Cancel or transfer your Preferred Care plan

If you want to stop payment for Preferred Care services or you want to give your coverage ownership and device to someone else, follow the steps below:

You can get Preferred Care plans in the United States, Canada, UK and Japan.

Cancel your plan and get a refund

If you no longer need Preferred Care, you can cancel at any time. Please note that after cancelling a device's Preferred Care plan, you will not be able to re-enrol the cancelled device into Preferred Care.

Cancel monthly plan

  1. Sign in to the account that you used to buy the plan.
  2. Go to Google Store Preferred Care account hub.
  3. In 'Covered devices', find the item with the plan that you want to cancel.
  4. Click More More and then Cancel plan.
  5. To cancel your plan, follow the instructions displayed.

Cancel two-year fixed plan

To cancel a two-year Preferred Care plan, contact customer support.


  • Within 30 days of plan purchase: If you haven't filed a claim, you can get a full refund for Preferred Care.
  • After 30 days of plan purchase: You can get a prorated refund for Preferred Care.

For more details on cancellation and refund, check the Preferred Care Terms and Conditions.

Transfer Preferred Care ownership

In Japan:

  • You can't transfer Preferred Care to a different phone. Your plan covers only the phone that it was purchased for.
  • You can't transfer Preferred Care plans to a new owner.

Get a refund for a returned phone

If you return your phone to Google within 14 days of purchase:

  • We'll automatically cancel your Preferred Care plan.
  • We'll refund you the full price of the plan.

However, any warranty claims paid up until the cancellation date will be deducted from the full refund.

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