore an account or container
To restore an account or container:
- Click Trash Can at the bottom of the Accounts screen. A list of items marked for deletion will appear. Note: The Trash Can will only appear if it contains 1 or more items.
- Click the item to be restored and then click Restore.
- To make a restored container functional again, you will need to republish the container.
Export a deleted container
Deleted containers may be exported while they remain in the Trash Can:
- Click Trash Can at the bottom of the Accounts screen. A list of items marked for deletion will appear. Note: The Trash Can will only appear if it contains 1 or more items.
- Click the container to be exported.
- Click Export.